Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve 2011

What a difference a year makes!  My focus this week has been looking back on last year.  Last year my focus was the "Thanks" in Thanksgiving!  And I focused on the "3 F's in My Life!"

Family - I am blessed why an incredible family!  And a new daughter-in-law Erliza!  And a new daughter-in-law Kristen October 2012!

Friends - from old friends to new friends, old neighbors to new neighbors, and co workers old & new!  I had many people thinking of me & praying for me!

Faith - Do not know how people survive life without faith!  My church visiting and praying for me!  My Pastor Dave a great spiritual leader & incredible friend!  A family strong in the faith (and a wife that has always been a wife that has strengthen my faith!  And a story of a God that loves me in sickness & in health!

And their is a fourth F for Thanksgiving!  Football!  Along with great food & family there is Thanksgiving Football!  What does Thursday look like:

In the NFL:
12:30 Packer vs. Lions GO PACKERS!
4:15 Miami vs. Dallas
8:20  49er's vs. Ravens

In college football:
8:00  Texas vs. Texas A&M

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