Friday, October 7, 2011

Exercise Continues - PVC's Still With Me

My exercise program continues, and the results seem to be consistent.  In my 40-60 minutes workouts the PVC's seem to be very consistent at a heart rate of 95-100.  Here are some observations:

Start exercise at a heart rate of 74-78.
PVC's will start on the uphill sections at a workout at a heart rate of 95-100
(The feeling I have is difficulty pushing up the hill.  It compares to a car you are driving that has bad gas, or needs tuned - will not smoothly kick in to the next gear)
PVC's will stop when the heart rate recovers to about 85-90.

In my last stress test I noticed the PVC's on the monitor at around 85.  The PVC's seem to fairly regular & fall into bigeminy (Every other beat)  When I walk my monitor does not pick these up at the lower heart rate.  The stress test indicated the PVC's start to be more regular as my heart rate goes up.  For my age the TARGET HEART RATE IS 139.  The test was stopped at 129, because I have 3-4 PVC's in a row.

So, as I continue my workouts, I am only getting into the range of 95-105 for a heart rate.  When I notice the PVC's, I back off & get the rate back to 90-95.

Next Tuesday, October 11th, I have an appointment with my cardiologist - next step is on the way!

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