Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time For Blog Statistics

In earlier blogs I have stated how cool it is to check out statistics about my blog.  Today I will share some more great stats - remember - I'm an "old" math teacher & coach and I LOVE numbers!  So, here we go, numbers, charts & graphs!

Total page views since November 2010 - 11,296
Pageviews today - 23
Page views last month - 892

And who is looking at My Heart Under Repair Blog?  (Click on graphic to enlarge)

All those countries and more!

How about Operating Systems! (Click on graphic to enlarge)

Windows, Macintosh, iPhones, Android, iPad, Linux, and more!

And how are people finding my blog?  (Click on graphic to enlarge)

These are the search terms.  PVC's are popular!

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