Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Retirement Choices after Open Heart Surgery

After Open Heart Surgery, one of my goals was to finish the year and get to the new world of retirement!  That happened back in June, now what to do in retirement?

Before I make any decisions, I must remain focused on recovery & healthy choices.  As I have mentioned in earlier blog entries, one reason for my health issues was my work schedule and not focusing on my own health.  The past few days have been busy with my new lifestyle!  Monday golf with my retired buddies, Tuesday a look at a possible part time job & a trip to Kutztown helping one of my pole vaulters.  So, two busy days and trying to figure out what retirement will look like!

So far, five part time job possibilities, volunteer work for the church & other organizations, coaching, and do not forget the list of jobs around the house!!!  All the choices and one choice must remain paramount - STAY HEALTHY!

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