Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cardiac Rehab #15 - The PVC's are Back!

Kicked out of rehab for the second time! Today I pushed myself at the end of rehab on one of the bikes. Tried to get my heart rate to the 110 - 115 range. And one of the cardiac nurses shut me down! It seems I had another run, this time 6 in a row. Here is the new game plan:

1 - no more rehab till I see the cardiologist

2 - The Cardiac Rehab nurses called the cardiologist office to set up and appointment as soon as possible - maybe today sometime.

During the workout, I felt winded, and maybe felt some extra heart "flutters". Again, I was a little light headed, but have always felt light headed after a workout. But for now, no exercise till the cardiologist sees me.

Stay focused, stay positive, and jump the next hurdle! (That's me talking to myself!)

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