Thursday, September 1, 2011

Make My Day - Recovering From Open Heart Surgery!

Today when I checked my blog I had a comment from a new follower!  Someone that I have never met face-to-face!  With the magic of the internet, you are able to communicate with the world!

Today I thought I would take the time to review what I think are some of the keys to recovering from Open Heart Surgery!  Here we go......

Keys to Recovering From Open Heart Surgery

1 - STAY POSITIVE! - Easier said then done!  Surround yourself with positive people.  Find people that have had Open Heart Surgery and talk to them about their recovery.  Call & visit people that uplift you.  NOT those people that complain, moan & groan about life!
2 - OPEN HEART BUDDIES - this is really a follow-up on #1 (make sure they are positive!)  These people have had open heart surgery and can tell you how they battle through the recovery period.  I would meet my buddies (Shuman & Engleman) for lunch and we would sit & talk - Heart, families, life, retirement, sports, &  many other topics!
3 - STUDY THE HEART - Learn as much as you can about the human heart!  The internet has a wealth of information!  Also, medications, healthy diet, exercise, and other topics.
4 - RETURN TO NORMAL! - Try to get back to what is a "normal" routine.  I went back to work, coaching, mowing the grass, cleaning, and other activities.  BUT, eliminate the BAD habits - BAD diet, LACK of exercise, STRESS!  This is very difficult!  One of my problem was I was too busy & did not focus on myself - diet & exercise!
5 - FAITH - this is difficult for many.  First, do you attend church.  Do you have a relationship with God?  And devote time each day to you faith. I remember before my surgery trying to relax and enter the surgery in a positive manner.  Visually, I tried to picture God's hands guiding my surgeons hands!

There is not a simple answer to this question.  But, so much is your ATTITUDE!

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