Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time For Blog Statistics

In earlier blogs I have stated how cool it is to check out statistics about my blog.  Today I will share some more great stats - remember - I'm an "old" math teacher & coach and I LOVE numbers!  So, here we go, numbers, charts & graphs!

Total page views since November 2010 - 11,296
Pageviews today - 23
Page views last month - 892

And who is looking at My Heart Under Repair Blog?  (Click on graphic to enlarge)

All those countries and more!

How about Operating Systems! (Click on graphic to enlarge)

Windows, Macintosh, iPhones, Android, iPad, Linux, and more!

And how are people finding my blog?  (Click on graphic to enlarge)

These are the search terms.  PVC's are popular!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Exercise Continues - PVC's Still With Me

My exercise program continues, and the results seem to be consistent.  In my 40-60 minutes workouts the PVC's seem to be very consistent at a heart rate of 95-100.  Here are some observations:

Start exercise at a heart rate of 74-78.
PVC's will start on the uphill sections at a workout at a heart rate of 95-100
(The feeling I have is difficulty pushing up the hill.  It compares to a car you are driving that has bad gas, or needs tuned - will not smoothly kick in to the next gear)
PVC's will stop when the heart rate recovers to about 85-90.

In my last stress test I noticed the PVC's on the monitor at around 85.  The PVC's seem to fairly regular & fall into bigeminy (Every other beat)  When I walk my monitor does not pick these up at the lower heart rate.  The stress test indicated the PVC's start to be more regular as my heart rate goes up.  For my age the TARGET HEART RATE IS 139.  The test was stopped at 129, because I have 3-4 PVC's in a row.

So, as I continue my workouts, I am only getting into the range of 95-105 for a heart rate.  When I notice the PVC's, I back off & get the rate back to 90-95.

Next Tuesday, October 11th, I have an appointment with my cardiologist - next step is on the way!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Cleveland Clinic - Rated Best Heart Hospital

During the past year I have visited many web sites.  One of the top web sites for heart patients is the hospital - The Cleveland Clinic.

On the web site the section on the heart is - Cleveland Clinic - Heart & Vascular

The Cleveland Clinic has been #1 in health care since 1995!  Take the tour, research what ails you, or just check out all the information!  I'm researching

radio frequency ablation.

This may be my next procedure - find out next week!

Today having lunch with one of my cardiac buddies - Rob.  One month since his open heart surgery.  We will compare notes!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

American Heart Association

The American Heart Association.  I have not been to this website lately - let's have a look!

This is what is new:

    1. Rediscover a lost art: Cooking for your family. The American Heart Association and the Walmart Foundation have teamed up to encourage healthy home cooking. Learn more.

       I tackled the sea salt article.  This has be a very popular item.  But take a look at this:

      Sea salt and sodium contentBoth sea salt and table salt contain about 40 percent sodium. Unfortunately, many consumers haven’t gotten that message. In an April 2011 survey by the American Heart Association, 61 percent of respondents said they believed sea salt is a low-sodium alternative to table salt.

       I'm not a big salt guy.  Usually I never salt, and I NEVER salt before I eat anything!  The good news:

      What’s the difference?Sea salt is obtained directly through the evaporation of seawater. It is usually not processed, or undergoes minimal processing, and therefore retains trace levels of minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and other nutrients.

      Table salt, on the other hand, is mined from salt deposits and then processed to give it a fine texture so it’s easier to mix and use in recipes. Processing strips table salt of any minerals it may have contained, and additives are also usually incorporated to prevent clumping or caking.

       As it says in the article, it is great to get the other minerals, but you can easily pick up these minerals in other foods.

      So, sea salt or regular salt - this will not change my diet because I do not salt!  But, for you salt freaks, WATCH THE SALT!!!

      Monday, October 3, 2011

      Packers Win - Heart is Good!

      Last year at this time I had a reality check!  My heart was not good enough to allow me to travel to Green Bay to see my Packers!  In fact, my heart was not good enough to walk around the block!  BUT, Open Heart surgery & 5 by-passes later - Green Bay & the Packers here I come!

      Nine months later, I was back in Green Bay!  Let me tell you why everyone should visit Green Bay! (And if you are lucky - get to a PACKER Game!

      1 - In Green Bay, EVERYONE sings the National Anthem at football games!

      2 - In Green Bay, people walk down the street at night & feel safe!

      3 - In Green Bay, EVERYONE cheers when military people are introduced!

      4 - Flying to Green Bay & wearing your team colors is a guarantee to meet great people.

      5 - Eating out in ANY restaurant, on a Packer weekend, is AN EXPERIENCE!

      6 - Green Bay has BEER, try a "Spotted Cow"!

      It is great to be back & cheer on the Packers!