Friday, July 15, 2011

Workouts & Experiment Continues

The advantage to retirement is now I can focus on my cardiac workouts!  When I was in education, I always wanted to get to work first (my buddy Dave would always beat me to work!).  So I was up at 5:30 AM & to work by 6:15-6:30 AM.  Now that I am retired, my first focus is my morning workouts.  Here is what I have noticed:

For the past week and a half I have added 5 x 30 second jogs on flat ground.  Before my jogging my "Polar Heart Monitor" would show PVC's on my uphill walks, as my heart rate neared the 100 level.  Now I am not getting the PVC's at all on uphill climbs, but if they do occur, it is in the 30 second jogs as my heat rate is in the 100-105 range.

The PVC's will disappear when the heart rate drops below 100.  My next move is going to 5 x 45 second jogs next Tuesday.

The medications seem to be working out without much side effects.  The Imdur, that caused the terrible headaches for 2 weeks is not giving me any headaches!  The drop in Metoprolol (my beta-blocker) seems to give me more energy.

The other factor is that I am working out in a more regular basis & my weight is dropping.  Again, my next visit to the cardiologist is scheduled for September.

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