Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good Memories to Heal the Heart

One thing that we all have is memories.  And if you have kids, those memories were dominated by sporting events, Christmas Concerts, Boy or Girls Scouts, youth group activities in church or those family vacations!  Last night brought back one of my favorite memories - The New Era Baseball Tournament!

Over the past 65 years there has been a great Lancaster County Tradition - The New Era Baseball Tournament.  Every July, as midget baseball closes it's season the New Era Tournament has been a focus point for young baseball players dreaming of the big leagues.  So last night my neighbor & I (and his son & grandson) took a little trip to one of my favorite ball fields - Kunkle Field in Mt Joy!

The Mountville Indians have a great tradition, dating back to the 1960's.  And they have seven New Era Titles in their collection, the last six under a great coach Bob Sauders!  And his assistant, pitching guru, Jerry Bradley has been a steady influence in Mountville Baseball.  And under the lights, as my neighbor and I did some 20 years ago, we traveled up to see the Indians play their first game!

Take a look at their Mountville Indians web site:

Down two runs early, we saw the team battle back to win in the bottom of the fifth in dramatic fashion 5-4!  The memories and "the new heart" were awesome!  From the cool summer night as the sun set in Mt. Joy, to the famous Kunkle Burgers in the concession stand (can't eat those ANYMORE!), and the 11-12 year old baseball players, all was well in the world!

So, if you looking for heart rehab, or a Lancaster family tradition, or just a good baseball game, take a trip to Kunkle Field, Free Adminsion, $2 Kunkle Burger, and a priceless trip down memory lane!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Workouts & Experiment Continues

The advantage to retirement is now I can focus on my cardiac workouts!  When I was in education, I always wanted to get to work first (my buddy Dave would always beat me to work!).  So I was up at 5:30 AM & to work by 6:15-6:30 AM.  Now that I am retired, my first focus is my morning workouts.  Here is what I have noticed:

For the past week and a half I have added 5 x 30 second jogs on flat ground.  Before my jogging my "Polar Heart Monitor" would show PVC's on my uphill walks, as my heart rate neared the 100 level.  Now I am not getting the PVC's at all on uphill climbs, but if they do occur, it is in the 30 second jogs as my heat rate is in the 100-105 range.

The PVC's will disappear when the heart rate drops below 100.  My next move is going to 5 x 45 second jogs next Tuesday.

The medications seem to be working out without much side effects.  The Imdur, that caused the terrible headaches for 2 weeks is not giving me any headaches!  The drop in Metoprolol (my beta-blocker) seems to give me more energy.

The other factor is that I am working out in a more regular basis & my weight is dropping.  Again, my next visit to the cardiologist is scheduled for September.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Exercise Results

My focus on getting my exercise in continues!  I begin the forth week of exercise & tracking results.  There seems to be three major areas that I have noticed as I begin my 4th week:

1 - My overall energy level is better.  As I begin my walk/jogg, I just feel better.  I think for two reasons, first, a cutback on the beta-blocker Metoprolol, which lowers your Blood pressure (from 100 mg to 50 mg daily) & second, exercising regularly!

2 - My weight is going down.  Before my surgery, I was around 196!  I am now down to 182.  My goal for the summer is to get down to about 175 before September 1st!  Less weight to carry around = more energy!

3 - Focus on healthy foods!  An Apple a day keeps the doctor (cardiologist) away!  Fresh fruit, veggies, fish & chicken, and cut back on the sweets!  (I do cheat once and a while - had a Daily Queen mixed cone last night!)

Today's results:

Took Imdur at 6 AM, oatmeal at 6:30, rest of meds at 7 AM.
45 minutes walk & jog (still at 5 x 30 second jogs on flat ground)  HR from 67 to 105
I experienced PVC's one time in my exercise period when my heart rate got above 100.
Blood pressure after exercise was - 95 / 72.

Retirement Choices after Open Heart Surgery

After Open Heart Surgery, one of my goals was to finish the year and get to the new world of retirement!  That happened back in June, now what to do in retirement?

Before I make any decisions, I must remain focused on recovery & healthy choices.  As I have mentioned in earlier blog entries, one reason for my health issues was my work schedule and not focusing on my own health.  The past few days have been busy with my new lifestyle!  Monday golf with my retired buddies, Tuesday a look at a possible part time job & a trip to Kutztown helping one of my pole vaulters.  So, two busy days and trying to figure out what retirement will look like!

So far, five part time job possibilities, volunteer work for the church & other organizations, coaching, and do not forget the list of jobs around the house!!!  All the choices and one choice must remain paramount - STAY HEALTHY!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another "Zipper Club" Buddy

As I have said in earlier blogs, my "Zipper Club" buddies have been a great source of knowledge & understanding!  Today at church, another member approached me & asked how I was doing and also said this was his 21st year after quintuple bypass!  I have another buddy!  And the fact that he is 21 years out & looking good was another boost to my efforts to staying "heart" healthy!

On Saturday, Sue & I attended a funeral of a friend we met in college.  Our age, 58, and cancer.  Just as our heart issue statistics make us realize our frailities, Cancer is still taking many of our friends & family!

So in your prayers this week, think of all our friends & families fighting heart disease & cancer!