Friday, March 18, 2011

Exercise Machines

Cardiac Rehab has allowed me to experience many different types of cardiac equipment. Here are the machines that I have uses and a link to some of the equipment if you click on the piece of equipment.

The Treadmill
This is usually how I begin my workouts. This piece of equipment is a great way to warm up and get the heart rate up. I usually do not have my PVC issues on this machine. I think one of the reasons is you do not use your upper body in this workout & also, I haven't pushed my heart rate on this machine - I usually get to 95-100 heart rate.

I have used a few types of exercise bikes. There are two main types - bikes with upper body workouts and others that do not work the upper body. The upper body bikes get my heart rate to the 105-110 range & produce the PVC's! Just as the treadmills, the bikes can be programed for hill workouts, random hills, and other selections.

These machines are one of my favorites! There is something about rowing a boat that is relaxing! Again, you get the cardio, upper & lower body workout. This may be the first machine I would buy for the house & row my way to Jamaica!


This is one machine that I have not used in cardiac rehab, mainly because I think it could cause more PVC issues. But, before I am finished with cardiac rehab, I will definitely try it out!

This is one workout machine that is not in the cardiac rehab gym. This must be like snow shoveling - NO NO! Just kidding, I think they just do not have one, but will ask next week at rehab!

Cardiac Rehab also has a small weight lifting section, dumb bells for upper body, two leg machines (extensions & leg curls), and the giant balls!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Making up Days for Cardiac Rehab!

Over the past 2 1/2 months I have been "kicked out" of rehab twice because of my PVC's. The first time was 3 weeks & the second time about three weeks. So, what I am trying to do is pick up extra days of rehab to try to get to the 36 sessions total. Today, I hit session number 20. I am trying to get as many as possible before I start back to work at the end of the month. Because of school & coaching it will be difficult to schedule rehab sessions.

Today I had several exercises that indicated a return of PVC's. I again seem to have the PVC's when I get the heart rate to 105-110. I did not have a run, but had several one time events & some bigeminy. One of the nurses suggested I watch my breathing. I may be stopping my breathing patterns when my heart rate rises. Friday I will try to focus on breathing & getting plenty of oxygen into my lungs!

Found this interesting article concerning PVC's -

How to treat your heart palpitations a.k.a PVC's

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cardiac Rehab Report

Today I reported back to the cardiac rehab nurses about my cardiologist appointment. The communication between rehab & the Heart Group doctors has be very good. We discussed the medications, the blood tests, and expectations for future doctor visits.

On the down side, I had a few PVC's today at rehab. On Monday my heart rate was up around 105 and I seemed to be fine. But today, at a heart rate of 100-105 I was having more PVC's and some bigeminy(an extra beat every other heart beat). Do not know why, but this is the frustrating part of PVC's. The good news is I did not have any runs of 3-4 in a row. I guess I just have to accept the possibility of good & bad days for the next for months. And the other factor, anxiety, not letting myself get upset when I see a couple extra beats on the heart monitor.

I will be trying to get a few more rehab days before I start back to work. The nurses are trying to schedule a couple extra Tuesday & Thursday sessions. The goal is still 36 sessions before I graduate! Today was #19.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Month After Surgery Check-up

Today was my three month after surgery checkup! Dr. Marwaha impressed me right away when he told me the history of my journey! From back in November with my first cardiologist Dr. Smith, my electrical cardiologist Dr. Worley, and all my heart caths & stress tests! He was easy to talk to and was very positive about my future. The heart medication will be as follows:

Lipitor - 40 mg - continue as usual
Metoprolol - 50 mg - contine what Dr. Worley recommended
Plavix - - 75 mg - continue as usual
Amlodipine - 5 mg - Thought I would stop, but must continue because my second heart cath, that showed that my one bypass had a spasm.
Aspirin - 81 mg - continue as usual
Nitroglycerin - new one - only take in an emergency - if I am working out or feel that tightness in my chest like I had before surgery. Should keep this with me all the time!

So, the PVC's seem to be getting better & my next doctor visit will be in June! I will start my 19th session of cardiac rehab & try to continue to keep my heart rate this week around 95-110. Next week I may take it up a notch! Dr. Marwaha also will want me to wear a 24 hour heart monitor in June to check me out & have another blood test in June!

Monday, March 14, 2011

13 Weeks After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Another milestone approaching - it is the 3 month check up with the cardiologist at the Heart Group. It will be my first meeting with Dr. Marwaha - see his bio at: Heart Group our Team.

The website for the Heart Group is at:
Heart Group of Lancaster General Health

This will be my first meeting with him and I am coming up with a list of questions:

What are my expectations 3 months after surgery? Work, exercise, etc...

What about my meds? My heart related meds:
40 mg - daily of Lipitor
81 mg of aspirin
50 mg of Metoprolol (this was increased to help with PVC's)
75 mg of Plavix (how long will I continue this?)
5 mg of Amlodipine (can I stop this med?)

And what about my other meds?
20 mg of aciphex (for my stomach)
10 mg of Singulair (for my allergies & asthma)

Have you discussed my PVC runs with Dr. Worley?

Paperwork that I received from my Cardiac Nurses?

What will I be able to do in 6 months, 1 year, etc. Jog, running, athletically?

Dr. Worley has me scheduled for another stress test in September - checking PVC's?

Next meeting with Dr. Marwatha?

My plan is to get to know my new doctor and try to build a doctor - patient relationship that is good!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Last Part of My Blood Test - Hepatic Function Panel

Here is the last part of my blood test from last week:

The Hepatic Function Panel - The hepatic function panel, also known as liver function tests, is a group of seven tests used to evaluate the liver for injury, infection, or inflammation.
As I did yesterday, the RED numbers will be my numbers and the GREEN will be the suggested range.

Test(What it is) - My Results - Suggested Range

Protein, Total - 7.8 - (6.2 - 8.3) g/dL
Albumin - 4.7 - (3.6 - 5.1) g/dL
Globbulin - 3.1 - (2.1-3.7) g/dl calc
Albumin/Globulin Ratio - 1.5 - (1.0 - 2.1) calc
Bilirubin, Total - 0.7 - (0.2 - 1.2) mg/dL
Bilirubin Direct - 0.2 - (
Alkaline Phosphate - 88 - (40 - 115 U/L
AST - 15 - (10 - 35) U/L
ALT - 23 - (9-60) U/L

Protein is an essential nutrient made up of building-block chemicals called amino acids. Protein provides energy and is needed for the body to make new cells, to maintain and rebuild muscles, to carry other nutrients, to act as messengers in the body, and to support the immune system. (Looks like my Protein is doing it's job!)
is made mainly in the liver. It helps keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels.(Do not want any leaks!!!) Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing.
is made up of different proteins called alpha, beta, and gamma types. Some globulins are made by the liver, while others are made by the immune system. Other globulins transport metals, such as iron, in the blood and help fight infection. (Looks like the iron in my blood is getting delivered!)

All in all, my blood test results look good. So the PVC's need to take care of themselves!!