Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!

Remember the "Reason" for the "Season"!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Physical Health & Mental Health

This week our nation has been shocked by the death of 20 children & 6 adults in an elementary school in Connecticut!  The question is "What are we doing about our friends & family that suffer from mental health issues?"

Two years ago, I had open heart by-pass surgery to mend a heart that was in need of repair.  The clogged arteries were by-passed & the blood is passing through my heart as I type my blog!  If you look at me you would not know I had heart surgery, but if I let you peak under my shirt you will notice a 9 inch scar!  But, I am healthy!!!!

People with mental health issues look healthy on the outside!  They have no scars to show you.  But they are sick!  This past week, a young man that was sick took the life of 26 people!  Mental health is something like a virus that spreads to healthy people.  The people that come into contact with a person with mental health issues usually will not die, but this week many children and a few adults came into contact with a person in need of help & they died!  Mental health is not an easy fix!

How should we handle mental health issues?

Is your family touched by a person with mental health issues?

What can be done to help families with loved ones with mental health issues?

     •  Friday a week ago, in an elementary school, children & adults lost their lives to a person with mental help issues!
     •  In our local papers front page, a 20 year old man tortured 3 elder ladies!  He had not shown signs of mental issues before this, but was recently put on medicine for anxiety!
     •  This week at church, an older member showed up in need of money!  He took his brothers car from Ohio, drove to Pennsylvania, and asked our Pastor for help!  He has had a history of mental issues & parents are in their 80's and cannot help!

I could go on!  Our country is worried about a "fiscal cliff"!  Well, we also have a "mental health cliff"

Why?  Here are some thoughts:
     1 - The deterioration of the family!  Children are losing the battle - broken homes, TV raising kids, kids that are un-churched, poor parenting!!!
     2 - Violence - TV is terrible!  Movies are sick!  Video games are graphic!
     3 - How does our country handle mental health issues?

More to come!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Two Years After Open Heart By-Pass Surgery!!!

What an awesome two years!!!  And why?

How about a new grand-daughter!

Two weddings!!!

Going to Packers Games!!

And two AWESOME years with my gorgeous wife!!!

I'm a lucky guy!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Over 25,000 Page Views!

One day away from my two year open heart by-pass surgery!  At this point I have some data to share:

Over 25,000 page views

I have had many people visit my site!  Many of these people are family and friends.  While others find my blog by searching the internet for answers!  Here are some of the most viewed posts!

People from all over the world have visited my blog!  Here are the top countries!

This is amazing!!  Russia is #1?  Is this because they are interested in my discussions or are they trying to hack into my computer!!!  Hope they just want to find out more about my heart issues!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fantasy Football - Another Way To Love Football

As I have mentioned earlier in my blog, football has been a big part of my live - I played it in high school, I coached high school football, my sons played high school football, and I have traveled to Green Bay many times to see my favorite team play - THE PACKERS!

One other way we love football is - FANTASY FOOTBALL!  I go back to the beginning, when we drafted our team the old fashioned way - by pen & pencil & paper 0 when the draft itself lasted 4-5 hours!  Now everything is on the computer - in fact this year, in my one league I was at a musical dinner theatre with my wife & the computer drafted for me & AND THAT TEAM MADE THE PLAYOFFS!!!!

This week I am in the semi-finals against my buddy Doug - here are the match ups:

My Team                                                     Dougs Team
QB   --  Romo, Tony - Cowboys                 QB  --  Manning, Peyton - Broncos
WR  --  Johnson, Calvin - Lions                  WR  --  Green, AJ  -  Bengals
WR  --  Cobb, Randall - Packers                 WR  --  Bryant, Dez - Cowboys
RB  --  Greene, Shonn - Jets                        RB  --  Foster, Arian - Texans
TE  --  Hernandez, Aaron - Patriots             TE  --  Miller, Heath - Steelers
OP  --  Cruz, Victor - Giants                        OP  --  Forte, Matt - Bears
K    --  Vinatieri, Adam - Colts                     K   --  Tynes, Lawrence, Giants
Def -   Broncos                                             Def -- Bears

Another way to heal a heart & enjoy your favorite sport - BUT here is a coaching tip when watching games - "Do not look at the scores till after the Monday Night Football games!"  This way it is better for your heart & you can enjoy the games!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Amlodipine Besylate

Amlodipine Besylate

Why take it?  Here is a detailed answer:

amlodipine besylate (amlō´dipēn bes´lāt),
n brand name: Norvasc;
drug class: calcium channel blocker;
action: inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membrane during cardiac depolarization; produces relaxation of coronary vascular smooth muscle and dilates coronary arteries; decreases SA/AV node conduction;
uses: hypertension as a single agent or in combination with other antihypertensives, chronic stable angina pectoris, vasospastic angina.

Simply, decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Side effects?

CNS: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, light-headedness, fatigue, weakness, lethargy
CV: peripheral edema, angina, bradycardia, hypotension, palpitations
GI: nausea, abdominal discomfort
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, muscle pain or inflammation
Respiratory: shortness of breath, dyspnea, wheezing
Skin: rash, pruritus, urticaria, flushing

Side effects for me?  Maybe fatigue, drowsiness.  At times I feel my normal energy level is not here anymore - but what is normal??  I do not think I have any others.

At my check up in January I will be asking if I need to keep taking this med.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Packer Win, A Grand Daughter & A Healthy Heart

It is amazing how a few pictures from my son & daughter-in-law can brighten the morning & make me smile!  It also makes the quintuple bypass pump that blood through the body in a way only a beautiful grandchild can do!!  My little girl is sporting her Green Bay Packer PJ's after a big win Sunday!!!!

Another Green Bay Fan Begins!!!  (Or maybe a Steeler Fan - only time will tell!!!!)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Clopidogrel (Brand name: Plavix)

Clopidogrel (Brand name: Plavix)

My first heart medication I will discuss is Clopidogrel - the generic Plavix.

For more information stop at 

Clopidogrel (Brand name: Plavix)

The main reason for taking clopidogrel is to prevent blood clots.  The main side effect while taking this medication is bleeding.  I have noticed when I have a small cut it will take longer to stop bleeding.  I thing most of the other side effects are not an issue - what are they:

I found an article pertaining to the use of aspirin and clopidogrel - here is an interesting quote:

It has been recommended to use aspirin indefinitely and clopidogrel for a minimum of one month to one year following CABG. However, each patient should be evaluated independently. The platelet count will dictate the therapy, as will the survival rate, coronary stent placement, risk of GI bleed, and a history of recent myocardial infarction. Aspirin dosage (81 mg vs. 325 mg) has not been clearly established, so assess each patient separately. — Debra King, PhD, PA (163-4)

Aspirin and clopidogrel after coronary bypass surgery

Clopidogrel may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
  • excessive tiredness
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • stomach pain
  • diarrhea
  • nosebleed
Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately:
  • hives
  • rash
  • itching
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs
  • hoarseness
  • black and tarry stools
  • red blood in stools
  • bloody vomit
  • vomit that looks like coffee grounds
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • slow or difficult speech
  • weakness or numbness of an arm or a leg
  • vision loss
  • fever
  • shortness of breath
  • fast heartbeat
  • pale skin
  • purple patches or bleeding under the skin
  • confusion
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes
So, I will continue taking 75 mg per day until my next doctors visit in January!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Two Years After Open Heart Bypass Surgery & Medications

I am coming up on two years after open heart by-pass surgery, quintuple by-pass!

However, the vast majority of CABG procedures, including the quintuple bypass, are scheduled in advance. This allows time for pre-surgery testingthat helps determine how many bypasses are needed, if the patient is healthy enough to tolerate the surgery, and their general state of health.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Once the surgery begins, blood vessels are taken from another area of the body, often the leg, and grafted onto the existing heart vessel before and after the blockage. A quintuple bypass requires more vessels than any other procedure, so multiple sites, including the arm, Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA), and other vessels may be used.
Obtaining adequate vessels to use for the grafts can be one of the most challenging aspects of the procedure; if the vessels to the heart are diseased, it is likely that the vessels in other regions of the body are also affected. These vessels are then used to detour blood around the blockage on the way to the heart, with the blood literally being routed around (bypassed) the blocked portion of the vessel.
Once the vessels needed for the grafts are harvested, the chest portion of the surgery begins with a sternotomy, the incision that opens the chest and divides the sternum (breastbone) in half to allow the surgeon access to the heart. The procedure is most often performed "on pump" using acardiopulmonary bypass machine to temporarily do the work of the heart and lungs, allowing the surgeon to stop the heart and perform surgery without the constant movement of the heart beating.
Quintuple Bypass!
Here is the list of meds that I am currently using, including my meds for other medical conditions!
My heart drugs after surgery - Amlodipine, Clipidorel, & Metroprolol.
Before Surgery - Atorvastatin & Apirin
Other meds - Allergies & Asthma - Montelukast     Stomach Issues - Aciphex   & Omega 3 Fish Oil
The next few days I will research each!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving!! 2012

OK.  Almost two years since my open heart surgery!  What am I thankful for?  Here is my list so far!

1 - December 2010 - Successful Open Heart Surgery!

2 - March 2011 - Back to work & Coaching!

3 - April 2011 - First 18 holes of golf!

4 - June 2011 - Retirement - after 35 years of education!

5 - September  2011 - FIRST RETIREMENT CHECK!

6 - November 2011 - Oldest son Wedding!!

7 - December 2011 - First Year Anniversary of Open Heart Surgery

8 - January 2012 - Help drive in-laws to Florida in their motor home!

9 - July 2012 - FIRST Grand Child!!!  Jamina Joyce Albright!!!

10 - August 2012 - Retire from Coaching

11 - October 2012 - Youngest son Wedding!

12 - November 2012 - Another Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Can Skype Heal a Heart?


We are using Skype again!  First, we used it when Jared was in Iraq!  And now, with his wife Erliza & Baby Jamina, we can see & hear Korea!!!  If you do not use it, try it out!

It is free!  Take a look at this tutorial:

How to Use Skype 101

And yes!  SKYPE is great for healing the heart!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Heart Disease & Stress

Over a lifetime we all have stress!

1 - Your first day of school
2 - Your kids first day of school
3 - Your first varsity football game
4 - Your kids first varsity football game
5 - Your drivers test
6 - Your KIDS drivers test
7 - Your first day at college
8 - Your kids first day at college
9 - Your wedding
10 - Your kids wedding

Do you notice a trend - my wife & I love our boys, but it does add stress!  And you job, church, politics, neighbors, friends, family, etc!

Found this great article on Stress & Heart Disease!

What do you think?
Here are some highlights -
1 - How does stress increase the risk of heart disease?
   •  persistently elevated levels of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.
   •  may make you over eat or eat the wrong things
2 - Does stress effect everyone the same?
   •  No!  That's why we have a Joe Montana in football!
   •  Our son Jared handles stress well in Iraq!  Thank God!
3 - What causes stress?  Here is their list!

  • Illness, either personal or of a family member or friend.
  • Death of a friend or loved one.
  • Problems in a personal relationship.
  • Work overload.
  • Starting a new job.
  • Unemployment.
  • Retirement.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Crowds.
  • Relocation.
  • Daily hassles.
  • Legal problems.
  • Financial concerns.
  • Perfectionism.

Wow!  Check out the article & learn more!!!  Medicine.net - Stress & Heart Disease

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Heals a Heart!

In my last blog I discussed sending your loved one on a mission!  Like many men & women in the military, families love it when they come home!  Here is a video I did for a class I took on multimedia that was part of my masters program!  It was Jared's first tour of Iraq!  The tour was the fall of Suddam Hussein!  Have a look!

Jared's Return From His First Tour of Iraq

Half of My Heart is in Korea!

As I write my blog today, my son, his lovely wife Erliza, & our new grand daughter Jamina are in the air on a 14 hour flight to Korea!  My son, Major Jared Albright is taking on a new role in his Army career!!  Military Intelligence! (As of this week I do not know if we have enough of this - check out the news!)  Well Jared has intelligence!  He picked a great wife & his new daughter is beautiful!

But, the old heart, along with my wife's heart definitely have a new hole!!!  The last two days!

Day 1 - drove to Dulles Airport & stayed at a Holiday Inn with Jared, Erliza, & Jamina!  Had a great night!!

Day 2 - headed to the airport and helped with all the luggage!  Said our good-byes and started home!

Supporting a military family is something many families do every day!  And that support mean sending our loved ones all over the world!!!  Jared has been to Iraq 4 times!!!!  This was a little easier - he has a wife & daughter to share the experience!

Three years in Korea!  A logistical challenge!  

The car?  Jared's younger brother Josh is buying it from Jared.
The furniture?  Was shipped a month earlier!
The family?  Lived with us for a month!  Which was awesome!
The clothing & baby stuff!!!  Wow!  Imagine flying a 3 month old!  14 hours straight!  And all the stuff!!  Stroller, bottles, diapers, & your owning clothing!!!!

If you have family or friends in the military, please say thanks!  It is a total family commitment!  Our troops keep our freedom every day!

Our thoughts & prayers are with Jared, Erliza & Jamina!  Korea - here they come!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Heart Issue Reminders!

It was two years ago this week that I decided to do something about my health!  Let me take you back to what led to my Quintuple Open-Heart By-Pass Surgery!!!

Warning Signs!

August 2010 - Had my annual physical at my family doctor - everything OK.

September 2010 - Feeling tired -though it was my schedule & age - 57!

October 2010 - Had trouble mowing the yard, had to stop to catch my breath!  Blamed it on my asthma!  Also, at my job, walking around school & up & down steps was getting difficult - thought I must get in better shape!

November 2010 - Had more issues!  Had trouble raking leaves, cutting grass, walking up steps!  I new what was happening, but thought it is last year of teaching - NEED to FINISH!!!  I had tightness in my chest, not pain.  Was tired!  Steps were difficult!  Before I called the doctor I needed to try my walk around my neighborhood!

Tried to walk, but could not get up hills without stopping!  If I made it home, I would call my wife & tell her - and then call my wife!

Next day at family doctor, sent me for a heart cath!  3 major blockages!  99%, 60%, 50%!  I need OPEN HEART BY-PASS SURGERY!

DO NOT WAIT!  If you have any signs - GET TO A DOCTOR!


Here are some websites to visit for advice!

American Heart Association

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Mayo Clinic - Heart Attack Warnings

Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attacks

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Athletes & Heart Issues

One of the amazing stories of people who battle heart issues is Eric Compton!  How about playing professional golf after TWO heart transplants!   I thought I would dedicate some of my blog time to athletes with heart issues.  This is am amazing story!  Check out his web site at Eric Compton!

Here is a little history:

Compton has been known throughout the golf world for his heart condition. When he was nine, Compton was diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy, a condition where the heart muscle is inflamed and unable to pump as hard as it should. He has been through three different hearts thus far through his life. His first heart transplant came in 1992, when Compton was 12. Compton had his second transplant and third heart in 2008, which was again a successful surgery. For this, Compton was given the Ben Hogan Award at Augusta, Georgia duringThe Masters in April 2009. He also gained recognition for his attempts to have the use of a golf cart during qualifying rounds for PGA Tour and Nationwide Tour events.

Two heart transplants!  And playing against the best golfers in the world!  Inspirational!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heart Issues, Stress & Politics

OK, it's officially over!  The election of 2012 has come and gone!  They must make it shorter!!  Or heart patients, both liberal and conservative will not make it!!!

The past two years that I have kept my heart blog I have avoided politics!  Well, here is my one day!!  And why?  It is stressful!  And that is not good for heart patients!  So, here we go - a STRESSSSSS Release!!!

My political believes!!  The KISS Method - Keep It Simple Stupid!  This is only about the federal government in this rant!

1 - Term limits - one term for president - 6 years! (all they do is run for office!)

2 - Term limits - Senate - 2 - 6 year terms - (No more running for congress on the house side)

3 - Term limits - House - 6 - 2 year terms -  (No more running for congress on the senate side)

4 - Smaller Federal Government - must shrink by 5% each year, next 20 years!

5 - Must have a BALANCED Budget!  - No budget no pay!

6 - Any campaign contributions - HALF must go to charity!

7 - MUST be held to promises, passing grade 70%, if below - GOOD-BYE!

Here are my tips for stress release after the election!

1 - No news for one month!
   No TV News programs
   Local News Papers - Local Sections & Sports Only!
   No Radio Talk Shows!

2 - Exercise More

3 - Eat Less

4 - Go on one date a week with your spouse or friends

5 - Pray - AM & PM!!!!  At Least - Especially for our country & leaders!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Heart Grows Stronger as Packers Win!

Football season has always been special!  As a high school athlete, football was my favorite sport!  From tackling a running back on a power sweep, to running back a punt as the opposing team tries to flatten you - SOUNDS like fun!

From playing to coaching football, I always was a fan!  My team, the Green Bay Packers won this weekend!  One of the best things about retirement is the ability to travel to Green Bay!!!  With my Packer buddies - Bill, Terry, & Phil, we made our pilgrimage to Packer land!

If you follow my blog, you may remember, my open-heart surgery caused me to miss one of my trips in 2010!  Part of the recovery was getting back to see the Packers!  Why?  Have a look at good old patriotism!

Green Bay, Wisconsin is a VERY patriotic city!  The tribute to our military this weekend was AMAZING!!!

As always, a Fly Over!!!!

And the game, well, we WON 31-17!

New heart, new season, & old friends!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

20 Freaky Body Facts

OK.  Time to change the subject with some FREAKY BODY FACTS!  Just in time for Halloween!  Take a look at the article at: Freaky Body Facts

What do you think?  Here are some of my favorites!

Your feet produce a gallon of sweat each week!

The velocity of a sneeze is 100 mile per hour!

Did you know, no one else in the world has you scent!

Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wedding, MomMom, & Heart Health!

As mentioned earlier, heart issue sometimes happen at the wrong time, but is there ever a good time?  Yes!  5 minutes before my new daughter-in-law walked down the aisle, my son's grandmother had a mild heart attack!  She is home now & doing fine!  After a stent was inserted, she went from 97% blocked in one artery to 100% opened!  I was not as lucky!  Remember, I had to have open heart surgery!

Here is a stent review!  How are stents placed?

Doctors place stents in arteries as part of a procedure called angioplasty. To place a stent, your doctor will make a small opening in a blood vessel in your groin (upper thigh), arm, or neck.
Through this opening, your doctor will thread a thin, flexible tube called a catheter. The catheter will have a deflated balloon at its tip.
A stent is placed around the deflated balloon. Your doctor will move the tip of the catheter to the narrow section of the artery or to the aneurysm or aortic tear site.
Special x-ray movies will be taken of the tube as it's threaded through your blood vessel. These movies will help your doctor position the catheter.

And the wedding went on!

The Guys!

The Beautiful Bride!!!

As I said earlier my son & new daughter-in-law handled the situation in amazing form!!  First, Mom Mom was put at ease & then the wedding & reception went off and everything was fantastic!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Men & Women and Heart Attack Symptoms

Men & Women are different!  Sure we have the ability to do many things in life on an equal basis!  But, we do react to things in many different ways!  Like Heart Issues!

Check this out!

Know the Symptoms

The first step toward surviving a heart attack is learning to recognize the symptoms. The most common signs of heart attack in both women and men are:
  • Unusually heavy pressure on the chest, like there's a ton of weight on you

    Most heart attacks involve chest pain or discomfort in the center or left side of the chest. It usually lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. It may even feel like heartburn or indigestion.
  • Sharp upper body pain in the neck, back, and jaw

    This symptom can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, shoulders, neck, jaw, or upper part of stomach (not below the belly button). Pain in the back, neck, or jaw is a more common heart attack symptom for women than it is for men.
  • Severe shortness of breath

    This symptom can come on suddenly. It may occur while you are at rest or with minimal physical activity. You may struggle to breathe or try taking deep breaths. Shortness of breath may start before or at the same time as chest pain or discomfort, and can even be your only symptom.
  • Cold sweats, and you know it's not menopause

    Unexplained or excessive sweating, or breaking out into a "cold sweat," can be a sign of heart attack.
  • Unusual or unexplained fatigue (tiredness)

    Sudden and unusual tiredness or lack of energy is one of the most common symptoms of heart attack in women, and one of the easiest to ignore. It can come on suddenly or be present for days. More than half of women having a heart attack experience muscle tiredness or weakness that is not related to exercise.
  • Unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness

    Unlike in the movies, most heart attacks do not make you pass out right away. Instead, you may suddenly feel dizzy or light-headed.
  • Unexplained nausea (feeling sick to the stomach) or vomiting

    Women are twice as likely as men to experience nausea, vomiting, or indigestion during their heart attack. These feelings are often written off as having a less serious cause. Remember, nausea and vomiting may be signs that something is seriously wrong, especially if you have other symptoms.
If you have any one of these symptoms and it lasts for more than five minutes, call 9-1-1 for emergency medical care. Even if your symptoms go away in less than five minutes, call your doctor right away—it could be a sign that a heart attack is coming soon. Don't waste time trying home remedies or waiting for the feelings to pass on their own. Remember, quick treatment can save your life.

What do you think!  Before the wedding, my mother-in-law had a small heart attack!  Five minutes before out son & his awesome new wife had to keep it together before they tied the knot!  And they were incredible!!

My mother-in-law complained of nausea, had cold sweats!  As the symptoms show above, men & women at times demonstrate heart issues in many ways, sometimes the same and often in different ways!

Check out:  Heart Attack Symptoms

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wedding and Heart Health

This weekend we gained a new daughter-in-law in an awesome wedding!  So, what does that have to do with heart health?  OK, I will set the stage!

Almost all the people have been seated for the wedding to begin.  Meanwhile, in the lobby, the grooms grandmother was preparing to enter the chapel.  She was not feeling well.  She had been sick that week, feeling tired & sick in the stomach.  She felt faint & passed out for a few seconds!  5 minutes before the wedding!

To make a long story, short, grandmother had a mild heart attack!  The ambulance came, many medically trained people attending the wedding did a remarkable job!

The bride and groom were awesome!  They calmed their grandmother & handled the situation with incredible calm!!!

The friends and family at the wedding showed their caring & love, and still had a great time at the wedding!!

More to come this week on heart issues!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Lipid Level Data

The US is doing a better job lipid levels!  Of course, more people are taking medication!!!!

Take a look at the article at:

Lipid levels improve across US over 20 years: NHANES

Some interesting details:

1 - total cholesterol fell by 10 mg/dL over the 22-year study period, LDL fell by 13 mg/dL, and HDL levels rose by 2 mg/dL. Triglycerides fell by 8 mg/dL over the whole period, despite having risen in the initial few years.

2 -  "Unfortunately, the average body-mass index and level of activity in adults are not as favorable, and this may be part of the reason that the age-adjusted mean triglyceride level increased in men and in women between 1988 and 2002,"

3 - They also found that from 1988 to 2010, there was an increasing trend in the percentage of adults taking lipid-lowering medications (from 3.4% in 1988-1994 to 9.3% in 1999-2002 to 15.5% in 2007-2010. Among men and women age 50 years or older, increases in use of lipid-lowering medications of up to 35% were observed.

4 - the prevalence of obesity among adults remains high, at more than one-third of the population

Monday, October 15, 2012

Learn more about the heart!

Learn more about the heart!

Take a look at this video found at : Heart Health - Health Matters - Dr. Kirk Peterson

Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability in men and women in the U.S. Fortunately, exciting discoveries and advances are continually being made in this area. Join host Dr. David Granet and noted cardiologist, Dr. Kirk Peterson, head of UC San Diego's Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center, as they discuss the latest diagnostic and treatment measures. The value of receiving care from a comprehensive center is also touched upon. Series: "Health Matters" [9/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 20860]

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Heart Healthy Snacks!

Its 7:30 PM.  We sit down to watch our favorite shows - NCIS, Monday Night Football (And now we have Thursday & Sunday Night Football!), American Idol, or re-runs of Seinfeld?  And it happens!  I NEED A SNACK!!!!!!

Check out the article -

6 unexpected heart-healthy snacks

Here are the highlights!
Here are 6 on-the-go snacks that can, surprisingly, help your heart. Fortunately these foods are common items that we often have in our refrigerator and pantry.
Popcorn: Popcorn delivers polyphenols—antioxidants linked to improving heart health. Gram for gram, popcorn boasts three times more polyphenols than kidney beans (the highest vegetable polyphenol source) and four times more than cranberries (the best fruit source), according to recent research out of the University of Scranton. Get a yummy, super-easy recipe for Cheesy Popcorn here.
Dark Chocolate: Researchers have discovered that eating moderate amounts of flavanol-rich dark chocolate has a blood-thinning effect, which can benefit cardiovascular health, and it may also boost the immune system by reducing inflammation. Some research also suggests cocoa may help lower blood pressure. Find a recipe for heart-healthy French Silk Pie and more chocolate recipes here.
Yogurt: Research shows yogurt may protect against gum disease. And people with gum disease—which affects up to 50 percent of American adults—are twice as likely to suffer from heart problems. (Find 10 healthy recipes using yogurt here.)
Apples: Apples were associated with a lower risk of death from both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease in the Iowa Women’s Health Study, which has been tracking 34,000-plus women for nearly 20 years. Finnish researchers found that frequent apple eaters had the lowest risk of suffering strokes compared with nonapple eaters after studying dietary data collected over 28 years from 9,208 men and women. (Find a recipe for Apple Cupcakes and more heart-healthy apple recipes here.)
Nuts: Nuts are chock-full of vitamins, minerals, heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and low levels of saturated fats. Research suggests that people who eat nuts—walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts and peanuts (which actually are legumes)—two to four days or more per week have a lower incidence of heart disease than people who eat them less often. Eat more with delicious recipes for Spiced Spanish Almonds and more nut recipes here.
Raisins: Raisins may help protect both your gums and your heart. Research has shown that antioxidants in raisins fight the growth of a type of bacteria that can cause inflammation and gum disease. And dealing with gum disease can help you avoid heart disease. Last summer, a major heart journal and a major periodontal journal simultaneously published a consensus paper that outlines the link between the two diseases: inflammation.

What do you think? - Here is my ranking of the treats!

1 - Dark Chocolate  2 - Popcorn  3 - Nuts  4 - Yogurt  5 - Apples  6 - Raisins

Monday, October 8, 2012

Back from Indianapolis!

One of the advantages of retirement & good health is you are able to do the things that you wanted to do, but could not do when you were in the working world!  Well, just got back from cheering on my Green Bay Packers!

Here are a few health issues I noticed while traveling.

1 - My retired buddies all have health stories - from heart disease to the meds we take, from our important our spouses are to our friends support, and things like our diet, exercise, or mental approach to our health! Traveling allows friends to share!

2 - Walking up stadium steps & seat locations - our seats were interesting!  Top row!!!  The last 20-30 steps were straight up!  Our hearts were pumping!  Our seats were difficult to get to - what if someone had a health crisis?  When you travel and where you travel to, should be analyzed.

3 - Eating out. When you travel, what you eat can be a challenge.  Getting your family or buddies to agree on a restaurant.  Deciding what is good for you on the menu?  Can a cheat on my diet - JUST A LITTLE!

All in all, traveling with friends and sharing time together is something that is special.  The only thing that can make it better is having the team you are cheering for WIN!  Come on Packers!!!!!!  If your fans travel 10 hours to cheer you on win!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Clogged Arteries: Steps to Clear Them from Plaque – Updated Article With New Information

Cleaning those arteries!  What you eat may help clean the arteries check out this article at:

Clogged Arteries: Steps to Clear Them from Plaque – Updated Article With New Information

I have tried to change diet and introduce new foods.  The article points out..........

To clear clogged arteries, exposure to free radicals must be reduced or eliminated. Adding antioxidants to your diet should do the trick to help break the clogs. Antioxidants can be added in the form of supplements or just via foods that contain them. Clogs take years to form, so it might take you some time to repair the damage and clear clogged arteries. Your nutritional formula will need to be balanced carefully so that you can dissolve the clogs, while feeding the necessary nutrients to the arteries and surrounding tissues. Important vitamins to include in your diet are Niacin, A, B1, B6, C, E, D, Pantothenic acid, Inositol, Choline, Calcium, Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Chromium, Selenium, Manganese, and folic acid.

I have also tried a new juice - pomegranate!

Researchers have also found that pomegranate juice prevents the arteries from hardening, as well as reversing the progression of disease. In the study that was conducted, the effects of pomegranate juice were tested on human cell samples taken from blood vessel lining. The cells were then subjected to severe physical stresses, the kind that may occur when one’s blood pressure is too high. Those cells, which were treated with pomegranate juice, showed evidence of having significantly less damage from the stress. Additional studies done on mice demonstrated that pomegranate juice slowed down artery hardening significantly.

Research continues!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Twenty-Two Month Old Heart & 2 Month Old Grand Daughter!

Well, it has been 22 months since my open heart by-pass surgery & 2 months since the birth of our first grand child, our baby girl Jamina!!!

A new heart has allowed me to continue to enjoy my retirement!  Golf today, with an "EAGLE" on a par 5 that made my day!  And a great weekend with our son, awesome daughter-in-law Erliza and of course the new addition to the family Jamina!!!!!!!

What a great new family!!!!