Saturday, September 10, 2011

Exercise and PVC's

While I am waiting for my next cardiologist appointment I thought I would do some more research into PVC's and exercise.  Found some interesting reading at:Tips for Exercising with PVC's

1 - Oxygen - the concept of lack of oxygen with exercise is interesting.  First, I do suffer from asthma, which is an issue when exercising.  The med - Singulair has helped with that.  But, I do feel the concept of breathing exercises would be an item I should research.

2 - Feeling PVC's?  - I do not feel PVC's when resting as some people do - only exercise.  From my last echo-stress test, I saw that my PVC's started around 85 & were more common at 95-105 for my heart rate.  The lower PVC's would fall into the bigeminy class (every other beat).  Again, the only run I had was at a heart rate of 129, when I had three in a row and that is when the nurses stopped the test.
Found this at : Advice for Exercise with PVC's  The labeling I found interesting was "Stress-induced PVC's"

3 - Found another great article at - MD Guidlines - Ventricular Premature Contractions
I found this statement to be of help:
"Premature ventricular contractions may be associated with stress, fatigue, excess caffeine, alcohol or nicotine consumption, lack of oxygen to tissues or organs (ischemia), low oxygen levels (hypoxia), or electrolyte imbalance, in particular, low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia). Both prescription and illicit drugs may be associated with PVCs. The arrhythmia may also be a symptom of a heart attack or other cardiac disease."

I found this also reinforces the concept of "oxygen"  levels.  Going back to my cardiac rehab days, my PVC's would always get worse when I was exercising & talking to a nurse while I exercised.  That would interfere with my breathing and cause STRESS!

My next research with be breathing exercises, found some at:
University of Missouri - Breathing Exercises

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