Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cardio Exercise Tips for Seniors

Found a good article that gives ideas for senior workouts:

Cardio ExerciseTips for Seniors

Some of the highlights are:

1. Know your safety limits and the warning signs. 
If you are new to cardio (aerobic) exercise, have been inactive for awhile, or have any medical conditions that could be affected by exercise, it’s very important that your health care provider clear you for exercise before you start.

I find wearing a heart rate monitor a great idea!

2. Have a plan. 
Although you certainly can pick one cardio activity you enjoy and “just do it,” you may see better results and stay motivated longer if you make a plan first.

Also, keep a diary!

3. Be creative and have fun! 
There’s no rule that says your cardio exercise plan must include walking, jogging, biking or swimming. While those activities are popular and provide great workouts, the best way to stick to your plan is to pick activities that you actually enjoy doing. 

I find shopping with my wife a great cardio workout!

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