Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stress and Heart Disease

Sometimes you go through life and do not even realize that stress is around you!  Work, family, money, church, retirement, decisions, food, exercise, holidays, pets, weather, home repairs, car repairs, sports, traffic, relatives, friends, news, newspapers, changes in work, changes in health, changes in weather, changes in politics, taxes, aging, teachers, lawyers, mechanics, doctors, pollution, global warming, nuclear arms, the middle east, war, peace, airports, ................

Do you have stress, are you BREATHING!  Stress is everywhere!  There is good stress & bad stress!  But you you handle stress is not "stressed enough"!  From the web site:

Web MD - Heart Disease & Stress

Below are some common stressors that can affect people at all stages of life.
  • Illness, either personal or of a family member or friend.
  • Death of a friend or loved one.
  • Problems in a personal relationship.
  • Work overload.
  • Starting a new job.
  • Unemployment.
  • Retirement.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Crowds.
  • Relocation.
  • Daily hassles.
  • Legal problems.
  • Financial concerns.
  • Perfectionism.

What do you think of that list?

How about some warning signs?

Below are some common stress warning signs.
Physical signs
Dizziness, general aches and pains, grinding teeth, clenched jaws, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, racing heart, ringing in the ears, stooped posture, sweaty palms, tiredness, exhaustion, trembling, weight gain or loss, upset stomach
Mental signs
Constant worry, difficulty making decisions, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, lack of creativity, loss of sense of humor, poor memory
Emotional signs
Anger, anxiety, crying, depression, feeling powerless, frequent mood swings, irritability, loneliness, negative thinking, nervousness, sadness
Behavioral signs
Bossiness, compulsive eating, critical attitude of others, explosive actions, frequent job changes, impulsive actions, increased use of alcohol or drugs, withdrawal from relationships or social situations

Take a look at the article AND RELAX & DO SOMETHING FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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