Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Member of Zipper Club

Tomorrow I will take a trip to my home town!  A few weeks back we enjoyed my 40th reunion from high school - "Class of 1971"!  Of course, the conversation has changed over the years, new job, change jobs, & retirement.  No kids, raising kids, & grand kids!  Softball injuries, skiing injuries, & now open heart surgery!

Yes, I have a new member of my "zipper club"!  Rob, just had open heart surgery a few weeks ago & I told him to call when he is home!  So, tomorrow I become the "Old Pro"!  Was only a few months ago when I was asking the questions!

How does you chest feel?
Does your leg bother you where they removed the artery?
Are you sleeping?
Did you start cardiac rehab?
How does it feel when you sneeze?

Tomorrow, Rob will ask the questions & I will give the answers!  And most of all, just listen to a new buddy in the "Zipper Club"!

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