Monday, October 24, 2011

Second Week on Change of Meds for PVC's

I just finished my second week on the change for the medicine that I am on for PVC's.  Again, here is what I take each day.

For NON Heart Issues:

Singulair - 10 mg - 1 per day (this is for my allergies & asthma)
Aciphex - 20 mg - 1 per day (this is for my stomach issues)

Now the heart issues:
Bayer (low dose) Aspirin - 81 mg - 1 per day - (was taking this before my open heart surgery)
Lipitor - 40 mg -1 per day - (was taking 10 mg before the open heart surgery)
Plavix - 75 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Amlodipine - 5 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Metoprolol - 25 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery) (THIS WAS THE CHANGE)

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The change was the metoprolol for the PVC's.  I have been on 25 mg for 2 weeks now and seem to be doing OK.  Today I walked for 51 minutes & had no noticeable PVC's on my heart rate monitor.  I seemed to feel a few (this for me is the difficult part - some people feel them a lot easier than I do)  Today I had the heart rate up to 109 on the hills during my walk.  The range was from 71 to start, up to as high as 109.  Before, I would see the monitor go crazy in the 90-95 heart rate range.

So, the experiment continues!  I will contact my heart doctor next week to see what he thinks about my data!


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