Monday, December 12, 2011

TWAS The Night Before Open Heart By-Pass Surgery!

One year ago today I was watching the last NFL football game of the day.  Trying to relax & focus on my approach to my open heart by-pass surgery!  As many people can relate to, major surgery happens one of two ways - you have time to prepare or it is emergency surgery.  I had time to prepare!

After my heart cath 3 weeks earlier I found I needed open heart by-pass surgery.  My surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks later!  I had three weeks to prepare.  Three weeks to learn.  Three weeks to talk to my buddies that had open heart.  Three weeks to prepare mentally!!!!

The night before I decided of a game plan.  First, I needed the surgery - I HAD NO CHOICE!  Without it I probably would not be around next year!  I would not see another Christmas, New Year, or my son's wedding!  I would not play another round of golf with my sons.  I would miss coaching another track team & a young man that would become the Lancaster-Lebanon League Track & Field Pole Vault Champion!  My retirement, time with my loving wife, a sunset or sunrise, and many other life experiences!

And second, I needed to be positive.  There are thousands that have this surgery every year - the doctors know what they are doing!  My doctor is one of the BEST!  The hospital has a great medical staff!  And I have many friends & relatives praying for me!

And speaking of praying!  Being a coach for over 30 years, I have constantly stressed visualizing during an athletic event!  If you are pole vaulter, picture yourself jumping a perfect jump!  Running down the runway, planting the pole, flying over the crossbar and landing softly on the mat!

My visual was God's hands holding the surgeon's hands as the operation proceeded.  Guiding the surgeon every step of the way! A perfect operation!  That was my thought as I drifted of into sleep one year ago today!

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