Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Jogging Experiment Begins

Much to the chagrin of my little sis (the family nurse), I started my experiment today on jogging! (Sorry Ginny!)  The game plan was to add 5 - 30 second jogs into my regular walking workout.  The jogs would occur when I was on flat ground.  Here are the results:

Total Workout = 47 minutes
5 X 30 second jogs (got heart rate from 95-100) I noticed 2 of 5 had PVC's on monitor
Regular walking on downhill & flats HR @ 80-85 & no issues
Regular hills HR at 95-100 and no PVC's on the monitor

Results:  It seems to be the same results, when the heart rate gets to the 95-100 range I notice the PVC's.  I will where my monitor throughout the day and take more readings & check the activity that I am doing at the time.

Looks like I need to do some research on Ablations, because the meds are not helping my PVC issues.  My next doctors appointments are September, I will then have blood work, Stress Test, & wear the heart monitor for a 24 hour period.

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