Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Exercise Results

My focus on getting my exercise in continues!  I begin the forth week of exercise & tracking results.  There seems to be three major areas that I have noticed as I begin my 4th week:

1 - My overall energy level is better.  As I begin my walk/jogg, I just feel better.  I think for two reasons, first, a cutback on the beta-blocker Metoprolol, which lowers your Blood pressure (from 100 mg to 50 mg daily) & second, exercising regularly!

2 - My weight is going down.  Before my surgery, I was around 196!  I am now down to 182.  My goal for the summer is to get down to about 175 before September 1st!  Less weight to carry around = more energy!

3 - Focus on healthy foods!  An Apple a day keeps the doctor (cardiologist) away!  Fresh fruit, veggies, fish & chicken, and cut back on the sweets!  (I do cheat once and a while - had a Daily Queen mixed cone last night!)

Today's results:

Took Imdur at 6 AM, oatmeal at 6:30, rest of meds at 7 AM.
45 minutes walk & jog (still at 5 x 30 second jogs on flat ground)  HR from 67 to 105
I experienced PVC's one time in my exercise period when my heart rate got above 100.
Blood pressure after exercise was - 95 / 72.

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