Saturday, December 17, 2011

One Year Ago - Home From the Hospital

One year ago today I was preparing to leave the hospital!  Four & one half days after open heart by-pass surgery!  Today, I am preparing to leave for Kansas City, Missouri to see our beloved Green Bay Packers with my Packer Buddies!  What a difference a year makes!  Here is my blog from last year:

Finally home in my own bed!! I must say that the care I received at Lancaster General was super - no complaints. But, I feel more relaxed already just being home and looking forward to a good night's rest in my own bed. I'll post more details tomorrow. For now, Good Night!

It was very simple & to the point "HAPPY TO BE HOME"!

As a leave today for my Packer game I will being saying many short, but intense prayers & thank you's!

Thanks for having the health to see Packer Game!
Thanks for buddies that supported me in those difficult times!
Thanks for family - especially at this time of the year!
Thanks for the doctors that made this possible!
And of course the biggest THANKS, for the "Reason for the Season"  not the NFL season, but the Christmas Season!  And our biggest gift!  A little baby, with a BIG impact on our lives!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Comparing Last Year & This Year

What a different a year makes!  Let's take a few minutes to compare!

Last year at this time I was still in the hospital after 5 new by-passes & the tubes were beginning to come out!

This year I started my day by walking 45 minutes.

Last year I could not keep my first meal down!

This year, I had lunch with one of my "tech buddies" - Vicki!

Last year I had trouble sleeping through the night!

This year I slept like a baby!

Last year the meds I was taking was making me GOOFY!

This year my meds are under control - I THINK!

Last year I could not wait to get home!

This year I'm home with my awesome wife, and my amazing son & his lovely new wife!

It's good to be THIS YEAR!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Has Changed After Open Heart Surgery?

After one year a lot has changed!

1 - New Outlook on Life!  Each day means a little more!  I always tried to focus the moment, but that was not always easy.  A busy schedule, raising two great boys.  Education & coaching schedules.  Family.  Church.  It is a little easier now.  Retirement has allowed me to slow down a little, but my personality does not allow me to relax too much!  I do appreciate, a long walk, sunsets & sunrises, time with family, trips to see my Packers, church volunteering, and doing my research on local history.  Each day is a gift!

2 - Exercise - I was never an exercise freak, but always exercised.  My schedule would always somehow get in the way.  Now, unless I work my part time job, I exercise first in the morning.  I usually try to walk 45-60 minutes a day.  Because of my extra heart beats, PVC's, I am not able to jog, but that may happen.  I still to yard work the old fashioned way, push lawn mower, rake leafs, and please do not tell my sister, shovel snow (I do do it slowwwwwly).

3 - Diet - I am a lot BETTER.  I read labels, and try to eat good things!  More fruits & vegetables, fish & chicken & oatmeal for breakfast!  What is important is what I do not eat - red meat (I cheat usually 2-3 times a month), doughnuts & tastycaskes are out (I do miss them!), and other nasty things.  I do have chocolate, but try to moderate & eat DARK chocolate!

4 - Stress - This is easier being retired, but certain things still stress me out!  The stock market & finances, church issues, politics, and stupid people! I do try to watch less TV news, only check stocks once a week, & stay away from STUPID people (People that act like idiots!)

5 - Faith - I try to stay strong in faith, help at church - men's group, helping with church programs for kids, Sunday School, & finish my term as Council President.  I try to stay focused on keeping my faith simple & relevant!

6 - Zipper Club Buddies - have have many friends with heart issues (One of the pleasures of growing old)  My close group now includes:  Terry S, Rob, Bill C, Terry E, Jim, & Bill B.  I spend time at breakfast, Packer games, & just checking up on how they are doing!  It is helped me & I hope it helps them handle our HEART issues!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One Year Birthday For My New Heart!

Where was I one year ago today?  Last year at this time was my open heart by-pass surgery!  Quintuple By-Pass!  My lovely wife Sue had to to my Blog!  I was a little busy!!

What did Sue say?

Okay, this is Sue giving you the update on Jim's surgery!!! His surgery went very well and was completed around 12 noon. Dr. Burlingame did 5 by-passes instead of 3. He decided that two of the by-passes would be better served by 2 additional by-passes. Jim is doing very well and I will get to see him in about an hour.  I will update this blog later today with more details. Thank you to all who have had us in your prayers. We can certainly feel it!

From 3 to 5 by-passes! I had to have one more than my buddy Bill!  I have always been a little too competitive!  As you see, my wife Sue was awesome! (And of course, still is)  And my family & friends were there BIG TIME!

And Sue's second post that day!

This is Sue again! Jim did exceptionally well today. Dr. Burlingame was very pleased with Jim's progress in such a short period of time. When I left the hospital at 7PM, they had already taken out the breathing tube and Jim was semi-with it! You know - la la land!! He will be in ICU through tomorrow, so if anyone was thinking of visiting, you should wait until Wednesday. Again, thanks to all for the many prayers - we could feel them all day!

I'm heading to bed - been up since 4AM! Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll keep you posted! Jim's goal was to be back to posting this blog himself by Wednesday and I bet he will do it!

I vaguely remember that day!  I do remember the breathing tube being removed (And being VERY thirsty!)  And as Sue put it, "la la land!"  I remember no real pain, and the only thing hurting was my back! (From laying there since early in the morning)

Sue did a great job as my substitute Blogger. Quick review - Monday was surgery day and not much that I remember about anything that day! I did run into people that I knew which helped me feel more relaxed. And, those people were looking after me! At the end of the day, I was in la la land; didn't get much sleep. Tuesday I awoke in ICU with a million wires and people hovering over me and lots of beeps! I felt like I was in some Star Wars movie! The day went fast and I was able to cat nap. I didn't have much pain or discomfort - lots of drugs! Today is Wednesday, Day 3, and I am now out of ICU and in a regular room. I was up walking several times and was brought regular food, but I was very tired all day and didn't have much energy for the walking or the eating. I am taking several different meds - the ones I took before surgery and new ones - percocet for pain, something for digestion, magnesium for electrolytes.

Looking forward to Day 4 tomorrow! One day closer to going home!

I was blogging by WEDNESDAY!

I cannot begin to thank all!  But I will try!


Monday, December 12, 2011

TWAS The Night Before Open Heart By-Pass Surgery!

One year ago today I was watching the last NFL football game of the day.  Trying to relax & focus on my approach to my open heart by-pass surgery!  As many people can relate to, major surgery happens one of two ways - you have time to prepare or it is emergency surgery.  I had time to prepare!

After my heart cath 3 weeks earlier I found I needed open heart by-pass surgery.  My surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks later!  I had three weeks to prepare.  Three weeks to learn.  Three weeks to talk to my buddies that had open heart.  Three weeks to prepare mentally!!!!

The night before I decided of a game plan.  First, I needed the surgery - I HAD NO CHOICE!  Without it I probably would not be around next year!  I would not see another Christmas, New Year, or my son's wedding!  I would not play another round of golf with my sons.  I would miss coaching another track team & a young man that would become the Lancaster-Lebanon League Track & Field Pole Vault Champion!  My retirement, time with my loving wife, a sunset or sunrise, and many other life experiences!

And second, I needed to be positive.  There are thousands that have this surgery every year - the doctors know what they are doing!  My doctor is one of the BEST!  The hospital has a great medical staff!  And I have many friends & relatives praying for me!

And speaking of praying!  Being a coach for over 30 years, I have constantly stressed visualizing during an athletic event!  If you are pole vaulter, picture yourself jumping a perfect jump!  Running down the runway, planting the pole, flying over the crossbar and landing softly on the mat!

My visual was God's hands holding the surgeon's hands as the operation proceeded.  Guiding the surgeon every step of the way! A perfect operation!  That was my thought as I drifted of into sleep one year ago today!