Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Spending 35 years in education and being a student for another 16, one always looks forward to the time between Christmas & New Years.  What is on your list of things to door this week?  Here is what we are doing:

1 - Spending time with family - this is something we always do and this year is special having Jared(our oldest son) and his wife Erliza.  Spending time together, went to the movies together, to church together, out to eat together, or just a movie on TV!

2 - Watching football together!  Both sons have been over to watch football, a BIG family tradition!  All the bowl games(and there are many) and the final games for the NFL!

3 - Sleeping late - the dogs are even letting us sleep till 7 AM!!!!

4 - Reading books!  Usually for Christmas my wife & I get books for each other.  The one I am reading now is "Killing Lincoln".  A great read!  I love history & I am discovering more details about the Civil War & the assassination of Lincoln.

5 - Taking back gist that did not fit or using gift cards we got for Christmas!  Today I dropped off Sue and parked about a mile away!  Waited in the card, she called when she was done(Thank God for cell phones!)

6 - An of course New Year Eve & New Years Day.  New Years Eve at Willow Valley where Sue works with the residents & usually time with our old neighborhood.  And of course New Years Day Football & Pork & Sauerkraut!

What are you doing this week!

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