Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Heart Surgery Game Plan

Yesterday I looked at the DVD given to me by the Heart Group. I also discussed the three categories of approaching the surgery - the physical, the mental & the spiritual focus! Today, I am adding to that the time-line to surgery:

1 - Pre Surgery Time
2 - Surgery
3 - Post Surgery Time

So, until Monday, December 13th, my main focus is on the Pre Surgery, which is now down to 6 days. The second time phase, the actual surgery is not in my hands! I will be out of it! At the time, I will be in God's hands and the surgeons hands! The third phase, Post Surgery, I will need to spend at least some time on it for two reasons. First, I need to understand what to expect when I wake up from surgery and second, the hospital stay & my recovery in the hospital i need to know what to expect.

The Pre Surgery time I am spending on what I can do around the house. Remember, I must behave myself, walking the dogs is not good, carrying anything heavy, or stressful mental things are out! Some things I can do(and Sue is happy with this!) is wash dishes, cooking supper(that is dangerous for Sue!) and doing Christmas cards! All this is good for me to keep me busy & Sue, to take away things she needs to do. Your spouse is under a LOT of pressure! And remember it is Christmas time!

I am trying to stay on a schedule:

Wake 6 AM
7 AM - devotions, breakfast(HEART HEALTHY), read newspaper
8 AM - see Sue off to work, shower & weigh myself(this is for my sister Nurse Rached)
9 AM - open blogs & add to the blogs
10 AM - watch TV & work on my retirement projects(this is an early start that I thought would start in June!)
11 :30 AM - Lunch - HEART HEALTHY
12:30 - let dogs out - one at a time
1 PM - 4 PM - a mixture of reading, projects, light housework, etc,
5 PM - call Sue & start Supper
7 - 9 PM TV with Sue(Wheel of Fortune, etc) One tradition we have is to watch a different Christmas movie until Christmas - It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th street, Christmas Vacation(I still laugh!). etc.

So, in the pre surgery phase, I am trying to stay mentally production, do the physical things I can do, and continue my devotions & let it in God's hands!

For comments today - What is your favorite Christmas movie?


  1. Braveheart . . .

    I mean, It's a Wonderful Life!

    Thanks for keeping us updated with the blog, Jim. It sounds like you are mentally and spiritually strong. After the surgery/recovery, I'm sure we will add physically to the list! We are keeping you in our prayers. Hang in there,
    Matt Sahd

  2. Thanks for the comments Matt. I will work on the physical part the first day I'm home - within the guidelines off my doc of course!
