Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Good Workout & Busy Day

One goal of life after open heart surgery is to get back to a "normal" life style!  Friday was one of those days!  Started with a good workout on one of my favorite walking trails - Lancaster Junction!

Had a good workout on a hot & humid day!  Decided not to mix running, because of the heat.  Walked over 3 miles at a healthy pace.  Got heart rate up to 90-95 range without any PVC's!  Good workout!

After lunch, did wash! (This keeps the wife happy!)  Since I am retired and she is not, my laundry skills and cooking skills have improved!!!

And to finish the day one of my favorite part time jobs - running the clock for Hempfield football games!  Great game & atmosphere!  Nothing like high school football, band playing, cheerleaders cheering, and young athletes playing a great game - High School Football!

And of course the daily update pics of our new granddaughter!!!  One Month old!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cleveland Clinic - Heart Meds

Again, one of my favorite sites!  The Cleveland Clinic, rated the top "Heart" Hospital in the country!

The article - Cleveland Clinic - The "Big Six" Heart Medicines

They are:

ACE Inhibitors

I'm on 4 of the 6!  - Statins, Clopidogrel, Beta-Blockers, & Aspirin!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Best Heart Healthy Diets

US News & World Report ranked "Heart Healthy Diets".  Take a look at:

Best Heart Healthy Diets

There are some that I have not researched.  The Ornish Diet is:

Meat, poultry, and fish aren’t recommended. The only dairy allowed is fat-free yogurt, milk, fat free cheeses, and egg whites.
Foods not allowed are; all fats, oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, refined carbohydrates (including sugar, white rice, and white flour).
Other than these ‘banned’ foods, the diet allows you to eat all you want without any weighting or measuring. What’s left is predominantly fruit and vegetables, and grains.

The Ornish Diet is not my choice - I can do without meat, but poultry & fish - don't think so!

The other new one was the "Volumetrics Diet".  

The Volumetric Diet's principles are based on sensible eating choices, and this plan is meant to be employed with a regimen of healthy moderate exercise. When using the Volumetric Diet, you should pay attention to the number of calories per gram of food. Foods with a low number of calories per gram usually include a lot of water and fiber. The Volumetric Diet also calls for an increase in the consumption of water, suggesting 48 to 60 oz. of water per day, which amounts to 8 to 10 six-oz. glasses of water.

 So the "Volumetrics Diet" tries to make you feel FULL!

Take a look at the article and see what you think!