Friday, July 8, 2011

Workouts, Diet, & Lifestyle!

Even though I have be retired for 3 entire weeks, it still does not seem like I am retired! Spending 35 years in education, the summers are still summers!  Although in education, the summer is not the same - the school year has changed - beginning earlier in mid August & ending later in mid June.  Plus Summer workshops, grad classes, and in the technology world the summer is still very busy in education!

So far the only changes are:
1 - The alarm does not wake us, the grand dogs do that, usually around 6 AM
2 - Joined the retired educators golf group that plays Mondays!
3 - Assuming more cleaning & house work duties! (Mr. Mom is cooking, washing, vacuuming, and all the other fun stuff!)

So, workouts are still going well - I usually get workouts in from 6:30 - 8:30 AM
Diet is a constant focus, Breakfast usually oatmeal or Cheerioes - Lunch Salad or Sandwich - And supper - fish or chicken, maybe once a week a hamburger(lean) or a small piece of red meat.

Starting to think about the many ventures starting in the fall, but holding off & planning till September.  I do have the first Albright Tour set for Indiantown Gap in Lebanon County with my retirement bus trip on August 31st!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Golf - Heart Surgery - Recovery!

 Today was another great day on the links!  This again was one of the goals I had as I was facing open heart surgery!  And after 6 months, I feel that there are no more excuses - a BAD shot is not because of my quintuple bypass!!  Remember, my first round was back in April after 19 weeks of healing,  That day I was still in pain when I coughed or sneezed and only had one BIG divot that I could feel some pain in my chest.

The story of Mike Bell is a great on!  He is a scratch golfer and had been a great amateur golfer before his double open heart bypass (Wimp - I had 5!)  He was 3 months out and he played in the US  Senior Open!  And did very well - check out the article below.

Amateur Playing Just Three Months After Open Heart Surgery - Mike Bell

Well, I didn't play in the US Senior Open, but I'm playing again!  And my PVC's do not hurt my game, only missing 4 foot putts!!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Jogging Experiment Begins

Much to the chagrin of my little sis (the family nurse), I started my experiment today on jogging! (Sorry Ginny!)  The game plan was to add 5 - 30 second jogs into my regular walking workout.  The jogs would occur when I was on flat ground.  Here are the results:

Total Workout = 47 minutes
5 X 30 second jogs (got heart rate from 95-100) I noticed 2 of 5 had PVC's on monitor
Regular walking on downhill & flats HR @ 80-85 & no issues
Regular hills HR at 95-100 and no PVC's on the monitor

Results:  It seems to be the same results, when the heart rate gets to the 95-100 range I notice the PVC's.  I will where my monitor throughout the day and take more readings & check the activity that I am doing at the time.

Looks like I need to do some research on Ablations, because the meds are not helping my PVC issues.  My next doctors appointments are September, I will then have blood work, Stress Test, & wear the heart monitor for a 24 hour period.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

This is now 29 weeks after Open Heart Surgery and our countries 235th Birthday!  A great time to celebrate!  Started my day with my longest walk since surgery - 55 minutes.  Heart rate started at 73 & finished at 85.  In the middle, on the hill sections had PVC's around a heart rate of 95.  Did my usual back down & felt fine.  My "Polar T31" heart rate monitor did it's typical reading of a strange signal at around the 95-100 heart rate range.  Remember, it goes from 95-100, down to 41-53, this indicates that I am having my PVC's.  What I do is back down to a heart rate of 90-95 and the "Polar T31" will get back to normal readings.
When this happens, on uphill climbs, I feel winded & a little light headed, but not like I will pass out!

Tomorrow I am starting my 30 second interval jogs on flat ground.  My goal is to do about 5, within a 40-45 minute workout!

Gos Bless America!  Home of the Free & GREAT HEART SURGEONS!