Friday, June 22, 2012

Are People on Too Many Drugs?

Interesting article on patients on medications?  How many meds or supplements are you taking?  I am at 8!  I remember my mother at age 83 being on ZERO!!!

Take a look at the video discussion at Are our Patients on Too Many Drugs?

I really think this is a critical question for patients - AND WE NEED TO BE PROACTIVE!!!!

It makes me think of ways the average patient can intelligently discuss this topic.  Here are some of my ideas:

1 - Research your meds!  This is a double edge sword - the internet is great, but is the information accurate?  YOU MUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

2 - Doctor meds versus meds or supplements you take on your own!  What are you taking on your own?  ALWAYS ASK YOUR DOCTORS!!  And doctors even disagree!  My family doctor & cardiologist did not agree at times!  Who do you believe?

3 - Categorize your meds & supplements?

Here is my breakdown -

1 - Allergies & Asthma - Singulair

2 - Stomach Issues - Aciphex

3 - Heart Issues - Aspirin, Amlodipine, Metoprolol, Clopidogrel, Atorvastatin, & Omega 3 Fish Oil

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