Friday, February 10, 2012

Exercise and PVC's

It has been almost 14 months after my open heart surgery (quintuple by-pass) and I have not discussed my PVC issues lately!  I have done that on purpose!  After my cardiologist checkup in January, things seemed to be good.  My meds were fine, my energy level was fine, my chest has healed, and the PVC's were stabilizing.  So, the doctor said, see you next January!

Today I wore my heart rate monitor on my 50 minute walk, and here are the results:

Beginning heart rate - 78
Heart rate on flat ground & downhill - 86-95
Heart rate up uphill - 95-105
And NO PVC's!

For new viewers of my blog, here is a quick history:

Open Heart surgery - quintuple by-pass on Dec 13th, 2010
Started my cardiac rehab January 2011
Kicked out of cardiac rehab after a run of 4 PVC's
Doctor said - let heart heal, do not change meds - go back to rehab
Continued rehab & kept heart rate at 95-100
February I decided to test the heart in rehab & had another run of PVC's at - 110
Kicked out of rehab for the send time
Had another heart cath & stress test
Wore a halter monitor for 24 hours
All looked good for the by-passes & had a run of PVC's on the stress test at 120
Changed meds - Metoprolol went from 50 mg - 100 mg per day
Back to rehab & finished rehab
Back to work
Still had PVC's at around 90-95 heart rate
Talked doctor to take Metoprolol down top 50 mg per day in June 2011
Still had PVC's at around 100-105
Had another stress test & had run of PVC's at heart rate of 129
Another doctor visit in September - October
Wore a halter monitor for 24 hours
Lowered Metoprolol to 25 mg daily

So, I still have PVC's, but I seem to be having fewer!  And the Metoprolol (a beta blocker) seemed to just lower the heart rate that I had them!  So today was nice - NO PVC's.  I will continue to experiment with heart rate & monitor the PVC's at least once a week for the next few months.  The PVC's seem to be exercise induced!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

8 Surprisingly Bad Foods for Your Heart

This is a good article on foods to watch!  Take a look & see what you think!

Med Help - 8 Surprisingly Bad Foods for Your Heart

White bread  - is usually something I have been trying to stay away from.  Eating my sandwiches on whole wheat or Tortillas!

Canned Soup - usually stay a way from the canned soup & eat fresh soup from the deli or homemade!

Soda - try to avoid completely!

Pop corn - microwave popcorn is great, but some are high in trans fats - READ THE LABELS!

Pretzels - have cut back, they suggest almonds & I love almonds!

I usually try to avoid many of these that are on the list.  It is always nice to read articles that reinforce your healthy selections!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More on Omega 3

Check out - Web MD - Omega 3

This will one of my focus for 2012.

Studies suggest they help lower the risk of heart disease, the nation’s top killer. They may also protect against symptoms of depression, dementia, cancer, and arthritis. 

All this sounds good! Project against all these BAD things!!!

The types found in fish, called DHA and EPA, appear to have the strongest health benefits. Another form known as ALA is found in vegetable oils, flaxseed, walnuts, and dark leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Fish & Veggies!!!

also decrease the risk for an abnormal heart rhythm

Reduce risk of  WOW!  This is something I need!

Several common sources of omega-3s are shown here: fish, walnuts, broccoli, and edamame, green soy beans that are often steamed and served in the pod.

I like all this things!!  But, have not eaten edamame lately!

More on edamame!

Edamame is a green vegetable more commonly known as a soybean, harvested at the peak of ripening right before it reaches the "hardening" time. The word Edamame means "Beans on Branches," and it grows in clusters on bushy branches. To retain the freshness and its natural flavor, it is parboiled and quick-frozen. In East Asia, the soybean has been used for over two thousand years as a major source of protein. Edamame is consumed as a snack, a vegetable dish, used in soups or processed into sweets. As a snack, the pods are lightly boiled in salted water, and then the seeds are squeezed directly from the pods into the mouth with the fingers.

Enough on my eating habits!  It is about 9:20 PM & that is when I eat stupid!  Time to walk the dog & get to bed!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Exercise and Open Heart Surgery

It has been some time since I have discussed exercise & how I am doing over 13 months after open heart surgery!  Other then my PVC's, I feel that I am definitely better than I was before surgery!  Today I did my morning walk - 50 minutes.

Find a great site for finding your target heart rate. - Target Heart Rate

I got the following results from the website for my age & activity level - 127 to 137.

Here are the results of my normal walk:

Flat or downhill walking - Heart Rate at 85-90
Uphill walking - Heart rate at 95-110

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl - Super Heart!

One of my favorite parts of the Super Bowl are the stories!  You have a chance to learn about the players and their families.  The people behind the scenes!  The friends and relatives who were there when these great athletes were growing up to become the great athletes!  The Super Bowl is a lot like heart surgery!

The Super Bowl for me was December 13th, 2010!
A great team - Dr. Burlingame & his staff.
Behind the scenes - the nursing staff of Lancaster General Hospital!
The Fans! - My friends & family - cheering me on & helping me get ready for the game!

This year its the Giants vs. the Patirots!
Great stories!

The Giants - Gian Paul Gonzalez.  A 9th grade teacher gives a talk to the New York Giants that inspires the team!  AMAZING!  Take a look at the video! - "All In" - Inspirational Talk!

The Patriots - Robert Kraft - The Patriots owner discusses how losing his wife this year was very difficult, but focusing on his team helped him cope with losing his wife.  The video - Patriots Owner Robert Kraft

Many great stories!  Many reasons to watch football!

And the score today - New York Giants 27 - New England Patriots 20!