Friday, September 23, 2011

Exercise and PVC's

It has been about 3 weeks since my last echo-stress test & I am still exercising & experiencing PVC's.  I try to walk every day(mix in a 30 second jog if I feel frisky) and my Polar Heart Monitor indicates PVC's when I get my heart rate around 95-100.  I noticed during my stress test, they popped up around a heart rate of 85, a few, then some regular bigeminy.  Like I said earlier, they stopped the test at 129, because I was have 3 in a row & that is where the nurses are told to stop.  My goal rate is 139 for my age - 58.

So, I try to exercise at a rate of 90-100, and if my monitor starts to beep, I back down to around 90.  What I feel is like my heart cannot go any faster.  I explain to people it is like having bad gasoline in the car, when you hit 60-70 mph the car starts to hesitate.  That is what my PVC's feel like.  Found an interesting article on causes of PVC's  - What causes PVC's

Many causes and I am still looking for mine!!!

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