Monday, October 8, 2012

Back from Indianapolis!

One of the advantages of retirement & good health is you are able to do the things that you wanted to do, but could not do when you were in the working world!  Well, just got back from cheering on my Green Bay Packers!

Here are a few health issues I noticed while traveling.

1 - My retired buddies all have health stories - from heart disease to the meds we take, from our important our spouses are to our friends support, and things like our diet, exercise, or mental approach to our health! Traveling allows friends to share!

2 - Walking up stadium steps & seat locations - our seats were interesting!  Top row!!!  The last 20-30 steps were straight up!  Our hearts were pumping!  Our seats were difficult to get to - what if someone had a health crisis?  When you travel and where you travel to, should be analyzed.

3 - Eating out. When you travel, what you eat can be a challenge.  Getting your family or buddies to agree on a restaurant.  Deciding what is good for you on the menu?  Can a cheat on my diet - JUST A LITTLE!

All in all, traveling with friends and sharing time together is something that is special.  The only thing that can make it better is having the team you are cheering for WIN!  Come on Packers!!!!!!  If your fans travel 10 hours to cheer you on win!!!!!!!!!!

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