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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cholesterol Quiz

Time for a quiz - take the Cholesterol Quiz!

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  1. Certain "super foods" like fatty fish, walnuts, and oatmeal can lower cholesterol levels.
    You answered: Fact
    The correct answer is: Fact
    Researchers have found that some foods -- such as fatty fish, walnuts, oatmeal, and oat bran and foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols -- can help control your cholesterol. Some studies have shown that a diet combining these super foods may work as well as some cholesterol-lowering medicines to reduce your "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.
    How strong is the evidence? The FDA has reviewed the research on each of these foods and given them the status of a "health claim" for managing cholesterol.
  2. All high cholesterol levels put you at risk for disease.
    You answered: Myth
    The correct answer is: Myth
    Your body needs cholesterol to create cell membranes and hormones. But there are two kinds of cholesterol: "good" (HDL) and "bad" (LDL). It's the bad LDL cholesterol that builds up in your arteries, leading to heart disease. Good cholesterol actually helps remove bad cholesterol from the blood. A higher HDL is better; aim for 60 mg/dL or more. A lower LDL is best; aim for less than 100 mg/dL. A healthy low-fat diet and exercise naturally help you manage cholesterol. Medications help when diet and exercise alone are not enough.
  3. There are noticeable symptoms of high-risk cholesterol.
    You answered: Myth
    The correct answer is: Myth
    One in five Americans has high cholesterol. Unfortunately, many don't know it because there are usually no symptoms. Some people only learn they have high cholesterol after a heart attack or stroke. Not sure whether you have high-risk cholesterol? Get routine cholesterol screenings every five years -- starting in your 20s. Men over 45 and women over 55 need cholesterol testing more often because the risk of heart disease rises as we age. People with borderline high cholesterol may need cholesterol tests every one to two years.
  4. You have high risk cholesterol when total cholesterol is above 240 mg/dl.
    You answered: Fact
    The correct answer is: Fact
    When total cholesterol is above 240 mg/dL, you're considered to have high risk cholesterol -- which can raise your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart disease and other conditions. If you're diagnosed with high cholesterol, your doctor will probably recommend a mixture of drug therapy, diet changes, and exercise.
  5. High risk cholesterol increases your chances of type 2 diabetes.
    You answered: Fact
    The correct answer is: Fact
    High risk cholesterol can play a part in the development of type 2 diabetes. Good (HDL) cholesterol below 35 mg/dL is one diabetes risk factor, as is being overweight, having a family history of diabetes, being inactive and having high blood pressure. And type 2 diabetes, like high risk cholesterol, can be "silent," meaning you may not know you have the condition. Learn your diabetes risk: Get a fasting blood sugar test starting at 45, and then at least every three years thereafter.
  6. High risk cholesterol does not increase your risks of heart attack, and stroke.
    You answered: Myth
    The correct answer is: Myth
    When you have high risk cholesterol you have a greater chance of cholesterol building up in your arteries, which can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Lower your risk by getting your cholesterol checked and then following your doctor's recommendations. If you're at high risk for heart attack, know the symptoms to watch for, including: severe chest pain often described as pressure, heaviness or discomfort; breathing problems; weakness; pain in the upper abdomen (often mistaken for heartburn); and/or sweating, nausea and vomiting. If you think you're having a heart attack don't wait, call 911 immediately.
  7. High cholesterol can affect blood flow to the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.
    You answered: Fact
    The correct answer is: Fact
    As cholesterol plaques form and grow inside arteries, they eventually can begin to block blood flow. Less blood flow to the penis means a less firm erection. Atherosclerosis, also called clogged arteries, is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. High blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes are other factors that contribute to atherosclerosis.
  8. You should get your first cholesterol test at age 45.
    You answered: Fact
    The correct answer is: Myth
    Everyone should get a cholesterol test at least every five years, starting in their 20s. Called a fasting lipid profile, it's a simple blood test done after you've not eaten for 9-12 hours. The results of the test break down your cholesterol into triglycerides, HDL, LDL and total cholesterol. Healthy figures are: less than 150 mg/dL for triglycerides; HDL of 60 mg/dL or higher; LDL lower than 100 mg/dL; and total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL. If you have questions about high-risk cholesterol or about how diet and exercise affect cholesterol, talk to your doctor.

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