Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cardiologist Check Up

It is two years after open heart surgery and my yearly cardiologist check up!

Here is the good news!

1 - Still breathing!  I feel pretty good & I am able to do almost anything I want to do - golf, walk & exercise, travel, etc.

2 - Blood Pressure today 115/75 - great!  Happy with that!

3 - Total Cholesterol - Total 175  Not Bad, remember my high 10 years ago - 300!!

4 - Almost all other levels are great!

Bad news?

1 - Total Cholesterol is 175 which is OK, but HDL is 31, needs to be above 40 & LDL is 100, Doctor wants it 75 or below!

2 - Liver results not good - AST (SGOT) at 67, should be between (13-40) & ALT (SGPT) is at
122, should be between (7-52).  So, diet change!

3 - Still getting PVC's -seem to still be exercise induced as the heart rate gets to 110-120.
Game Plan?

Go back in two months!

Eat better - veggies & fruits!!!
Lose weight - At 195, try to get to 180!

Will have another Stress Test in March & wear a Holter Monitor to check PVC's!

Let the FUN begin!!!

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