Saturday, February 25, 2012

Depression After Open Heart Surgery

Yesterday I discussed depression and way to avoid depression after surgery.  Today I found an article discussing depression after open heart surgery.

Open Heart Surgery - Depression - The Real Pain

Of course, all open heart surgeries are different, age of person, type of open heart surgery, & many other factors.  This story is good for anyone after open heart, but you will need to modify for your own story.

One of first things I thought about my open heart surgery was my chest and opening the chest to get to my heart!  Sometimes we can think toooooo much!  Like the article said:

"They took a saw and split my chest bone wide open. I just knew this brutal act would be my major source of pain."

Myth Buster:  This actually was not that bad!  The only issue I had, like others, was sneezing or coughing!

As the article points out, many people have not suffered depression and after surgery this may be a new experience.  It gives a list of possible issues:

Feelings of Doom 
Desire for prescription pain medication

Check out the article for more detail!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Recovering from Surgery & Depression

One of the first things I was told by my "zipper club" buddies was after open heart surgery was I would face another possible issue - depression!  I really did not know what to expect.  There were days that I felt the depression:

Why me?
I'm to young for this!
Why didn't I take better care of myself!
Will I be able to do what I wanted to do in my retirement?
I'm a burden on my family!
Will I see my sons get married, grandchildren, etc?
I could not even help decorate the Christmas Tree!!!

I found this website at Med Help - Natural Ways to Fight Depression

Lucky for me, I already do most of these things!  I have a very supportive family & friends & and AWESOME WIFE (THANKS SUE)

Take a look at the website & see what you think!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Web MD Cholesterol Test

OK!  Time for a test!  Take this test at Web MD

Test for Cholesterol - Web MD

How did you do?  Hope you passed!

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Monday & Cardiac Workout PVC Check

My workout today was a 50 minute brisk walk!  Started with a 76 heart rate and got it up to 102.  No PVC's!  Felt good throughout the walk.  I will stay on the same routine for the next few months.  And continue to wear the heart rate monitor on Mondays only.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Procedure Abnormal Heart Rhythm or Arrhythmia

One of the goals of my recovery from open heart surgery is to stay relevant with all the new procedures and medicines for heart patients.  I found an article today that may have some future impact on my PVC issues.

Science Daily - Heat Energy Used to Fix Odd Heart Beat 

I have been taking meds to control my PVC's and I seem to be doing OK.  I still have issues during exercise when the heart will get to 110-120.  My cardiologist is happy with my progress, but this new procedure is one to be aware for future possible needs!

The part of the article I found interesting was:

"This catheter ablation technology is the latest treatment alternative for patients dealing with the disabling effects of cardiac arrhythmias, such as paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. This is a viable option for patients who do not benefit from their first medication."

The new heart cath & ablation procedure seems to have this advantage:

Unlike traditional catheter technologies, the THERMOCOOL® SF catheter uniformly delivers a cooling saline solution through the catheter, allowing for cooling of the entire catheter tip. Thus, the tip temperature does not rise significantly during ablation, which reduces the risk for clotting, and enhances treatment safety

The key is it reduces the rick of clotting!

The next cardiologist appointment for me is not until next January, so I have some time to continue to try my meds & continue to heal.