Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back to Coaching

Last year I was waiting for my open heart surgery!  One of the first things I new I would miss was coaching track & field in our schools indoor track & field season!  Well, I'M BACK!  We just finished our first week of practice and the new heart did great!

One of the most important things when recovering from any kind of surgery is getting back to a normal routine (WITHIN REASON)  As I have said in previous entries, one of my issues was being too busy!  Now that I am retired, I am able to pick & choose my activities!

I returned back to work, started coaching again, back to church council, and was able to retire!  After one year, I am attempting to choose what I want to do!  So what is my schedule now?

Coaching track & field
Volunteering for our church
Working part time - 5-10 hours a week
Mr. Mom at home - cleaning, washing, etc (till my wife retires)
Exercise Daily
Research my history of my home town

I need to be careful - sometimes I can't say NO!

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