Thursday, July 7, 2011

Golf - Heart Surgery - Recovery!

 Today was another great day on the links!  This again was one of the goals I had as I was facing open heart surgery!  And after 6 months, I feel that there are no more excuses - a BAD shot is not because of my quintuple bypass!!  Remember, my first round was back in April after 19 weeks of healing,  That day I was still in pain when I coughed or sneezed and only had one BIG divot that I could feel some pain in my chest.

The story of Mike Bell is a great on!  He is a scratch golfer and had been a great amateur golfer before his double open heart bypass (Wimp - I had 5!)  He was 3 months out and he played in the US  Senior Open!  And did very well - check out the article below.

Amateur Playing Just Three Months After Open Heart Surgery - Mike Bell

Well, I didn't play in the US Senior Open, but I'm playing again!  And my PVC's do not hurt my game, only missing 4 foot putts!!!!!

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