Saturday, January 21, 2012

Warning! Warning! Watch Your Snow Shoveling!

I needed to do this so my sister will stop giving me nasty phone calls!  My last blog I discussed snow shoveling!  So, I'm doing more research!   AND WARNING OTHERS - DO NOT TRY THIS WITHOUT TALKING TO YOUR DOCTOR!

Snow shoveling after heart surgery - If you have not had a heart attack, you may be able to shovel light snow after 3 months.  Before doing so, warm up and do gentle stretches.  Pace yourself.  You may safely shovel if your effort is controlled at the "somewhat hard" level.    Again, mix work and rest every 2-3 minutes to avoid over doing it. 

While shoveling, remember to
  • Avoid holding your breath.
  • Shovel fresh snow rather than wet, packed snow.
  • Push instead of lifting.  It's easier on the back and spine.  "Push shovels" are sold for this purpose.
  • Avoid picking up too much snow at once.  Use a smaller shovel or only fill it ¼ to ½ full.
  • Bend your legs and not your back.  Keep the small of your back straight.  This avoids placing extra stress on your spine.
The article is:  

Exercise and Activity After Heart Surgery

I even found this article after a heart transplant:

Also avoid activities that require pushing or pulling heavy objects, such as shoveling snow or mowing the lawn. Your doctor will tell you when you can resume these activities during your heart transplantation follow-ups.

So, BE CAREFUL & Sorry to my sister!!!

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