Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Waiting Game Again - Meds Changed & Another Stress Test

After rehab we scheduled a QUICK appointment with my cardiologist - Dr. Worley. Here we go again! After meeting with Dr. Worley he will take my dosage from 25 mg to 50 mg of the medicine - Metoprolol. Another waiting period! 11 Days till I have my next Stress Test! Great name for a test "Stress Test"! It is even stressful waiting for it! Here is the new game plan:

1 - Change in medication - Metoprolol - going from 25 mg to 50 mg a day

2 - No Cardiac Rehab till after the stress test - February 28

3 - Practice my skills on PATIENCE!!!!!!!

Here is my review on Metoprolol:

Why is this medication prescribed?

Metoprolol is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. It also is used to prevent angina (chest pain) and to improve survival after a heart attack. Extended-release (long-acting) metoprolol also is used in combination with other medications to treat heart failure. Metoprolol is in a class of medications called beta blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure.

So the science experiment continues - 50 mg instead of 25 mg. How will this help reduce the PVC's & my "runs" of PVC''s?

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of "My Heart Under Repair!"!


  1. Keep ur chin up Jim! Everyone heals at a different rate and with different issues with the healing process.
    Fortunately the weather is getting better so just enjoy sitting outside on the deck and reading.
    You will be fine - believe it or not - you will look back on these days. Soon your body will be completely healed.

    Love ya - take care - little sis

  2. hello there again..
    thank you for your last reply,i appreciated it so much.
    anyway, my dad had also Metropolol 25 mg 3x a day after he was discharged in the hospital. But after 2 weeks and after seeing his stress test and holter, there were pvcs so the cardiologist increased the Metropolol of my dad into 50mg 2x a day. However, after a week there were still pvcs and now my dad is taking 50mg Metropolol in the morning and 25mg after supper..He continued his rehabilitation and he is almost in his one month after the operation.He does not have any symptoms of dizziness, palpitation or shortness of breath.
    My dad will see his cardiologist on the 23rd this month to check again his abnormal heart electrical and to find better management..
    But i have some questions that i havent asked to our doctor, what if there are no other solution to treat the pvcs, what will happen? or how can we tell if those abnormal heart beats are just benign?

    Hopefully everything will be fine and be strong..

    take care

  3. Thanks for getting back. Hope your Dad is hanging in there! So much of this is a mental game, trying to stay positive & trying to stay focused on getting better!

    Here is my latest to compare notes -
    Yesterday, I had a "run" of PVC's 6 in a row. The rehab nurses stopped me & sent me to my cardiologist. He doubled my Metoprolol from 25 mg to 50 mg. I will stop cardiac rehab & wait to my next stress test on Feb 28th.

    We will see then if I have made any progess. My last Stress test I had a run at the point where my heart rate reached 110.

    I have not asked the cardiologist what will happen down the line if this does not work. I'm trying to focus on the next step & not get to far ahead of myself.

    Tell you Dad good luck & we will try to compare notes!

  4. yes you are right..
    We should not go too far ahead of ourselves.
    Well just keep on praying and have faith.
    Till next time.
    Il just update you for any changes or after well see my dad's cardiologist.

    Thank you
