Saturday, February 19, 2011

PVC's and Diet

For the past three months I have tried to keep my diet heart friendly. I now read labels and try to plan what I eat each day. Going out to eat is not always easy. I do try to drink water & decaf coffee, and stick with chicken & fish. All this has been focused on heart healthy choices. Now, with the addition of my PVC problems, I am researching diet and PVC's.

At the web site MedHelp, I have found some interesting discussions on this subject. Have a closer look at: Do Certain Foods Trigger PVC's?

In this discussion I have found the typical culprits of caffeine, alcohol, etc. For the obvious foods I have been very careful in my diet. The other things that pop up in conversations are again magnesium & potassium. I am anxious for my next blood test to see what these levels are & will not attempt any supplements till I talk to my cardiologist.

I also see where people have talked about anxiety & sleep. My sleeping habits have improved, but probably could get more sleep. I'm averaging 7 hours a night. And anxiety! Of course, there are these lovely PVC's, my heart surgery, getting back to work, coaching, retirement in 4 months, and life in general.

Here is my game plan for the next two weeks:

Sleep - try to get 8 hours
Diet - keep a diet diary - this was a good idea from my readings!
Stress - find more times during the day for prayer & relaxation

Friday, February 18, 2011

Heart 100 - Course on the Human Heart

Time to go to heart class. The first video I found was how does a normal healthy heart function. Here is a simple video that does a nice job of explaining the human heart.

How does the Heart Work?

And I found this interesting video on exercise & recovery PVC's. My PVC's seem to pop up during the exercise phase and not the recovery phase of exercise. I think I'm on the safe side, but need to ask my cardiologist. Have a look.

Recovery PVCs During Treadmill Testing Tied to Heart Disease

This video was interesting because it mentioned "dehydration". There are times in my workouts when I forget to drink! So for my next stress test I will "guzzle" a lot of water!!

What are PVC's

The next video does a great job of showing the PVC & discussing what it looks like on a monitor! On the top, you can actually see the extra beat and the middle line you can see the lack of oxygen. This is why the nurse always asks are you feeling light headed. And I have had 4-6 in a row, so I could pass out!

So what did I learn, drink water, watch the monitor & see the extra heart beats, & if you feel light headed STOP! The difficult part is as an old jock, exercising & pushing yourself was a good feeling. And, one would get light headed. Now I must learn to STOP!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cause and Cure for PVC's?

Found some interesting reading on PVC's at - MedHelp - Cause & cure for PVC's

Here are some comments I found interesting:

1 - Magnesium - Comments pertaining to low magnesium levels. I have not had my blood work (don't know why they are waiting so long), and for the past 3 months I have given PLENTY of blood! So, until March 8th, I will not know if my magnesium is low. I think the foods I am eating should provide enough natural magnesium, but tine will tell! Foods are: tuna, halibut, bananas, oat bran, brown rice, yogurt(low fat), baked beans, peas, potatoes.

The normal range of Magnesium Blood Tests on Laboratory evaluations is from approximately 1.5 to 2.5 mEq/liter - although this will vary slightly depending upon each individual laboratory.

And I found this at: Your Magnesium Level

Magnesium is one of the most abundant electrolytes in the body. It is critical in regulating several hundred functions in the body, including:

  • All electrical activity
  • Smooth muscle contraction
  • Skeletal muscle contraction
  • Every single heart beat
  • All brain activity
  • Over 300 various enzymatic reactions
  • Regulation of a Normal Potassium Level
Notice the line above in red! It is TIME to see what my magnesium level is & to learn more about magnesium!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Waiting Game Again - Meds Changed & Another Stress Test

After rehab we scheduled a QUICK appointment with my cardiologist - Dr. Worley. Here we go again! After meeting with Dr. Worley he will take my dosage from 25 mg to 50 mg of the medicine - Metoprolol. Another waiting period! 11 Days till I have my next Stress Test! Great name for a test "Stress Test"! It is even stressful waiting for it! Here is the new game plan:

1 - Change in medication - Metoprolol - going from 25 mg to 50 mg a day

2 - No Cardiac Rehab till after the stress test - February 28

3 - Practice my skills on PATIENCE!!!!!!!

Here is my review on Metoprolol:

Why is this medication prescribed?

Metoprolol is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. It also is used to prevent angina (chest pain) and to improve survival after a heart attack. Extended-release (long-acting) metoprolol also is used in combination with other medications to treat heart failure. Metoprolol is in a class of medications called beta blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure.

So the science experiment continues - 50 mg instead of 25 mg. How will this help reduce the PVC's & my "runs" of PVC''s?

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of "My Heart Under Repair!"!

Cardiac Rehab #15 - The PVC's are Back!

Kicked out of rehab for the second time! Today I pushed myself at the end of rehab on one of the bikes. Tried to get my heart rate to the 110 - 115 range. And one of the cardiac nurses shut me down! It seems I had another run, this time 6 in a row. Here is the new game plan:

1 - no more rehab till I see the cardiologist

2 - The Cardiac Rehab nurses called the cardiologist office to set up and appointment as soon as possible - maybe today sometime.

During the workout, I felt winded, and maybe felt some extra heart "flutters". Again, I was a little light headed, but have always felt light headed after a workout. But for now, no exercise till the cardiologist sees me.

Stay focused, stay positive, and jump the next hurdle! (That's me talking to myself!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My First Contact to My Blog!

Today was an exciting day! I had my first contact with someone that is not a friend or family member! This person may have used google to find other open heart blogs. The person's father is having the same PVC issues (extra heart beats) that I'm experiencing. One of the goals of my blog was to share information & feelings about my open heart surgery and today's contact was exciting.

One of the issues of major medical problems is not knowing what is happening to you and trying to find answers. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, my "zipper club" buddies have been a great asset to my recovery!

With the power of the internet, one is able to connect with others that may have the same questions, may have the same feelings, or just need someone to talk to about their own medical issues!

I hope others stumble upon my blog and we are able to help each other recover from open heart surgery!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nine Weeks After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Another week has passed and it has been 9 weeks after my by pass surgery. From my last report, here are some changes:

1 - Sleeping in own bed through the night (unless the dogs wake us up!)
2 - Started to do upper body & leg work at rehab (upper body around 8-12 pounds)
3 - Weight has stabilized at around 186 (need more exercise) (goal is 175)
4 - Diet has stayed on target (very limited red meat & no chocolate)
5 - Still have PVC's (extra heart beat & now I think I can feel them at around 100-110 heart beats
6 - Starting to get in the back to work schedule - up around 6 AM & sleep around 11 PM

I will add more walking this week now that the temperatures are in the 40 degree range. Hope to get at least one hour total per day, maybe divide up into segments. As part of the cardiac rehab, we are supposed to take our pulse rate before, in the middle, and at the end of the work out. Still have trouble doing this accurately.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Church & Open Heart Surgery

Good to be back at church today and see many people that had me in their prayers! It is truly a humbling experience to be on the other end of the prayer list! In our church, Redeemer Lutheran at 5th & pearl Street in Lancaster, we always have a prayer, for the country, for our service men, for our leaders, and of course for the people in our congregation that are suffering from some medical condition. This was my first time(I guess that is good!) that I was on the list!

Sue and I really felt the prayers for Jared when he was in Iraq 4 times! To hear his name every Sunday was very comforting! And I always said we could "feel" the prayer. Well, this time I really could "feel" the prayers! And the actions, meals delivered to our house, communion given in the hospital and at home, get well cards, phone calls, & e-mails! So, as I see it & feel it, I have experienced the power of prayer and the power of Christian love in actions! It is an incredibly important part of all churches to follow prayer & actions for all people, even the ones that are not always easy to help!

Found this great devotion - have a look! - Spiritual Analogy from My Open Heart Surgery