Saturday, February 12, 2011

Big Break Through - First Night's Sleep! In Bed!

It has been 60 days since my open heart bypass surgery! And last night was the first night since December 13th that I slept through the night in bed! It has been an interesting sleeping experience! Here are some of the observations:

1 - The first week after surgery I tried to start in bed and lasted maybe one hour and needed to get out of bed, read, watch TV, or work on something to stay busy. At this point I was still on my pain medicine - Percocet - Oxycodone. This medicine made me feel very anxious and when I tried to sleep my body could not relax. After over a week, with the permission of my nurses, I switched my pain med to extra strength tylenol.

2 - After 3 weeks I started sleeping in the recliner in the family room. This seemed to help, but I still was not sleeping through the night. Normally, I am a restless sleeper, start on back, move to right side, move to stomach, etc. At least I was getting 4-5 hours of sleep!

3 - After 4 weeks I started taking tylenol PM. I should have started this in the beginning! Two capsules made me sleep through the night! After about two weeks I started to use only one tablet, and for the past week I stopped using tylenol PM altogether.

4 - And last night, after 60 days, I slept through the night in my own bed, with no medicine! I still am sleeping only on my back, but sleeping!

Again, the Cleveland Clinic, had some helpful tips for sleeping!
Cleveland Clinic - Sleeping after Open Heart Surgery

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cardiac Rehab #9

I was again part of the 8 AM Cardiac Rehab Class today at the Health Campus. The class is made up of about 12 males and 2 females(all you males out there get your check-up, eat right, & get your exercise). I felt stronger today, but still had a few PVC's and one with a run of three in a row. The nurses said I did better than yesterday. Nurses are keeping an eye on me (nice to have 4-5 women checking me out!)

Found an interesting question & answer from the Cleveland Clinic (remember this is supposedly the best heart hospital in the country. The question and answer discussion is from someone that has not had open heart surgery, but suffers from PVC's. Have a look and click on the site below:
Cleveland Clinic Heart PVC Discussion.

Found another interesting article to read. It does a nice job explaining PVC's and going into the treating of PVC's. Premature Ventricular Complexes - PVCs at

There is one section that caught my eye about PVC's
"there is a good chance that a heightened state of anxiety is exacerbating the patient’s palpitations."

I thought this was interesting! So next rehab, Monday morning I will do my best to "chill out" and ride the bikes and walk the treadmill focusing on something to relax me!

A Packer Celebration at Lambeau Field!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cardiac Rehab #8

Today was a make up session from earlier in the month. When I had my first sessions canceled, I missed the 4th learning session. Here are the Sessions for Learning:

#1 - Guidelines Following Open Heart Surgery

#2 - Coronary Heart Circulation Lesson

#3 - Nutrition Lesson

#4 - The Importance of Exercise Lesson

Each session was well done and lasted one hour. There was a powerpoint presentation and then time for questions. Handouts were also provided for take home reading material. Again, the cardiac rehab is well done and the coordination between the rehab personnel and the Heart Group has been very good. The nurses and physical trainers work well together and make the patients feel welcomed.

On a personal level my workouts are going well. I'm trying to keep my workouts heart rate around 95-105. For my age level, my target heart rate for exercise is 83-140. I will discuss my next week heart levels on Friday this week. I'm still suffering from by PVC's and today had a run of 3-4 in a row. I'm beginning to feel them and when I do, I back off the exercise.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cardiac Rehab #7

Today was my 7th cardiac rehab! I got the heart rate up into the 100-105 range and still had a few extra beats, but no real runs (that is 3 or more in a row). This is good. Again, the sessions are monitored very well & the nurses and physical trainers are well coordinated and very visible. According to the American Heart Association, my age group Target Heart Rate for my age is around 83 to 140. (Click on the chart to enlarge for viewing)

So, I guess if I'm hitting a heart rate of 100-105 I'm doing pretty good for my situation. In my heart stress test I had a few weeks back, when I hit 110 they shut me down, that is when I had a "run" of extra heart beats.

My goal the next few sessions is to kick it up a notch, of course I will check the the rehab people and be safe!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Change of Schedule

The game plan for going back to work has changed. I originally, back in November planned to get back to school next week - February 16th. With the new hurdle, PVC's, my cardiologist has scheduled my return for after my appointment on March 8th. By this time my heart rehab should have been ending at the end of February, but I only finished my 6th session of a total 0f 30-36 sessions. And the PVC's will need to be checked by Dr. Worley on the March 8th appointment. As I pointed out earlier, the last rehab on Monday I was still adding some extra heart beats. We will see how this goes the next few weeks.

Also, I may need to re-evaluate my work load when I start back to work. In March my usually schedule is:

Monday - Friday
5:30 - wake up, & get ready for school
6:15 - 6:30 arrive at school
7:40 - school officially starts (either Landisville Middle or Centerville Middle)
11:00 - 12:00 lunch
12:00 - 3:00 school (either Landisville Middle or Centerville Middle)
3:00 - 6:00 coaching track & field at the high school

Saturday - at the end of March all day track meets

Sunday - church & relax!

Mix in there, meeting at school, meetings at church, and Thursday evenings extra track & field (pole vault work)

So, depending how my rehab & heart check ups go, I may need to evaluate how I feel & evaluate my schedule.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Eight Weeks After Open Heart Surgery

It has been 8 Weeks After Open Heart Surgery! And today I finished my sixth cardiac rehab session. I also had an appointment with my family doctor. Right now the communication is between - Cardiologist - Heart Rehab - Family Doctor. Today I needed to check when I am able to get back to work, as of now I'. scheduled to start back Wednesday, February 16th. So, I asked my family doctor and he told me to ask my cardiologist. So, we are still waiting on that answer. Of course, my heart feels a lot better today after the PACKERS became Super Bowls Champs!

New Meds: - after surgery
Metoprolol Still taking one a day - 25 mg
Amlodipine Still taking one a day - 5 mg
Plavix Still taking one a day - 75 mg
Old Meds - before heart surgery
Singulair - 10 mg a day (same)
Aciphex - 20 mg a day (same)
Lipitor - 40 mg a day (this new dossage seems OK)
Low Dosage Aspirin - 81 mg

I am continuing to heal. Here is a detailed comment on all:
The artery from my leg(from my groin to an inch below my knee) has healed completely. Incisions all look great. Still have the numbness in my lower shin area.
The artery from my left arm (from my left wrist to my elbow) has also healed, the pain is not very noticeable when I stretch my left wrist. Incisions looking good.
All the surgical holes in my belly & neck are looking good, and the ones in the neck are hard to even see.
The major incision(10" zipper) still sore and is is tender at least 2 inches on either side of the incision. It still has a numbness on either side of the incision.

Stopped taking 1 tablet (500 mg each) tylenol PM. Not sleeping great, but only wake up usually one time a night. Also, when I get up, I do not feel as drowsy.

Still working on eating low cholesterol & low fat. So far so good. We tried a special Super Bowl good heart menu(Except for one brats!) This is still one of the hardest things to do, it was our party so we cooked, but going to other people's homes. going out to eat, and avoiding my old comfort foods is difficult. BUT - I'm trying to be good!

Mental Approach:
Still trying to stay positive and on a routine! This is also very difficult. Now, with the PVC's (extra heart beats) I really have trouble knowing how much to push myself. And still working on relaxing & prayer! I'm coming to a time where I need to make changes in my schedule - work - coaching - church committees - and other responsibilities. Something will need to go in the next few weeks!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Today We Go Over 5000 Views!!

Having a math background can be a great thing and also drive other people crazy! Did you know Babe Ruth had 714 career home runs, and Hank Aaron passed him in his great career with 755! (I don't mention Barry Bonds, because I think he cheated!) And my Packers have had 12 NFL titles! That is tops in the NFL (I know the Steeler's have 6 Super Bowls, but the NFL goes back to 1920 & the Super Bowl started in the 1966 season). And Wilt Chamberlain still has the one game NBA record for points - 100 in Hershey, PA! Well today this blog went over 5000 views!

That is 5000 views, that is a lot of family & friends that have supported me over the passed few months (actually 77 days, I started the blog November 22, 2010). Again, as I have said before, I could not have done this without the support of all of YOU! (Especially, my wife Sue!!!)

Of course the process is not finished & as an open heart bypass patient it will be an ongoing story. The latest chapter is the challenge of the PVC's! But it will continue, cardiac rehab, maintaining my heart healthy diet, exercise, medicines, staying focused spiritually, and keeping up with the latest news in the world of the human heart!

My plan is to continue this blog & use it to help me heal & deal with heart disease. Of course, as long as you want to view it and make comments, that is even better yet! If you or others you know have heart issues please keep reading & sharing this blog with others.