Saturday, December 31, 2011

Healthy Heart New Year Resolutions!

Here we are at the end of another year!  And this year was a focus on recovering from open heart by-pass surgery!  What should be the focus for 2012?  Found this article as a guide:

6 New Year's Resolutions to Boost Heart Health

What are the 6 suggestions?

1 - Reduce Stress

2 - Get More Exercise

3 - Watch My Blood Pressure

4 - Heart Health Family History

5 - Know My Cholesterol

6 - Eat Right for Heart Health

I have been trying to focus on these this year, so it should not be a stretch.  So, here we go - BRING ON 2012!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friends Help Heal Heart!

There are many ways to recovery from a major surgery!  One way is to have friends that make living a lot of fun!  And their support and prayers in times of family problems are awesome!  Tonight we had our traditional diner and time together for our "Neighborhood New Year Celebration"  This Tradition started about 29 years ago when most of us moved in the neighborhood.  So, from young families, to new grandparents, from weddings to graduations, our "OLD" neighborhood has stayed in touch, even though most have moved into new neighborhoods!

So, Happy New Year to.........

Dave & Cindy

Jim & Sue

Mike & Anne

Chet & Debbie

Chris & Deb

We have shared much together, but most of all we have shared a friendship that has lasted almost 30 years!  Friends are there in good times as well as bad times!  And Sue & I have been blessed with GREAT FRIENDS!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Smart Heart Living - Part III

Today I went back to the website that I discovered a few days back:

Smart Heat Living

The section I looked at today was on books to read focusing on a healthy heart.  Take a look at some of the books - they look interesting!

Mayo Clinic - Heart Book
Thriving with Heart Disease
How Your Heart Works
The Cardiac Recovery Handbook
Women's Health
Women's Complete Guide to Walking
Fit to Live
The World's Healthiest Foods
Fix It and Forget It
Heart Smart

Looks like I need to take a trip to Barnes & Noble!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Spending 35 years in education and being a student for another 16, one always looks forward to the time between Christmas & New Years.  What is on your list of things to door this week?  Here is what we are doing:

1 - Spending time with family - this is something we always do and this year is special having Jared(our oldest son) and his wife Erliza.  Spending time together, went to the movies together, to church together, out to eat together, or just a movie on TV!

2 - Watching football together!  Both sons have been over to watch football, a BIG family tradition!  All the bowl games(and there are many) and the final games for the NFL!

3 - Sleeping late - the dogs are even letting us sleep till 7 AM!!!!

4 - Reading books!  Usually for Christmas my wife & I get books for each other.  The one I am reading now is "Killing Lincoln".  A great read!  I love history & I am discovering more details about the Civil War & the assassination of Lincoln.

5 - Taking back gist that did not fit or using gift cards we got for Christmas!  Today I dropped off Sue and parked about a mile away!  Waited in the card, she called when she was done(Thank God for cell phones!)

6 - An of course New Year Eve & New Years Day.  New Years Eve at Willow Valley where Sue works with the residents & usually time with our old neighborhood.  And of course New Years Day Football & Pork & Sauerkraut!

What are you doing this week!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Exercise and PVC's

For the past 2-3 weeks I have exercised and ignored my PVC's (Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are premature heartbeats originating from the ventricles of the heart. Premature ventricular contractions are premature because they occur before the regular heartbeat.)

Today I put my heart rate monitor on and went for my 50 minute walk.  I felt good throughout the walk, but the PVC's are still there.  The good news is they are occurring at a higher heart rate (100-105).  Of course this usually happens on the uphill section of my walks.  When my heart rate goes below 100, the PVC's go away.

My next doctors appointment is the second week of January.  I will give him a full report & see what he will suggest.

So, one year after heart surgery, I feel good, but still have the PVC's.  They do not slow me down, I just make sure I do not keep my heart rate about the 100 level.

Found this interesting article on PVC's:

Exercise Induced PVCs - Dangerous or Not??

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Christmas Traditions! - Lumpiang Shanghai

One of the great things about Christmas is tradition - old & new!  For the past 58 years of my life Christmas traditions have changed.  Sometimes the transitions into new traditions are difficult, but other times new traditions are awesome!  This year, we are excited to have a new family member - Erliza!  Jared, my oldest son and Erliza we married 11/11/11!  A special day for many veterans across the country & now a special day for our son & new daughter!  After ten years in the Army, Jared found his lovely wife Erliza, who is from the Philippines!  And here is a new tradition for Christmas - Lumpiang Shanghai!

The new Christmas tradition for our family is a new FOOD!  Erliza has added many new & exciting things to our family.  Check out one of our new Christmas "FOOD" traditions!

Lumpia (Filipino Spring Rolls) Recipe

Friday, December 23, 2011

Smart Heart Living - Part II

One section that proved interesting was:

Smart Heart Living - Your Stories

Take a look at some of the stories!  I just submitted mine!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Smart Heart Living

Found this new web site to help educate us on a healthy heart!  It is called:

Smart Heart Living

The reason I like it is it tackles many heart issues - Risk Factors, Medication, Healthy Eating, Cardiac Tests, Chest Pain, Cardiac Rehab, and many more!!

This week I thought I would focus on things that interest me.  The first one that caught my eye was:

New options for life saving heart surgery through robotic heart surgery.

It is too late for me, but I found this to be fascinating.  I know our local hospitals are beginning to use these procedures.  Mine was old school, completely open the chest & crack to ribs open - 10-12 inch scare & a longer recovery time.  The good news is the doctors can get both hands on the heart!  Here is some of names of less invasive surgery:

Mini Sternotomy
Mini Thoracotomy
Endoscopic Approach
Robotically Assisted Endoscopic Approach

Take a look and see what other methods there are for by-pass surgery.  If you or a loved one faces heart surgery, there my be alternatives!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Year - I Missed My Packer Hobby

Last year at this time I missed one of my favorite hobbies!  Traveling to see my favorite football team - the Green Bay Packers.  In fact, I know this is stupid, but one of the reasons I delayed my trip to see a doctor was trying to get through December and travel to Green Bay, Wisconsin!  I was telling myself, I can get to Christmas & then see a doctor!  DUMB!

Lucky for me, I decided to see a doctor!  The rest is history!  This year I have been blessed to see the Packers 3 times!  This weekend was the first time that they lost in a YEAR!  We had a great time & the fans from Kansas City were great!  Another reason to be thankful this Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

One Year Ago - Home From the Hospital

One year ago today I was preparing to leave the hospital!  Four & one half days after open heart by-pass surgery!  Today, I am preparing to leave for Kansas City, Missouri to see our beloved Green Bay Packers with my Packer Buddies!  What a difference a year makes!  Here is my blog from last year:

Finally home in my own bed!! I must say that the care I received at Lancaster General was super - no complaints. But, I feel more relaxed already just being home and looking forward to a good night's rest in my own bed. I'll post more details tomorrow. For now, Good Night!

It was very simple & to the point "HAPPY TO BE HOME"!

As a leave today for my Packer game I will being saying many short, but intense prayers & thank you's!

Thanks for having the health to see Packer Game!
Thanks for buddies that supported me in those difficult times!
Thanks for family - especially at this time of the year!
Thanks for the doctors that made this possible!
And of course the biggest THANKS, for the "Reason for the Season"  not the NFL season, but the Christmas Season!  And our biggest gift!  A little baby, with a BIG impact on our lives!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Comparing Last Year & This Year

What a different a year makes!  Let's take a few minutes to compare!

Last year at this time I was still in the hospital after 5 new by-passes & the tubes were beginning to come out!

This year I started my day by walking 45 minutes.

Last year I could not keep my first meal down!

This year, I had lunch with one of my "tech buddies" - Vicki!

Last year I had trouble sleeping through the night!

This year I slept like a baby!

Last year the meds I was taking was making me GOOFY!

This year my meds are under control - I THINK!

Last year I could not wait to get home!

This year I'm home with my awesome wife, and my amazing son & his lovely new wife!

It's good to be THIS YEAR!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Has Changed After Open Heart Surgery?

After one year a lot has changed!

1 - New Outlook on Life!  Each day means a little more!  I always tried to focus the moment, but that was not always easy.  A busy schedule, raising two great boys.  Education & coaching schedules.  Family.  Church.  It is a little easier now.  Retirement has allowed me to slow down a little, but my personality does not allow me to relax too much!  I do appreciate, a long walk, sunsets & sunrises, time with family, trips to see my Packers, church volunteering, and doing my research on local history.  Each day is a gift!

2 - Exercise - I was never an exercise freak, but always exercised.  My schedule would always somehow get in the way.  Now, unless I work my part time job, I exercise first in the morning.  I usually try to walk 45-60 minutes a day.  Because of my extra heart beats, PVC's, I am not able to jog, but that may happen.  I still to yard work the old fashioned way, push lawn mower, rake leafs, and please do not tell my sister, shovel snow (I do do it slowwwwwly).

3 - Diet - I am a lot BETTER.  I read labels, and try to eat good things!  More fruits & vegetables, fish & chicken & oatmeal for breakfast!  What is important is what I do not eat - red meat (I cheat usually 2-3 times a month), doughnuts & tastycaskes are out (I do miss them!), and other nasty things.  I do have chocolate, but try to moderate & eat DARK chocolate!

4 - Stress - This is easier being retired, but certain things still stress me out!  The stock market & finances, church issues, politics, and stupid people! I do try to watch less TV news, only check stocks once a week, & stay away from STUPID people (People that act like idiots!)

5 - Faith - I try to stay strong in faith, help at church - men's group, helping with church programs for kids, Sunday School, & finish my term as Council President.  I try to stay focused on keeping my faith simple & relevant!

6 - Zipper Club Buddies - have have many friends with heart issues (One of the pleasures of growing old)  My close group now includes:  Terry S, Rob, Bill C, Terry E, Jim, & Bill B.  I spend time at breakfast, Packer games, & just checking up on how they are doing!  It is helped me & I hope it helps them handle our HEART issues!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One Year Birthday For My New Heart!

Where was I one year ago today?  Last year at this time was my open heart by-pass surgery!  Quintuple By-Pass!  My lovely wife Sue had to to my Blog!  I was a little busy!!

What did Sue say?

Okay, this is Sue giving you the update on Jim's surgery!!! His surgery went very well and was completed around 12 noon. Dr. Burlingame did 5 by-passes instead of 3. He decided that two of the by-passes would be better served by 2 additional by-passes. Jim is doing very well and I will get to see him in about an hour.  I will update this blog later today with more details. Thank you to all who have had us in your prayers. We can certainly feel it!

From 3 to 5 by-passes! I had to have one more than my buddy Bill!  I have always been a little too competitive!  As you see, my wife Sue was awesome! (And of course, still is)  And my family & friends were there BIG TIME!

And Sue's second post that day!

This is Sue again! Jim did exceptionally well today. Dr. Burlingame was very pleased with Jim's progress in such a short period of time. When I left the hospital at 7PM, they had already taken out the breathing tube and Jim was semi-with it! You know - la la land!! He will be in ICU through tomorrow, so if anyone was thinking of visiting, you should wait until Wednesday. Again, thanks to all for the many prayers - we could feel them all day!

I'm heading to bed - been up since 4AM! Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll keep you posted! Jim's goal was to be back to posting this blog himself by Wednesday and I bet he will do it!

I vaguely remember that day!  I do remember the breathing tube being removed (And being VERY thirsty!)  And as Sue put it, "la la land!"  I remember no real pain, and the only thing hurting was my back! (From laying there since early in the morning)

Sue did a great job as my substitute Blogger. Quick review - Monday was surgery day and not much that I remember about anything that day! I did run into people that I knew which helped me feel more relaxed. And, those people were looking after me! At the end of the day, I was in la la land; didn't get much sleep. Tuesday I awoke in ICU with a million wires and people hovering over me and lots of beeps! I felt like I was in some Star Wars movie! The day went fast and I was able to cat nap. I didn't have much pain or discomfort - lots of drugs! Today is Wednesday, Day 3, and I am now out of ICU and in a regular room. I was up walking several times and was brought regular food, but I was very tired all day and didn't have much energy for the walking or the eating. I am taking several different meds - the ones I took before surgery and new ones - percocet for pain, something for digestion, magnesium for electrolytes.

Looking forward to Day 4 tomorrow! One day closer to going home!

I was blogging by WEDNESDAY!

I cannot begin to thank all!  But I will try!


Monday, December 12, 2011

TWAS The Night Before Open Heart By-Pass Surgery!

One year ago today I was watching the last NFL football game of the day.  Trying to relax & focus on my approach to my open heart by-pass surgery!  As many people can relate to, major surgery happens one of two ways - you have time to prepare or it is emergency surgery.  I had time to prepare!

After my heart cath 3 weeks earlier I found I needed open heart by-pass surgery.  My surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks later!  I had three weeks to prepare.  Three weeks to learn.  Three weeks to talk to my buddies that had open heart.  Three weeks to prepare mentally!!!!

The night before I decided of a game plan.  First, I needed the surgery - I HAD NO CHOICE!  Without it I probably would not be around next year!  I would not see another Christmas, New Year, or my son's wedding!  I would not play another round of golf with my sons.  I would miss coaching another track team & a young man that would become the Lancaster-Lebanon League Track & Field Pole Vault Champion!  My retirement, time with my loving wife, a sunset or sunrise, and many other life experiences!

And second, I needed to be positive.  There are thousands that have this surgery every year - the doctors know what they are doing!  My doctor is one of the BEST!  The hospital has a great medical staff!  And I have many friends & relatives praying for me!

And speaking of praying!  Being a coach for over 30 years, I have constantly stressed visualizing during an athletic event!  If you are pole vaulter, picture yourself jumping a perfect jump!  Running down the runway, planting the pole, flying over the crossbar and landing softly on the mat!

My visual was God's hands holding the surgeon's hands as the operation proceeded.  Guiding the surgeon every step of the way! A perfect operation!  That was my thought as I drifted of into sleep one year ago today!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Zipper Club Grows!

The facts are, more of us will have open heart by-pass surgery.  It is a numbers game.  As we age, as we eat, as we become less active, things will continue to happen that a will create a heart in need of repair.  This week my neighbor, Jim, joined the "Zipper Club".  I visited him this week & he is tired, sore, and learning how to handle a new challenge!

Today I also had breakfast with Rob.  He is 3 months out!  This seems to be a key time period for survivors of open heart by-pass surgery!  He is doing well!  And is appreciates the coaching & friendship the past three months!  Good Stuff!  That is what the "Zipper Club" is all about.  A group of people that have conquered a new part of their life!

After breakfast, I also tackled the Lebanon Valley Trail!  This time I finished the leg of the northern most part of the trail!  A sixty minute walk that felt great.  I did not wear my heart monitor.  Sometimes I feel it is better to exercise without the monitor.  I feel at times that I enjoy my exercise more when I just relax & enjoy the time on the trail!

The Lebanon Valley Trail is a beauty!  Take a look at the website:

Lebanon Valley Rails to Trails

The maps are great to show you the trails that go from Lebanon, Lebanon County to Elizabethtown, in Lancaster County.

Rails to Trail Maps

Today I traveled from Whilhelm Avenue to 9th Street and back.  A great walk on a great day!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Learn About PVC's

I have not mentioned my PVC's for a few days.  They are still there, but I have ignored the extra beats.  I still wear my heart monitor during exercise.  The PVC's seem to be fewer and I seem to be able to get my heart rate up to around 110 before they appear on the monitor.

Found this website discussing PVC's:

Premature Ventricular Complexes - PVC's

As the article points out, PVC's are common in about 1 in 20 people.  After surgery is when I first experience the PVC's during my cardiac rehab.  For almost a year, my doctors have been treating my PVC's with medicines.  So far, I have seen some improvement.

My main concerns are a run of PVC's.  As the article points out: "Some people have episodes of several PVC's in a row.  If there are more than three PVC's in a row, the episode is called, non-sustaines ventricular tackycardia (NSVT)."  These can be dangerous.

More on NSVT at The Cleveland Clinic - NSVT

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Worst Holiday Foods!

Time to focus on the holiday and the FOODS!  17 more shopping days till Christmas and 17 more eating days till Christmas!  Found this article:

Med Help - Healthy Living - Worst Holiday Foods

Let's take a look at some of the Foods!

1 - Eggnog - 8 ounce glass - 400 calories!  I like eggnog, but rarely drink it.  Now I will NOT drink it!  Too many other foods to use for the 400 calories!

2 - Pecan Pie - 500 calories per slice!  Not a big fan of Pecan Pie, so this is easy!  The substitute that was offered was Pumpkin Pie - THIS I LIKE!  Less calories & fiber!

3 - Sweet Potato Casserole - This one looks good & I would eat a entire plate of this!  The suggested substitute is regular sweet potatoes!

4 - Fruitcake - This one is easy!  I HATE FRUITCAKE!  The substitute is great - Gingerbread!

5 - Gift Popcorn - I like popcorn, the substitute is regular popcorn.

6 - Fudge - love fudge, but need to stay away from the fudge!  The replacement is Meringues.  See great picture below:

There are other suggestions in the article of foods to avoid & substitutes!  One thing I do is carry a glass of water around and take a drink when I see something I like, but should not eat!  It is Christmas, and I WILL eat some holiday treats!  BUT, I will try to moderate myself!

One thing you must do is make Christmas Cookies!  Especially with kids!  Checkout the video below!

Kids Making Christmas Cookies!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

From a Bad Heart to a Share of The Green Bay Packers

There are many ways to heal a heart!  A good diet, exercise, handling stress, & finding something that is fun!  Fun for me is sports!  Watching sports, coaching young people, and rooting for your team.  One of my teams is the Green Bay Packers!  The Green Bay Packers is a very unique team!  The city of Green Bay is unique!  The fans are unique!  And the way the team is run is unique!  The Packers are the only professional team that is owned by stockholders!  Today I became a stockholder!  Today I purchased one share of stock in the Green Bay Packers!  The heart feels great!  Today I am a shareholder in the:

Green Bay Packers!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Another Test for the New Heart!

How do you know that your heart is healing after open heart surgery?

1 - Surviving a football game when your team wins in the last second!
Packers 38 - Giants 35!

2 - Walking up to your seat, located second last row from the top! Nice View!

3 - On the drive home we hit a deer & arrived home at 2 AM!

Great tests for the heart!  By the way, all four Packer Backers, Bob, Bill, Terry, & myself have had heart issues!  All all four made it home safely!!!

Go Packers!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Heart, My Packers, The Streak!

One of my life long passions has been football.  From watching as a kid, to playing in high school, coaching in high school, and of course as a fan!  Why?  I think several reasons have captivated me!

Reason 1 - As a kid, it was fun to play!  (The mothers in the neighborhood disagreed)  Scoring a touchdown on a long run!  Tackling that pain in the neck kid!  Drawing up those crazy plays in the dirt!  Or even out in the backyard by yourself - punting the ball and hitting that perfect spiral that turns over in the air!  GREAT memories.

Reason 2 - Being part of a team!  Working hard together.  Practicing that play over & over till it is perfect!  Having 11 young men work together!  Helping one another up after a play.  Learning to handle defeat!  And of course, celebrating VICTORY!

Reason 3 - As a fan!  As a young fan watching someone that you idolize - Roger Staubach, Johnny Unitas, Dick Butkus, and all the other legends!  As an adult, admiring someone that is skilled on the field & a leader off the field!  A role model for other Dads (This is critical!)

Today I make a second trip to see the Packers - this time to New York and as Howard Cosell used to say, "The New York "Football" Giants"!  I would love to see a Packer win!  But, more important!  I am going to THE GAME!  Last year with heart surgery looming I missed it!

This year will be great!  Good weather - sunny & in the 50's!  Good friends - Bill, Terry & Bob!  And a great football game - Go Pack Go!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Tree

Last year at the time I was waiting for my open heart bypass surgery!  And I could not do the normal Christmas Tree Stuff!  Like,......

Throw the tree on top of the van & tie it down!

Place the tree in the tree stand make it PERFECT for my wife!

Unload all the containers of decorations.

It is amazing what a few by-passes will do for the blood flow needed to decorate for Christmas!  And a great friend Bill, who stood in for me last year and helped with the Christmas Tree!  THANKS BILL!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lipitor Goes Generic!!

This is a sure sign that I am now a senior citizen (and 5 bypasses later!)  Today instead of paying $35.00 for Lipitor (That is what I pay with my medical coverage) I paid $5.00 for the generic version!  YES $5!

That's $5!!!

How do you know when you are a senior citizen - when you go crazy paying less for your meds!!!

Next year Plavix goes!  Another thing to look forward to!!!

The generic name is:

Atorvastatin is used along with diet, exercise, and weight-loss to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and to decrease the chance that heart surgery will be needed in people who have heart disease or who are at risk of developing heart disease. Atorvastatin is also used to decrease the amount of cholesterol (a fat-like substance) and other fatty substances in the blood. This will decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other heart diseases because when there are high levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood, these substances may build up along the walls of the blood vessels and decrease or block blood flow to the heart. Atorvastatin is in a class of medications called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body.
Check out the website - Generic Lipitor About to Hit the Market!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back to Coaching

Last year I was waiting for my open heart surgery!  One of the first things I new I would miss was coaching track & field in our schools indoor track & field season!  Well, I'M BACK!  We just finished our first week of practice and the new heart did great!

One of the most important things when recovering from any kind of surgery is getting back to a normal routine (WITHIN REASON)  As I have said in previous entries, one of my issues was being too busy!  Now that I am retired, I am able to pick & choose my activities!

I returned back to work, started coaching again, back to church council, and was able to retire!  After one year, I am attempting to choose what I want to do!  So what is my schedule now?

Coaching track & field
Volunteering for our church
Working part time - 5-10 hours a week
Mr. Mom at home - cleaning, washing, etc (till my wife retires)
Exercise Daily
Research my history of my home town

I need to be careful - sometimes I can't say NO!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Heart Healthy Diet

Of all my goals I set for myself last year, the diet has been the most important!  Just like other aspects of the past year: exercise, medicines, etc., I need to stay more consistent.

Here are my victories:
1 - In the meat category, I rarely eat red meat.  If I do, it is very lean!  In the normal week it is all fish & chicken.

2 - Veggies & Fruit - I have now placed a fruit bowl in the kitchen for snacks - bananas, grapes, apples, and other fruits are there for snacks! (Although I still have a chocolate container for my weaker moments!)

3 - Desserts - I try not to go for my OLD favorites - Chocolate cake & brownies, pies
Here are a few tips from the Mayo Clinic!

Found these suggestions from Mayo Clinic - Heart Healthy Diet

1. Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol

2. Choose low-fat protein sources

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits

4. Select whole grains

5. Reduce the sodium in your food

6. Control your portion size

7. Plan ahead: Create daily menus

8. Allow yourself an occasional treat

Monday, November 28, 2011

Medical Alert! Laughter is Still the Best Medicine

Keeping your sense of humor always makes a great medicine!  The Muppets have ALWAYS made me laugh!

Have a look!

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Checking on Last Year Preparation for Open Heart Surgery

What was I thinking last year at this time.  Here were some of my goals!

1 - Continue to work on the positive approach to my heart condition
2 - Continue to make this blog a help to others suffering from heart issues
3 - Start research on other statins - since lipitor was the "med" that I have been using
4 - Start research on my "new diet plan"

How did I do?  #1 - Positive Approach (I give myself a 90%)  I think I have maintained a
I had some bad days, but the focus on my family & faith kept me motivated!
 positive attitude.
#2 - The blog is the best thing I did!  It kept me focused.  It kept me learning!
I allowed me to communicate
and meet new people.
#3 - The research is amazing on the internet!  From meds to PVC's, exercise and diet,
 and many other heart
related issues.
#4 - My first 6 months were great, the last 5 I have had my ups & downs!
Need to stay focused!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!!!!

Many Thanks!

Health - What a difference one year makes!

Family - Time together, sons together (with their women)

Food - Turkey & all the rest!!

Football - Traditions - and keeping sports in the proper perspective!

Country - USA still #1

And Faith - we are constantly blessed!

How about some great Thanksgiving websites!

Thanksgiving History -

Thanksgiving -

Thanksgiving Sites -

The First Thanksgiving -

Great Thanksgiving Videos

Fast Turkey
The First Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Knock Knock Joke
You Can't Gobble Me!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve 2011

What a difference a year makes!  My focus this week has been looking back on last year.  Last year my focus was the "Thanks" in Thanksgiving!  And I focused on the "3 F's in My Life!"

Family - I am blessed why an incredible family!  And a new daughter-in-law Erliza!  And a new daughter-in-law Kristen October 2012!

Friends - from old friends to new friends, old neighbors to new neighbors, and co workers old & new!  I had many people thinking of me & praying for me!

Faith - Do not know how people survive life without faith!  My church visiting and praying for me!  My Pastor Dave a great spiritual leader & incredible friend!  A family strong in the faith (and a wife that has always been a wife that has strengthen my faith!  And a story of a God that loves me in sickness & in health!

And their is a fourth F for Thanksgiving!  Football!  Along with great food & family there is Thanksgiving Football!  What does Thursday look like:

In the NFL:
12:30 Packer vs. Lions GO PACKERS!
4:15 Miami vs. Dallas
8:20  49er's vs. Ravens

In college football:
8:00  Texas vs. Texas A&M

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Open Heart Surgery - The Mental Thing! Part IV

One year ago TODAY I started this blog!  This has been a great therapy for the mental thing!  You could go old school & keep a journal, but the blog, online, was shared by many!  Here are the one year stats!

One Year - 12,921 Page Views!!!!!!!!!!

The Blog tracks views: today - yesterday - month - all time!  So, people viewing my blog over 12,000!!!

And where did the people viewing the blog come from??

The Philippines!  My daughter-in-law!  Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, Australia, .....  People search for answers and my blog came up for many reasons, Open Heart Surgery Recovery, PVC's & Exercise, Open Heart Surgery Incisions, and my other topics that I may have discussed during my recovery!

And how about some stats for Nerds!!

Top 3 browsers - Explorer, Firefox & Safari.  Top 3 Operating System - Windows, Macintosh, Android.
Great stats!

Search Key Words?

The blog title - My Heart Under Repair was bib, and topics such as PVC's, exercise, running, were also ways that people found my blog!!

Enough stats,now thanks!  Thanks for all of you that followed the blog and were keeping me in your thoughts & prayers!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Open Heart Surgery - The Mental Thing! Part III

One year ago I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to have open heart surgery! What steps do I need to take to prepare for this big step!

1 - Accepting & dealing with your medical problem!
2 - Understanding what is happening - RESEARCH!
3 - Finding the information I need & understanding it!

This is a great website & book pertaining to this subject!

Preparing for Open Heart Surgery

This book & site have some great advice.  Some of the subjects discussed?

1 - Open Heart Surgery Emotions
2 - Pre Open Heart Surgery Diet
3 - Pre Open Heart Surgery Exercise
4 - What do I do before Open Heart Surgery
5 - What to expect after Open Heart Surgery - first 4-5 days, after 6 weeks, ...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Open Heart Surgery - The Mental Thing! Part II

This week I started looking back on one year ago.  This was the week that reality set in and I found out I needed open heart surgery!  My first hurdle was the MENTAL THING!  OPEN HEART SURGERY!

Yesterday my first tip was:

1 - Accepting & dealing with your medical problem!

The fact was I needed open heart surgery.  I could not talk anyone out of it, I could not hide it anymore, I could not take a magic pill and make it go away!  So - Accept it & Deal with it!

Now what?  Get mentally ready to be prepared for what was to come.  Because I wanted on of the best doctors in my area - Dr. Burlingame, I need to wait!  So, it was November 19th and the operation was set for December 13th!  That is 24 DAYS!!!!!!

First, I was not allowed to do much of anything!  NO exercise, no work, nothing stupid!

Second, I prepared by talking to my future "zipper club" buddies! - Bill, Terry, Terry, & others.  What was I in for & how did they do it!

Third, plan for the future.  What would I be like after surgery - Day 1, Day 2, etc.

24 days was plenty of time to plan! - Maybe too much time!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Open Heart Surgery - The Mental Thing!

One year ago today I was coming to terms with Open Heart Surgery!  The results of the heart cath showed three blockages - 60%, 70% & 99%!  WOW!  I was a lucky guy!  First, it was not the left main coronary artery that was blocked 99%.  This is called the "widow maker"!  For more on the "Widow Maker" check ougt this You Tube Video: The Widow Maker Heart Attack

And for more info:

75% of these people die quickly!  My main blockage was on the right side!  Second, I stopped ignoring it & had a check up!  Remember my symptoms I had for over 2 months:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Shortness of Breath
  3. Tightness in the Chest

I noticed the "fatigue" factor earlier in the summer and thought it was just aging & doing too much!  Nope - it was a signal!  The deceiving thing was I had my total yearly physical in August & the doctor said nothing - I was "Good to Go" into my last year of education before retirement!

Today I get to do something with my wife that is another blessing - we travel to her 40th high school class reunion!  I had mine this summer!  So, another day to give a big thank you!  All my friends & family & for a faith that has kept to focused & grounded!

Another great wedding picture!

(Proud Parents - Newly Weds - Next Years Wedding Couple!)

The first mental thing!
Accepting & dealing with your medical problem!

Friday, November 18, 2011

What is a Heart Catheterization?

One year ago today I had my first Heart Catheterization!  I had tightness in my chest, could not walk without feeling it!  So the cardiologist sent me for this test.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic defines as a Heart Catheterization:

The procedure was not too bad.  You were awake during the entire procedure and home the same day!  What does it show - BLOCKAGES!

Here is a great video of what it looks like!  Remember, you can see the procedure as they are doing it and ask questions along the way!  I have had two now.  The second one I was more talkative, the first one I was like a "Deer in headlights!"

Cardiac Catheterization - Heart Video

And take a look at Lancaster General Hospital video on Heart Surgery!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Heart Issues - How Does it Feel When You Walk?

Warning signs are critical!  Last year at this time I could not even walk one lap around the school without the tightness in my chest!  Today, after quintuple bypass - 11 months later I walked about 10 miles.  Feet hurt, but felt good!  It was a great - FLAT - walk, on one of my favorite trails - Lebanon Vally Trail!

I walked the section from Cornwall to Lebanon.  It follows the old railroad bed of two rivaling rail lines - The Cornwall Railroad & The Cornwall - Lebanon Railroad.  Like I said it is flat & very scenic!

Brought back many great memories - as a kid we built a tree fort next to the rail line, we used to go hunting along the line, and many other great memories!  Again, without getting my heart checked & many great care givers - I WOULD NOT HAVE HAD THAT MEMORY TODAY!

So, enjoy the walks & memories & listen to your heart!!

Below is one of my favorite memories - The Root Beer Barrel that used to sit off of route 72, has been moved & renovated to the trail!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More on Heart Attack Warning Signs

This week is my warning week.  Sharing the warning signs of a Heart Attack.  Last year I was having these signs, lucky for me I went to the doctor!!

Check out this website:

Heart Attack Symptoms and Warning Signs

Here are some of the list:
  • Pressure, a feeling of fullness or a squeezing pain in the center of your chest that lasts for more than a few minutes
  • Pain extending beyond your chest to your shoulder, arm, back, or even to your teeth and jaw
  • Increasing episodes of chest pain
  • Prolonged pain in the upper abdomen
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Impending sense of doom
  • Fainting
  • Nausea and vomiting

My last one is my favorite!  "Feeling of impending doom"!

Be save & get a check-up if you have issues or you may miss something like this!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Heart Attack Warning Signs

This week I am focusing on the warning signs of heart issues!  Since last year at this time I was not being HONEST and trying to "fix" myself, I am trying to help others that may be "crazy" me!

This website - Heart Attack Warning Signs gives some relative info!

 Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
 Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
 Shortness of breath. Often comes along with chest discomfort. But it also can occur before chest discomfort.
 Other symptoms. May include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness.

My problem was the first issue - "uncomfortable pressure"

BE SMART  - if you are having any of these issues - SEE A DOCTOR!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Where was I Last Year?

Let's look back one year ago.  It was Sunday night, like tonight and I decided to go to my family doctor and see what this "tightness" was in my chest!  In my HEART I new it was my heart!  How bad was it?  Maybe I would only need stents!  Maybe I was just paranoid?  Here was the week last year at this time!

Monday - Family Doctor!
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - Cardiologist
Thursday - nothing
Friday - Heart Cath

Results - Blockages - Need Open Heart ByPass Surgery!

Again, the signs were gradual, but at the end the symptoms came on quickly!

Last summer was tired often.  Not much energy.  Was walking, playing golf, and did not seem to be to bad!  August - had my annual check-up and nothing out of the ordinary.  Family doctor was OK with my physical exam and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

October, noticed mowing grass slight "tightness" in my chest.  Had trouble cutting the entire yard without stopping and catching my breath?  The "tightness" continued and now surfaced going up staircases.    Late October had trouble walking around the school, felt "winded"!   Was telling myself it would pass!

November, I new it was my heart & still did not tell anyone.  Thought I could make it till January, or even the end of the school year!  DUMB!  I had workshops at school - needed to finish the workshops.  Had Green Bay Packer tickets in December!  I could get to the game!  DUMB!  I kept telling myself I could make it!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wedding Day - Jared & Erliza

Wedding was AWESOME!  Everything went well & we thank our many friends & relatives!!!

Thanks to friends!  Many longggggggg time friends!

Neighbors - old & new

Relatives - brothers - sisters & aunts & uncles & moms & dads & grandparents & ALL!!!

Our church - Pastor Dave & friends from church!

New friends - Licette - "V" - and others!

Good food!  Good Music!  Good friends!  Good Time!

Again, having heart surgery last year has allowed me to enjoy this very special moment!  To see my son, so happy with his new bride!

Jared & Erliza!  Sue & I love you guys and wish you THE BEST!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wedding Day! 11/11/11!!!

Here we are 11/11/11 - Veteran's Day 2011.  The world continues to get smaller!  Major Jared Albright, from Lancaster, PA marries Erliza Morales from the Philippines and Australia!  Here we go!

Jared & Erliza

And a BIG THANK YOU to all Veterans!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wedding Week - Countdown - 1 Day to Go!!

The "new" heart is doing well one day before the big wedding!  Started day with 45 minute walk, last minute wedding preparation, wedding rehearsal, and rehearsal party!!!  ALL WENT WELL!

Wedding with Pastor Dave barking orders!

Ladies getting reading for wok down the aisle!

Hugs - Erliza & Mamita!

And a great present for Dad!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wedding Week - Countdown - 2 More Days to Go

The heart is holding up well as we move toward wedding day for oldest son Jared!  Today's events:

Walked 5 miles today.  Average heart rate 90-95, got the rate to 108 with NO PVC's!

Raked leaves & mowed lawn for last time - I hope!

Wife is out with girls in wedding planning mode.

Son arrives from Washington DC today to finish his planning.  (Jared will be wearing his dress military uniform - he is now in the Army 10 years and a Major!)

Thursday - Wedding Rehearsal & Rehearsal Party!
Friday 11/11/11 - Veteran's Day - Wedding at 5 PM!

REMEMBER - Last year at this time I could not have walked 5 miles, mowed the grass & who knows what might have happened!  Fortunately for me, this was the week before I went to my doctor & found out I had three blockages in my heart!  I begin each day this week thanking God that I'm here to see Jared & Erliza's wedding!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Exercise, PVC's, and Medication

It has been four weeks since my last cardiologist meeting.  Prior to that meeting I had a echo stress test and blood work.  At the meeting, it was decided that I would try working on my medicines.  Here are the medications:

Heart Medicines:

Now the heart issues:  My Heart Medicines!
Bayer (lo dose) Aspirin - 81 mg - 1 per day - (was taking this before my open heart surgery)
Lipitor - 40 mg -1 per day - (was taking 10 mg before the open heart surgery)
Plavix - 75 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Amlodipine - 5 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Metoprolol - 25 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)

Still taking my regular medication for my other issues:
Singulair - 10 mg - 1 per day (this is for my allergies & asthma)
Aciphex - 20 mg - 1 per day (this is for my stomach issues)

The exercise is going well.  On my walks my heart rate will rise to 100-120 on uphill sections.  The PVC's seem to be less frequent and will only happen on uphill sections.  I have accelerated on flat sections and had PVC's when the heart rate approaches 105-110.  Overall, my fitness has improved and the PVC's seem to be improving.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Wedding Planner - Franck!

For those of you that are Steve Martin (the comedian) fans, the movie "Father of the Bride" was an awesome, funny, and yet touching movie!  This week our oldest son, Jared, gets married!  And I get to walk the bride down the aisle!  You see, she is from the Philippines and her parents cannot make it over for the wedding!

The planning for the wedding is up to my wife & me (MOSTLY MY WIFE)!  So we will see how the new ticker handles the stress of a wedding!  My focus is on Franck from the movie "Father of the bride"!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Weddings & the Heart

What a better place to strengthen your heart, but a wedding! At this time in my life weddings are taking on a new meaning!  Last year at this time I was still ignoring the fact that I was have "issues"!  This week coming up, my tightness in my chest was really bad!  I still did not tell anyone and was getting mentally ready to visit my doctor!  I new what it was!  But, needed to build the courage to face the reality!  So, next week, as my older son Jared gets married to his lovely bride I will be there!  I'm a lucky guy and here is why weddings are awesome!

1 - 35 years ago Sue & I were married and she was a rock for me as I prepared for my open heart surgery!  I'm sure you all know the line from most weddings:

In the name of God, I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be 
my (husband/wife/spouse), to have and to hold from this 
day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, 
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 
until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow. 
Last year, Sue was awesome and REALLY followed the vow - for better or worse and in sickness and in health.  Great wedding lines!

2 - Friends and weddings!  Last night we had a chance to share a wedding memory with friends of ours!  Our "old" neighborhood, one we all moved into when our kids we little, well now the kids are starting the wedding stretch - this was the 4th wedding of the "neighborhood kids!"  Great friends, they were there after my operation, and for the past 30 years have beed AWESOME friends.

Are great "Bosch Wedding".  Checkout father of the bride & bride kicking up their heals!

3 - Seeing your ex-students & athletes at weddings!  Another blessing of an educator is the families your meet and a shane to share special nights!  At the wedding last night were families & students I was lucky to meet along the way!  Check out tow great young ladies that were great athletes & students with the "old" coach!  MY HEART WAS SMILING!

And next week, our older son Jared's wedding!!!  More to come!!