Saturday, January 22, 2011

Open Heart Surgery Support

Looking for ideas for support & open heart surgery. So far, the best support I have is from a few buddies that have been through open heart surgery. Just like everything else in life, to talk to others that have been through similar problems - just seems for real!

A couple coaching buddies - Terry Shuman & Terry Engleman have been great to talk to and share similar issues. I have looked at Facebook - Open Heart Surgery - "The Zipper Club", but just can't get into the social networking scene.

Found a national organization - It is an old organization that has been around for over 60 years! The web site - provides a lot of good info & I need to see if we have a local group.

As I get close to retirement, I wouldn't mind attending or helping with a support group in the Lancaster area. I will check out what Lancaster General has to offer & the Cardiac Rehab.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What causes premature ventricular contractions?

In my research on premature ventricular contractions (PVC) I found the following article at this web site:

Causes of premature ventricular contractions

What causes premature ventricular contractions?

There are many causes of premature ventricular contractions, which include:

  • heart attack; (I did not have a heart attack)

  • high blood pressure; (I do not have high blood pressure)

  • cardiomyopathy, including congestive heart failure; (Did not have congestive heart failure)

  • disease of heart valves such as mitral valve prolapse; (Heart Valves are good)

  • hypokalemia (low blood levels of potassium), and hypomagnesemia (low blood levels of magnesium), hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia can occur, for example, in patients taking diuretics (water pills); (This I need to check)

  • hypoxia (low amounts of oxygen in the blood), for example, hypoxia occurs with lung diseases such as emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); (This should not be a problem)

  • medications such as digoxin (Lanoxin), aminophylline (Phyllocontin, Truphylline), tricyclic antidepressants, and ephedrine containing, decongestants; (Need to check all the medications I am taking)

  • excessive intake of alcohol; (Not an issue)

  • excess caffeine intake; (Have been off caffeine since November)

  • stimulant drug use such as cocaine, and amphetamines; (Not an issue)

  • myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) and cardiac contusion (heart muscle injury), and (This may be an issue, because of all the work on my heart - 5 bypasses)

  • premature ventricular contractions also occur in healthy individuals without heart diseases.(This looks like the problem just happens!)

So, what are my possible issues?

hypokalemia (low blood levels of potassium), and hypomagnesemia (low blood levels of magnesium), hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia can occur, for example, in patients taking diuretics (water pills); (This I need to check)

medications such as digoxin (Lanoxin), aminophylline (Phyllocontin, Truphylline), tricyclic antidepressants, and ephedrine containing, decongestants; (Need to check all the medications I am taking)

myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) and cardiac contusion (heart muscle injury), and (This may be an issue, because of all the work on my heart - 5 bypasses)

premature ventricular contractions also occur in healthy individuals without heart diseases.(This looks like the problem just happens!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Electricity & Your Heart

Time for another lesson on your Heart. Here is what I have learned so far. And I'm keeping it simple, because I need to for myself!

There are two main parts of your heart when it comes to electricity - the SA Node and the AV node. SA(sinoatrial) Node and AV(atrioventricular) Node.

The SA node is located in the upper part of the heart. It sets the rhythm of your pulse. It is a group of cells that generate an electrical current. The SA node sends out a charge in intervals of say every second, that would be 6o beats per minute, that would be low. Mine is usually resting around 72, which I think is normal? Whenever the SA node sends out a charge that initiates the heartbeat.

The AV node is in the lower section of the heart.(I think that is where my issue is - will find out more next Tuesday). This AV node is a bundle of cells that sets the rhythm of your heart contractions. If this is off, the rhythm of the heart is off and with too many triggers, the right atrium can't contract fully each time, meaning it never gets a full pump of blood into right ventricle, and the body gets deprived of blood. (I think this may be my issue, the nurses always ask me if I feel light headed)

Well that is my simple diagnosis! I know the internet is a dangerous place, but is fun to try your doctor crazy!

The ironic thing is out 2nd car, the family van is having electrical problems, my diagnosis for this is the alternator? We will see if we can fix the car & my heart!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Over the Hurdle & Plumbing Looks Good

Had my second Heart Cath in my life! (Getting pretty good at these) Today they were going in to look at the by-passes(remember I had 5) to see if the blood was flowing. After the doctor (Rupal P. Dumasia, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I.), did the heart cath he said all the by-passes were working well! He did a great job of explaining what he was looking at and the condition of the by-pass. Again the recovery went well and I was home by 4:00 PM. That was 6 1/2 hours. That was a lot faster than at Lancaster Regional. At Regional they have you in recovery a lot longer, so you do not bleed from where the device goes in at your groin area.

Next up is Tuesday, January 25th, an appointment with Dr. Worley at the Heart Group.

Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another Hurdle

Looks like I have another hurdle - I need to go to Lancaster General tomorrow for another Heart Cath. The results of the Eco-Stress Test were not good. The extra heart beat was still there when I pushed my heart to around 120. The goal was to get my heart rate up to 139-140, but they had me stop when I started to add that extra beat! They stopped the stress test and had the cardiologist look at the results. He said they will need to go in & have a look with the Heart Cath. He said one of the by-passes may not be good. So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers for another big day! This is where the positive attitude must be on the top of the list!

Monday, January 17, 2011

5 Weeks After Surgery - Cardiologist Visit

Today was the visit to my cardiologist to see about my extra heart beats that appeared during my cardiac rehab. After a brief visit, here is the new game plan:

Tuesday, January 18 - (MAYBE if we can schedule - they will call Tuesday AM) I will be scheduled for a Stress Eco-cardiogram. The results will be sent straight to Dr. Worley.

Wednesday, January 19 - 3:45 - meet again with Dr. Worley & go over results.

Thursday, Janauary 20 - (MAYBE) Back to cardiac rehab

A lot of MAYBES in there, all depends on the results & if they are able to schedule.

Dr. Worley did take me off Zetia(for my chloesterol) and double my Lipitor from 10 to 20 mg.
He was not impressed with results from Zetia.

Found this article on Zetia

"Merck and Schering-Plough, which make the drug, Zetia, and a pill that contains it, Vytorin, said Monday morning that Zetia had failed to benefit patients in a two-year trial that ended in April 2006,� reported in Alex Berenson in the NY Times."

So if you are on Zetia, I would check it out and ask some questions. It looks like the Heart Group are not big fans of the drug! My Family doctors had me on Zetia, but I'm going with the advice of the Heart Group - they are the specialists.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Time to Focus - The Next Hurdle

Monday is approaching and I hope to find out what the extra heart beats are all about? Meeting with Dr. Worley, who is cardiologist that specializes on my issue. If you read his bio, I could not in better hands. Click on his name and he is the last doctor on the list - Dr. Worley.

If all goes well I should be able to get back into rehab this week! The hardest part this week was again the waiting game. I was just getting into the rehab & working out again, and I'm on the "injury list" again. I know my cousin George can relate to this! He has had many setbacks with his health issues & is a great role model for me! THANKS GEORGE!

The appointment with Dr. Worley is at 3:45 PM, Monday.