Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One and a Half Years After Open Heart By-pass Surgery

Another milestone!  It has been one and a half years since my quintuple by-pass surgery!  It is time to take a look at where I am and what I feel like!

There are days when I wake up now & forget I even had open hearty by-pass surgery!  But, after I shower & look in the mirror the scar is there to remind me!  In a way, it is a good reminder!  Hey Stupid, exercise, eat right, and behave yourself!  Since my surgery & retirement happened during the same year, the mental part of recovery coincides the the mental part of retirement.  Both worlds are running on parallel paths!

The battle with depression which can occur after surgery, or after retirement, is not a struggle for me.  Of course, there are days when the health and aging process bring the reality of life to focus, but I have been keeping busy and that seems to be a key!

Keeping Busy!
With retirement and health concerns, having a reason to get up every morning to me is a key to life at ANY age!  Here are some of my pursuits!

1 - Do things I never was able to do before!  Here is a list of things that I have tackled the past 18 months:
  • Church Volunteering - I did many things for our church in the past, but now I can do more.  In the past I helped with the youth, was council president, ushered, and taught Sunday School.  What I have added is a Men's Retirement Group.  We meet monthly, have breakfast, and go to church and paint, weed flower gardens, and do anything to help keep our church looking good!
  • Writing - I have many areas of interest that I plan to write about:  history, sports, etc.  My first assignment has been helping my wife's Uncle Paul wring his biography!  Here retired from NASA in the 1990's and helped our country put a man on the moon & build the successful Space Shuttle Program!  An amazing story!  My next venture will be a history of where I grew up as a child - Lebanon County, PA!
  • Golfing - I am now golfing at least twice a week!  I'm trying not to get crazy about my scores, but I have time to work on my game!  The best part is golfing with my buddies!  Retired friends & people that I enjoy to spend a four hour ride!
  • Exercise - I have more time to focus on my own physical condition.  Next year I turn 60 & my goal is Keystone Games & Senior Games.  Because of my PVC's (extra heart beats), I am not running a lot, so I will focus on other events & activities! (But I still may attempt Pole Vault!)
  • Mr. Mom - This one is important!  My lovely wife Sue is still working!  Therefore, I cannot have too much fun!  So, cleaning around the house, dishes, vacuuming, etc.  These are all important duties that a husband must do if he retires before his wife!!!!
  • Working part-time - I am still working!  Coaching track & field from December till May keeps me very busy!  Usually 3-6 days a week, average about 20-24 hours a week.  And part-time carpet cleaning two days a week, about 2-4 hours a day!
I am still taking a bunch of meds!  Here is my list:
  • Singulair (10 mg) - for my allergies & asthma
  • Aciphex (20 mg) - for my stomach & acid reflux
  • Metoprolol (25 mg) - for my heart - beta blocker
  • Amlodipine (5 mg) - for my heart
  • Plavix (75 mg) - for my heart - blood thinner
  • Atorvastatin (40 mg) - lipitor generic for my cholesterol
  • Aspirin (81 mg) - for my heart
  • Omega 3 Fish Oil (1000 mg) - for my heart - diet supplement
The medicines seem to be working.  My cholesterol is down to healthy levels, my extra heart beats (PVC's) are manageable, my other issues allergies, asthma, are under control. (although the asthmas kicked up when I cleaned a couple houses with cats!!

I am watch what I eat.  I only have red meat about once every two weeks, mostly fish & chicken.  Try to eat healthy foods for snacks, fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. (If cookies are around I'm in trouble)  I still have my sweet tooth, but have cut chocolate out of my diet, except for a rare snack.  Still need to lose 10-15 pounds, I am around 190 pounds & want to get down to about 175.

I will be making more choices this next year, one is, if I will coach track & field next season.  I will make this decision at the end of the summer.

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