Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions for My Heart!

Here we go, time for the New Year's Resolutions. This year the theme needs to be:

2011 The Year of the Heart

1 - Diet - low fat - low cholesterol!
Heart Safe Diet

2 - Exercise - Get 30 minutes a day (mix walk, run, ride, etc)
Looking for an exercise bike for bad weather days. Exercise Bike Superstore

3 - Continue Blog - My Heart Under Repair for 2011

4 - Retirement & focus on new opportunities
Golf - Vacation in September/October - Start My History Project(Lebanon County PA)
I will start my Lebanon County History Blog soon!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good-Bye to My Stockings!

Another step on the road to recovery. Today I throw out my "TEDS". What are "TEDS" do you ask?

Ted stockings, also known as teds or T.E.D. (Thrombo Embolic Deterrent) stockings, are anti-embolism stockings for the legs that help prevent blood clots. They are used primarily for bedridden patients and postsurgical patients. Teds are made of elastic fibers that squeeze the legs, which promotes healthy blood flow.

Every night we would remove the socks & wash the socks. And every morning, after my shower we would put them on, and I emphasize WE. The first few days home, Sue would help & it was not easy! After about 4-5 days I was able to put the "TED" socks on myself! One of those small things we take for granted! Dressing yourself!

Today I will pull out my stop watch & go for a walk around the neighborhood. My goal today is two ten minute walks!!

GOOD-BYE - Thrombo Embolic Deterrent stockings!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Surgery plus 16

Busy day today! First, initial visit to Cardiac Rehab.

The initial meeting lasted about 1 - 1/2 hours. Finished paper work, given a description of the total heart rehab program, toured facility, and finally we set up my first four sessions:

Jan 6, 2011 - 9-11AM
Jan 11, 2011 - 8-10 AM
Jan 13, 2011 - 8-10 AM
Jan 18, 2011 - 8-10 AM

Next meetings were at the Downtown Health Pavilion, across from Lancaster General Hospital. First a chest x-ray. Making sure that the chest is healing & I did not do anything stupid the past two weeks! All results came back positive for the chest x-ray. It will be about 8 weeks until the chest is safe for heavier lifting.

The visit with Dr. Burlingame(my heart surgeon) was next. First the nurse gave me the simple tests, blood pressure test, heart rate, check all incisions, and any questions I may have. Then, one of the young doctors was in to check on the areas that were harvested for arteries - left arm(from wrist to elbow), right leg(from just below knee to groin area, and the left chest area. According to Dr. Burlingame, Jared R. Henninger, PA-C, is very good at what he does!
In fact, Jared was chosen to demonstrate this procedure on a DVD to be used in teaching the procedure! He is also a great young man, with a friendly and relaxing personality. I really enjoyed getting to know this group of heart specialists and would recommend them highly!

Last person I saw was Dr. Burlingame. The first thing I did was thank him for allowing me to get back to a "normal" life and extending my life! Open heart surgery is an amazing procedure & the talents of people like Dr. Burlingame is amazing! We also had a great discussion about one of my passions, pole vaulting! I have the go for the Keystone Games in 2012 and beyond!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Ready for Next Step

Wednesday this week will be a big day. Here is the schedule:

9:30 AM - Meet with Cardiac Rehab for the first time
Health Campus Cardiac Rehab

12 Noon - Chest x-ray
12:30 PM - Meet with Heart Surgeon - Dr. Burlingame

I will look forward to the next phase of rehab. Today my small incisions seem to be looking good, and the "zipper" looks good! I'm limited with my weight I can lift, but my range of motion seems good. I have more energy & I'm taking walks around the house, but being cautious with the cold weather.

I also still need to pick a cardiologist from the Heart Group

Found another good website for after surgery ideas:
Life After Bypass Surgery

My devotional today was what I needed!

"For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you."
Proverbs 9:11

Monday, December 27, 2010

Today is Two Weeks After Surgery!

Two Mondays ago I was waking up from by-pass surgery. Again, as a review, here was the time table:

Monday, December 13, 2010 5 AM at Lancaster General
Monday, December 13, 2010 8 AM Surgery begins
Monday, December 13, 2010 - afternoon, wake up from surgery
Monday, December 13, 2010 - spent night in ICU
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 - spent day & night in ICU - got up & walked around!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - moved to 5 East at LGH - private room
Thursday, December 16, 2010 - moved to 5 East at LGH - private room
Friday, December 17, 2010 - HOME! - That was 4 1/2 days in the hospital
Saturday, December 18 - Monday, December 27 recovering at home - 9 1/2 days

As I related earlier, I was very pleased with my stay at Lancaster General, from the surgeons, to the nurses, to the food services & all other employees I would give them a grade of A! For those 4 1/2 days I was always a beeper away from help & the help was always friendly & helpful!

At home the visiting nurses was a great concept(especially with cold & windy days of December!) Today my results were:
Blood Pressure - 110/74
Pulse - 72
Temperature - 96.3

The visiting nurses checked my incisions & medical questions. There were also very professional & friendly each visit.

If I had to list my concerns, it would be:

1 - medications & their effect on me. The Percocet(pain medicine) was the most troublesome. It worked well for pain, but constipation, anxiousness, & sleeping issues seemed to be a hassle. With the nurses advice I switched to extra-strength tylenol after a week on Percocet.

2 - Sleeping - one problem is just me. I need to sleep on my back, but I am a restless sleeper. So, after an hour I normally would turn - well cannot do this now. Therefore, I am averaging 3-4 hours of sleep a night. This will be a question I will ask my surgeon on Wednesday this week.

3 - Leg numbness & burning sensation. My artery from my leg, from the knee to my upper thigh gives me the most problems. It really is not to bad, but you know it is there. The numbness is around the shin area. This will be another question for my surgeon.

Found this great site from the Cleveland Clinic:

The Cleveland Clinic has been rated as the top or one of the top heart care facilities in the country! Have a look.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 13 After Surgery

Had a great holiday & was happy to have the energy to have my family to the house Christmas Eve & travel to Sue's side of the family on Christmas Day. This has been our Christmas tradition for over 35 years & we were able to have 2010 Christmas!

Back to "My Heart Under Repair"! As I said this is day 13 after surgery - here are a few items:

1 - My stomach is almost back to normal! The constipation from meds is gone & I seem to have established a basic routine for eating - Breakfast a bowl of oatmeal, Lunch - soup, salad or sandwich. Maybe heat up a leftover from the holidays. Supper - what ever Sue has for supper in a smaller proportion then usual(no seconds) And I still am not sleeping through the night, so somewhere around 2-3 AM a bowl of cereal.

2 - Medications - Like I said a few days ago I removed myself from the Percocet(it was after my visiting nurse visit on Friday the 24th) Instead I am taking two tablets of extra strength tylenol about every 6 hours. I feel the pain in my chest more, but I am sleeping better, no constipation, and have a clearer head. I was getting an anxious feeling & did not feel I was myself with this pain relief medicine.

3 - I can walk more & do more around the house - dishes, help around the house, bath & dress myself! On the bathing part, that has als been interesting! When your are age 57, you really do not look in the mirror very close even before surgery! But seeing the "zipper" and all the other small holes in you chest & stomach almost looked like I was a shooting victim for my first shower at home! But, it is truly amazing how fast we heal! Even the zipper is looking better! Probably the most difficult thing to do was put on the special socks they give you for support, today I did it myself!

Monday is my last visiting nurse visit & Wednesday this week I visit the surgeon & cardiac rehab!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Chistmas!

What a great Christmas present! I'm sure you all know the song "The 12 Days of Christmas"! Well, I have a new line for 5 gold rings - 5 by-pass surgery! And thanks to my family, friends, & great team of heart specialists - Dr. Burlingame, this rivals the Christmas when I received my first B-B gun! Kidding aside, what an awesome gift that allows me to celebrate Christmas with my wife Sue & sons Jared & Josh and the rest of our families!

But remember, the best gift of all, a little baby a couple thousand years ago! A gift that "keeps on giving"!

Merry Christmas from the Albright's 2010!
    Luke 2:15-20

    When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

    So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

    But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. (KJV)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

At this time of the year, we should focus on the "reason for the season". The birth of Christ is an amazing story and a great tradition is to share it on Christmas eve.
The Story Of Christmas
From Luke 2: 1-20

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

One of my kid favorites is the poem, "Twas the Night before Christmas Poem". Here is a brief history of the poem.

Clement Clarke Moore (1779 - 1863) wrote the poem Twas the night before Christmas also called “A Visit from St. Nicholas" in 1822. It is now the tradition in many American families to read the poem every Christmas Eve. The poem Twas the night before Christmas has redefined our image of Christmas and Santa Claus. Prior to the creation of the story of Twas the night before Christmas St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, had never been associated with a sleigh or reindeers!

The author of the poem Twas the night before Christmas was a reticent man and it is believed that a family friend, Miss H. Butler, sent a copy of the poem to the New York Sentinel who published the poem. The condition of publication was that the author of Twas the night before Christmas was to remain anonymous. The first publication date was 23rd December 1823 and it was an immediate success. It was not until 1844 that Clement Clarke Moore claimed ownership when the work was included in a book of his poetry. Clement Clarke Moore came from a prominent family and his father Benjamin Moore was the Bishop of New York who was famous for officiating at the inauguration of George Washington. The tradition of reading Twas the night before Christmas poem on Christmas Eve is now a Worldwide institution.

Take your time & read it today! Read it to a little one in your family!

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Christmas Poem also called “A Visit from St. Nicholas"

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Latest From the Visiting Nurse Visit

Here are the latest results from the visiting nurse today:

Blood Pressure 112/62
Temperature 96.1 degrees - (I'm getting cooler all the time!)
Pulse - 72

I talked a little about the C-word - "constipation" and how the surgery & meds are changing my normal pattern! (I can't believe I'm discussing this with the world!)

Here is a great website on Constipation: (click on the word)

This happened to me after gall bladder surgery & is probably intensified because this operation is more severe & complex! Well today - SUCCESS! The day before I started taking - CareOne - Stool softener - three the day before & two on Wednesday! Here are a few tips that may also help the next few weeks"

1 - eat more fiber
2 - more physical activity
3 - drink more liquids
4 - take my Stool Softener

Another article that I found was this one on - "Constipation After Surgery"(click on the word)

Well, enough of this talk on my constipation, but remember when I started this blog I was going to share EVERYTHING! It's time to get our Christmas Cards finished - Sorry they are late! This is still going to be a great Christmas, even if some things are late!

Merry "Early" Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Start My Thank You List!

One of the many great things we do as American families is to teach our children to say thank you! As parents, we need to stress manners & sometimes the words - "Thank You" are difficult to ingrain in our children.(Along with a bunch of others!) A five year old at Christmas, that just received a new toy from Grand MA & Grand Pa is in such a hurry to play with it the words are forgotten. Or that teenager, drops something in the hallway & you pick it up for them & the grunt - that could be Thank You! Or that husband, that receives that special cup of coffee during Sports Center, almost spills the coffee after a special highlight!(I never to that!)

Along with thank you cards, I would like to say a "Blog Thank You"!

Thank you for all your emails! A short & precise - "We Miss You" or "Get Better Soon" goes a long way!
Thank You for the old fashion Get Well Card - it still goes a long way! (And it is amazing how many have animals in the card!)
Thank You for the phone calls - of course the phone call from an old friend and to hear that voice again, makes you think of younger days!
Thank You for the visits - in the hospital(this one is never easy) & at home - nothing like a face-to-face visit from an old neighbor!!!
Thank you for the meals - not needing to cook & enjoying your special home cooking & that special recipe that makes the stomach smile!
And most of all - Thank You for the prayers - when our son Jared was in Iraq 4 times Sue & I felt the prayers! And this time Sue & I felt the prayers! When you are worried, tired, scared, or whatever other emotion comes to mind - it is amazing how God's presence is felt!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday - 1 Week Anniversary!

Last Monday I was waking up & in La-La Land. Today was another visit from the visiting nurses & all went well. We discussed the medicine, and did my vitals:
Blood Pressure - 120/64
Heart Beat 72
Temperature - 97.3

Started the stretching exercises & discussed a walking routine (start real slow!)

Sue left me home by myself for awhile (I feel like a teenager again!) Of course, with cell phones you are never far away! Had a friend come over to let the dogs out.

The biggest issues now are diet & meds and getting tired fast!

Physically, my incisions are healing fast & the "zipper" looks pretty good - even sexy!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Recovery Continues

Now, as before I must stay disciplined and not do something stupid. Here is my focus for the coming week:
1- Stay into a good routine as before the operation. Wake around 6-6:30 AM & plan my meds for the day. After meeting with the visiting nurse we have a basic plan:

Medicines Old

Aspirin EC Tab 81 mg 1 per day AM

Lipitor(Atorvastatin) 10 mg 1 per day night

Zetia(Ezetimibe) 10 mg 1 per day night

Singulair(Montelukast) 10 mg 1per day noon

Aciphex(Rabeprazole) 20 mg 1 per day AMMedicines NewAmiodarone 200 mg 1 per day AM

(take 1-2 weeks & discontinue)

Medicines New

Amlodipine 5 mg 1 per day noon

(take for 3 months) (chest pain & blood)

Plavix(Clipidorel Bisulfate) 75 mg 1 per day night

Metoprolol(blood pressure) 25 mg 1 per day night

OxyCODONE(Percocet)5x325 mg every 4 hours 6, 10 AM, 2, 6, 10 PM

Next, is scheduling the needed doctor & nurse visits:


12/18/10(Sat) 2:45 Visiting Nurses 128/74 BP

12/20/10(Mon) Visiting Nurses

12/20/10 2:30-3:00 Jan – Dogs

12/21/10(Tues) 3:00 Jan – Dogs

12/22/10(Wed) Visiting Nurses

12/22/10 2:30-3:00 Jan – Dogs

12/24/10(Fri) Visiting Nurses

12/29/10(Wed) 9:30 AM Card Rehab – Health Campus

12/29/10 12 Noon Chest x-ray Card Surg of Lancaster

12/29/10 12:25 Dr. Burlingame

NEED TO SCHEDULE Mountville Family Practice

1/17/10(Mon) NEED TO SCHEDULE Cardiologist

I must be careful when moving around & lifting objects. I cannot walk the dogs, the Yorkie-Shitzu will be first(she only weighs 6 pounds), but the English Bull Dog at 64 pounds will take some time!! And other lifting and the pushing and pulling, must be sensitive to the breast plate!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Entering Day 6 of Operation Week

Had a great day today! Here are some of my highlights!

1 - Never had a shave look sooo good!
2 - Never had a shower feel so good! (And was tired after it!)
3 - Had a visit from my visiting nurse - with our insurance we get 5 free visits)
4 - Food is finally tasting good again.
5 - And hung up all my get well cards & as I said in an earlier blog, we as educators are RICH in people. We a re blessed to have met so many great people along the way(along with a few stinkers)

One of the big elements today was getting my meds figured out - again I'm taking ten now & hope to be off a few as the weeks go by. The pain is not too bad, just when I sneeze or cough. Where they took the veins is not very sore. An the "zipper" does not look too bad.

Tomorrow I will try to discuss the next two week schedule!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally Home!!!!!

Finally home in my own bed!! I must say that the care I received at Lancaster General was super - no complaints. But, I feel more relaxed already just being home and looking forward to a good night's rest in my own bed. I'll post more details tomorrow. For now, Good Night!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last Night in the Hospital?

This should be it. Last night at Lancaster General and home to sleep! Biggest concern will be keeping the grand-dogs happy! The Yorkie-Shitzu should be fine, the the 65 lb bull dog will need to be gentle!

We are planning on using visiting nurses for a few weeks. It will allow me not to go out in the weather - they will be doing blood work, checking my incisions and just making sure I am behaving!

Another weird feeling that I have experienced is having issues sleeping. Between the meds & hospital beds I find myself waking and feeling claustrophobic. The room I am in now is smaller than the ICU rooms & when the door is closed I feel boxed in. My wonderful wife, Sue, is staying the night & giving me support. This is what a man needs, a wife that can be there in good & bad times!

Also, removing the wires & tubes has been exciting! The nurses & doctor assistants have been very slick & removing all the wires has been easier than I thought. I have two more for Friday, and I think I counted 12 total!

I was visited by my bosses at Hempfield - Mike & Doug. The neat things are I was lucky enough to see these two young men grow up and help make Hempfield a leader in educational technology. In middle school Mike spent a lot of time with me in Landisville Middle School computer lab and directed all the technology talent for our schools. And Doug, I first met when his family would travel to the Mountville Pool to enjoy hot summer days!

Today I had more buddies stop in Al Rineer & Marsh Anderson from church(Marsh gave me communion!) Dick Deibert who I have spent many great years and Centerville Middle Shoal (and hunting & running the Landisville Pool!) Jack Snyder at church, who always makes me smile! And a track & field buddy, Terry Shuman, that I had the privilege to share coaching time & stories. As I have pointed out in previous posts, this job continues to bless me!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day #3 - I'm Back!

Sue did a great job as my substitute Blogger. Quick review - Monday was surgery day and not much that I remember about anything that day! I did run into people that I knew which helped me feel more relaxed. And, those people were looking after me! At the end of the day, I was in la la land; didn't get much sleep. Tuesday I awoke in ICU with a million wires and people hovering over me and lots of beeps! I felt like I was in some Star Wars movie! The day went fast and I was able to cat nap. I didn't have much pain or discomfort - lots of drugs! Today is Wednesday, Day 3, and I am now out of ICU and in a regular room. I was up walking several times and was brought regular food, but I was very tired all day and didn't have much energy for the walking or the eating. I am taking several different meds - the ones I took before surgery and new ones - percocet for pain, something for digestion, magnesium for electrolytes.

Looking forward to Day 4 tomorrow! One day closer to going home!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 2 After Surgery

Hi! This is Sue again. I think by tomorrow evening, Jim will be able to write his own blog entry!! He is doing amazingly well. Today, they took out all tubes but his IV and the drain tube in his chest. He sat in a chair and even walked around with a walker. Tomorrow he will be moved out of ICU as soon as there is a bed available. He will be ready for visitors by tomorrow evening! Not sure what room, but most likely on the 5th floor-east. (Could change.)

Again, thanks for all the many prayers! They are so appreciated! We have such great friends!

Monday, December 13, 2010

End of a Long Day

This is Sue again! Jim did exceptionally well today. Dr. Burlingame was very pleased with Jim's progress in such a short period of time. When I left the hospital at 7PM, they had already taken out the breathing tube and Jim was semi-with it! You know - la la land!! He will be in ICU through tomorrow, so if anyone was thinking of visiting, you should wait until Wednesday. Again, thanks to all for the many prayers - we could feel them all day!

I'm heading to bed - been up since 4AM! Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll keep you posted! Jim's goal was to be back to posting this blog himself by Wednesday and I bet he will do it!
Okay, this is Sue giving you the update on Jim's surgery!!! His surgery went very well and was completed around 12 noon. Dr. Burlingame did 5 by-passes instead of 3. He decided that two of the by-passes would be better served by 2 additional by-passes. Jim is doing very well and I will get to see him in about an hour. I will update this blog later today with more details. Thank you to all who have had us in your prayers. We can certainly feel it!

4:15 AM & Leaving for Hospital

This is a quick last entry before leaving for hospital. Need to be there by 5:15 AM! Did all my prep this morning - showered with special soap, Hibiclens, & using the special nasal jell, Bactroban. I think the early trip is great because we are half asleep & they will have an easy time getting me back asleep for the operation!

Sue will be entering information for the next few days till I'm ready & able!

Again, thanks to all!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Evening Before Surgery

Had a relaxing day watching football with my brother Jon. Had a few visitors - from the Hempfield Track Team - I received a great "homemade" get well card! GO HEMPFIELD POLE VAULT!!!! Had a great call from our big track rival! Coach Frederick, has had many battles with us through the years & his call was a special motivator! And Coach Rogers, our head coach from Hempfield called to offer more Hempfield Track support! Sue, my tech buddy at Hempfield, drop off a parking pass for my wife from the tech crew at school! Great friends, great family & many calls, visits & emails!

The support is truly inspirational!

My wife has been awesome & very supportive throughout the entire build up to the surgery! I made one of my best decisions over 35 years ago! She has always been by my side & been an INCREDIBLE wife! And my boys, Jared & Josh, are doing what makes Dads smile, becoming great young men to help through the good & bad times!

So, here we go - surgery day is here - FINALLY. Thanks to all for the support & I will try to do my best to make the Post-Op stage as successful as the Pre-Op Stage!

My three focus areas are ready to go!

1 - The physical side - I did not do anything stupid the past 24 days! And started a Heart Healthy Diet!

2 - The mental side - again with family, friends, & medical support, I have tried to stay positive & do what I needed to do for the surgery.

3 - And the spiritual side - with all the prayers I feel, from church(a great prayer shawl), family & friends & daily devotions - I feel a calmness that makes Monday much easier! My visual is God's & the surgeons hands working together!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Countdown Continues!

Yes, the countdown continues! Two more days to "My Heart Under Repair" is repaired! My goal now is to be ready to tackle the first week in the hospital. I received this chart to give me an idea what to expect. Click on chart to see my Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday schedule and the Thursday & Friday Schedule.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home from Pre-Op!

The morning went well. Started at 8AM and finished around 12 Noon! Here is what happened:

8 AM - Ultrasound on my left arm to see if the doctors could use a vein from my left arm for one of the by-passes. The young lady, Melissa, is married to one of my younger son's friends from Hempfield. Josh & her brother-in- law Mike Porreca were friends. Ten years ago, Josh was throwing TD's to Mike on the football field. Melissa is married to one of Mike's twin brothers. Melissa did a great job and the entire procedure took 30-45 minutes.

9:30 AM - Next to nurse, Diane. Diane's job is to take care of all the testing & blood work! First, blood work! Of course, I warned her I get light headed around needles! First needle was in my right hand around my wrist & lucky I was laying down, because I did get lighted headed! Here is a great page for needle phobia & I have never researched this - well let the research begin!

Needle Phobia

I did not realize that 10% of the population has this! You would think that doctors & hospitals would do a better job helping & informing patients! Well I'm working on it & the webite had some great ideas!

After the first blood sample was drawn, I had an EKG, another blood sample from my elbow area(this went better!), a urine sample, covered my medical history, and signed a bunch of papers for the procedure!

Last, I was given a prescription for Bactroban, which is a nasal medicine that I will discuss later.

Diane covered the Monday schedule, need to be there by 5:15 AM and surgery starts at 8AM!

Well, that was my Friday! 4 hours of poking, signing, and all the testing before surgery!

Day Starts with Trip to Lancaster General Downtown Pavilion

This is just a quick post to start the day. I will try to post this afternoon and review the procedures of today. To make this experience even more exciting, I see a winter storm brewing Sunday into Monday! Right now it looks like mostly rain! Stay tuned for more details!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

On Friday it will be Heart School

The time is approaching for Monday Surgery! Friday, I will go to the Lancaster General Downtown Pavilion and go through my preoperative testing & teaching. Yes, it is back to school, for all my Hempfield buddies I wonder if I can get AIS credit! Here is what happens Friday:

* 9:30 AM - Report to Information desk and ask for a specific nurse
* Need to bring a list of the meds: I take - 10 mg of lipitor, 10 mg of zetia, 10 mg of Singulair, & 20 mg of Aciphex
* Following this preparation & testing I report to the Cardiothoracic Surgeons Office
* I will have my surgical site marked and my history & physical updated
* I will receive a prescription for Bactriban - needs to be purchased in LGH Pharmacy
* Stop taking certain meds - Coumadin, Plavix, Aspirin, vitamins, etc.(Aspirin is my only one)
* Ask any questions that I may have

This entire visit should take 3 - 4 hours

I will receive a time to report Monday for surgery.

So, that is the game plan is for Friday. Yesterday I received my first letter from the insurance company Heath America. The initial paragraph stated:

"Based on the information from your physician, the following service(s) has/have been authorized, for the above named member"
Of course then it adds in the letter, any additional services require separate authorization, this is subject to all the terms & conditions of your benefit pan, if the heath care plan denies coverage, you will be notified, and you may appeal. And more insurance speak........

I will keep all informed to how the insurance plan handles this process. So far so good. It is really the furthest thing from my mind right now, but I'm sure many people have added pressure when it comes to their medical coverage. This is a major concern in this country - but at this time I will not get into "Obamacare"!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Red Wine & Your Heart

I'm sure many of you have enjoyed a glass of red wine. Well, will this be part of my new diet? If so, how much should I have? What are some good red wines? Let the research begin!

Here is an article that I just finished: Red Wine - Heart Health Benefits

The article says, one glass for woman, two glasses for men? (That's one for the guys) The article goes on and says some research shows the red wine may raise HDL(good cholesterol) and prevent LDL(bad cholesterol from forming.
Also, red wine is rich in antioxidants, resveratrol, found in grape skin & seeds, increases HDL and prevents blood clotting. Flavonoids, exhibit antioxidant properties helping prevent blood clots and plaques formation in arteries.

Now the bad news! Alcohol may increase triglycerides, and result in weight gain! Also, use of alcohol may be a cancer risk! Well, looks like I need more research!

What do you think? To Wine or Not to Wine? That is the question.
Yesterday I had a look at the DVD given to me by the Heart Center of Lancaster General. The first chapter - Activity Guidelines. Here are some of the highlights:

* When arriving home you will be weaker, tired & suffer some discomfort - Keep Heart Pillow Close
* When sitting keep legs up
* Lift no more than 5-10 pounds
* Do not lift arms overhead
* Take showers only
* First few days limit visitors
* Avoid catching a cold!!!
* Start walking - avoid severe cold & heat!
* Do your breathing exercises
* When in the car, ride in the back seat - take your Heart Pillow
* Computer work is OK - THAT IS GOOD!
* When walking 1/2 walk = 1/2 hour rest

The next Chapter will be - Special Concerns. Today I also will stop taking my aspirin, but all other meds are OK. Again, trying to stay on a schedule that I discussed yesterday.

As a reminder, we cannot forget the battle against cancer. Today we lost another great neighbor, Maryanne Leauby. Maryanne was a great wife, mother and friend! She gave so much to her family & community and will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Gary, and children Gary Jr., Brian, Jennifer, and Kimberly and all their families.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Heart Surgery Game Plan

Yesterday I looked at the DVD given to me by the Heart Group. I also discussed the three categories of approaching the surgery - the physical, the mental & the spiritual focus! Today, I am adding to that the time-line to surgery:

1 - Pre Surgery Time
2 - Surgery
3 - Post Surgery Time

So, until Monday, December 13th, my main focus is on the Pre Surgery, which is now down to 6 days. The second time phase, the actual surgery is not in my hands! I will be out of it! At the time, I will be in God's hands and the surgeons hands! The third phase, Post Surgery, I will need to spend at least some time on it for two reasons. First, I need to understand what to expect when I wake up from surgery and second, the hospital stay & my recovery in the hospital i need to know what to expect.

The Pre Surgery time I am spending on what I can do around the house. Remember, I must behave myself, walking the dogs is not good, carrying anything heavy, or stressful mental things are out! Some things I can do(and Sue is happy with this!) is wash dishes, cooking supper(that is dangerous for Sue!) and doing Christmas cards! All this is good for me to keep me busy & Sue, to take away things she needs to do. Your spouse is under a LOT of pressure! And remember it is Christmas time!

I am trying to stay on a schedule:

Wake 6 AM
7 AM - devotions, breakfast(HEART HEALTHY), read newspaper
8 AM - see Sue off to work, shower & weigh myself(this is for my sister Nurse Rached)
9 AM - open blogs & add to the blogs
10 AM - watch TV & work on my retirement projects(this is an early start that I thought would start in June!)
11 :30 AM - Lunch - HEART HEALTHY
12:30 - let dogs out - one at a time
1 PM - 4 PM - a mixture of reading, projects, light housework, etc,
5 PM - call Sue & start Supper
7 - 9 PM TV with Sue(Wheel of Fortune, etc) One tradition we have is to watch a different Christmas movie until Christmas - It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th street, Christmas Vacation(I still laugh!). etc.

So, in the pre surgery phase, I am trying to stay mentally production, do the physical things I can do, and continue my devotions & let it in God's hands!

For comments today - What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Monday, December 6, 2010

One Week to Go!

One week to surgery! Yesterday I looked at the DVD - "Your Home Guide to Recovering from Heart Surgery" from the Heart Center at Lancaster General. Here are the categories:
1- Activity Guidelines
2 - Special Concerns
3 - Developing a Basic Routine
4 - Skills Section
5 - Completing Your Recovery
6 - Beyond Your Immediate Recovery

The video was well done and gave an honest & clear look at the next few weeks. I will go into more detail in later posts.

To me there are three main facets to this type of event in ones live:

1 - The Physical Side
2 - The Mental Side
3 - The Spiritual Side

I will try to continue to focus on all three and honestly discuss. Please feel free to comment on my assertions over the next few weeks. And once again thanks for all the positive thoughts & prayers! I really can FEEL the support and this entire process is easier to tackle with the help of friends & family!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Still Waiting!

Nine more days till surgery! If you are counting, that is 16 days since I was diagnosed with the three blockages. The difficult part now is the waiting game and making sure I do nothing stupid! Here is where I am at physically:

1 - sitting and reading, watching movies or TV, eating, and sleeping I feel nothing.
2 - walking around the house & up and down a few stairs is OK
3 - walking the dogs I may start to feel a little tightness in the chest
4 - nighttime I am definitely feel tired & my activity is more limited

I am definitely ready! I cannot work around the house, work at school, go to church, lift anything more then 10-20 pounds without feeling that tightness in my chest! Come on surgery!

The mental side of me is positive, but anxious about the surgery. I am not a hospital person. I also have a needle phobia. I always warn the nurses when giving blood I could pass out. Once I get beyond the first needle prick I usually am OK. My gall bladder surgery two years ago went well. The surgery was "day surgery" and I only was light headed one time.

So, I'm feeling ready, but anxious. The wait of over 25 days of knowing I will need open heart surgery does work on you. The term "Open" Heart Surgery should just be "Heart Surgery" forget the "Open" part!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Searching for a Cardiologist

If you remember back to the beginning of my heart story, we were caught initially in a tug of war between Lancaster Regional Hospital & Lancaster General Hospital. Our family doctors, Mountville Family Practice, have been great to us for over 25 years! As the boys were growing up in Mountville, all the bumps & bruises were patched up and healed with good medicine and a caring spirit. My wife and I were always happy with our care and the normal things that a young couple needs to stay healthy was handled professionally and with kindness.

So, when I was sent to Dr. Smith, a cardiologist, I found the same thing was true. She was easy to talk to and quickly prepared me for a heart catheterization at Lancaster Regional Hospital. Again, all our experience at Lancaster Regional has been great. My gall bladder surgery & colonoscopy (another fun experience) were handled extremely well! But after the heart cath, we had a decision to make, where would we have the heart surgery? All our friends and family directed us to Lancaster General and specifically the Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Lancaster & Dr. Burlingame.

The main point of the entry today is for the past 25 years we have had excellent care as a family living in Lancaster County! And yesterday, Dr. Ellen Smith, called to see how I was doing and discussed the next step in my path to good health. She was a "class act" and I said that I would love to have her as my cardiologist, but for communication and logistical reasons it would be better for me as a patient to go with a cardiologist that is associated with Lancaster General Hospital. Again, I would "highly" recommend Dr. Smith to anyone! But as a patient, the overall experience and number of bypass procedures that Lancaster General has performed led me to their door. So far, I am happy with that decision! But again, I wish to complement all my caregivers, especially Dr. Smith, for all they do to keep us healthy!

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Tribute to Liz Wile!

I need to take a time out from my heart blog and pay tribute to a dear friend. This blog entry is dedicated to Liz Wile.

About 18 years ago I received a phone call. It was early spring of 1992 & I just finished picking the Mountville Cubs baseball traveling team for the season. Her name was Liz and her son Ryan Wile just made the team for the first time. I’m sure most of you have been through sons and daughters trying out for teams! And many of you have called the coach! This call was different!

Liz is what all baseball Moms should be like!

Of course Liz was excited and ready to help in any way possible this baseball season! You see, Liz was born and raised in Mountville. Then, she proceeded to talk all about Mountville, the families, the school, and the baseball history of Mountville! In fact, her husband Dale played for Mountville and was on a team that won a New Era Championship! (And he & Liz were there to enjoy a Mountville Indians New Era Title with their sons!)

Liz was a Mountville Mom!

This was the beginning of a friendship between two families that I hope everyone has a chance to experience and at the heart of this relationship was Liz! It started with baseball and continued as our boys developed a very special friendship. Ryan & my son Josh became very close friends! In fact, my son Josh called Liz Mom! How many boys are lucky enough to have TWO great Moms!

Liz was Josh’s second Mom!

On the baseball field, on my “Field of Dreams” the Mountville VFW baseball field, Liz was a very supportive Mom! The summer days when the boys had their first B-B guns! To birthday parties, family get-togethers, graduations, fishing at Barley’s Pond, building snow forts, and all the things that families experience! The years flew by and our families enjoyed many special moments.

Liz was a big part of special years of our families growing!

In fact, the Albright family was able to experience many “Wile” family unique activities. My favorite was the “Miss America Party”! What happens is you get together and watch the Miss America Pageant. The fun part is you pick one of the finalists name out of a hat and cheer on your contestant. That is where the craziness begins! And to make it even more fun is the family members and all the comments about our beautiful contestants! Liz has a BIG family and a FUN family! What a night! What fun! What a GREAT family.

And at the center of the party was Liz.

So Liz, you were a great friend, a dedicated wife, a loyal family member, and most of all an incredible MOM! Your love of your husband Dale and children Angie, Ryan, Brent & Cody was so obvious! And with that add Grandmother! You will be missed, but not forgotten in our hearts and minds.

Liz lost her battle with cancer yesterday. Liz helped make this small town of Mountville a better place and we are all lucky to have you as a Mom, a family, and a friend!

The entire Wile family - Dale, Angie(Matt & girls), Ryan, Brent, & Cody are in our thoughts & prayers!

Jim & Sue Albright

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surgery - December 13, 2010!!!!

Here we go! Surgery on the December 13th! My appointment with Dr. Burlingame went well & I'm on my way to the repair on my heart to get back into my "normal life" again! Dr. Burlingame took time to discuss the entire procedure:

1 - Where the bypasses will be located
2 - How the procedure will take place
3 - What the hospital stay will like for 4-7 days
4 - Recovery at home & cardiac rehab
5 - And what will take place 3-6 months out

He then let me ask my questions. Of course I had many! Many of the normal questions: What meds will I be taking? When does rehab begin? When can I golf? And the last one kind of surprised him - Will I be able to Pole Vault again? After a little nervous laugh & a expression on his face that I did not see before, he said, "Why would you do that!"

The countdown is on again. 11 days till surgery. If you are counting, that is 28 days from my initial visit to my family doctor. Here is the timelime:

August 31 - 8 AM physical - passed & no problems!
September 27, 2010 - cutting grass & noticed a "tightness" in the chest.
October - noticed the tightness in the chest was coming more frequently
November - was still trying to avoid the issue & wanted to get passed Nov 12th workshops
November 16 - scheduled meeting with family doctor
November 19 - Heart Catheterization scheduled
December 2 - Heart Consultation
December 13 - HEART SURGERY

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can drinking pomegranate juice help lower my cholesterol?

Found this interesting article and started to research pomegranate juice. Why pomegranate juice? This juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most juices and antioxidants are thought to help the heart, especially reducing LDL - the BAD cholesterol. Check out these two websites for further details:

Tomorrow is the day. I will meet with Dr. Burlingame a 1:00 PM. So it has been 12 days since my Heart "Cath" and this will be the second opinion on my blockages.

Here is the website of the heart surgeons:

Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Lancaster

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cholesterol Charts

I have looked at these charts before, but now they take on new meaning! When I was first diagnosed with high cholesterol I got serious! My total level was 300! With diet & lipitor the total count was lowered to below 140. I was exercising & watching diet, but after my gall bladder surgery I slacked off(That is another story!)

Here is the chart I will post. Let me know what you think about the numbers.

Click on chart to enlarge

Big Week Ahead

This week we should have an idea of our next step to repair the blockages in my heart. Over the weekend I decided to take the weekend off from "My Heart Under Repair" blog & relax & focus on family & football. Problem was on Saturday Penn State lost & Sunday the Packers lost - so much for relaxing!

I have a few goals for the week:

1 - Continue to work on the positive approach to my heart condition
2 - Continue to make this blog a help to others suffering from heart issues
3 - Start research on other statins - since lipitor was the "med" that I have been using
4 - Start research on my "new diet plan"

Again, thank you to all that have called, sent emails & prayers. The support from family & friends is a critical part of the entire process. Please make comments on my blog!

Check out my new Heart Healthy Diet Video located with my other videos at the bottom of my blog!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day after Thanksgiving - Black Friday!

The heart is hanging in there. Made it through Thanksgiving diner! Seems to be holding at the same level & the tightness in the chest(no actual pain) seems to come after walking about 100 yards or carrying something that may be around 10 - 20 pounds for a little distance. I am doing a good job of keeping the Nitrostat pills in my pocket. The pills are .4 MG & you need to take them for chest pain. Take twice every 5 minutes & if it continues - GET TO HOSPITAL! So far I have not taken any pills!

So, continue to relax & do nothing! I'm beginning to study my new diet plan with a focus on NO Cholestrol! And research more cholesterol Meds. For the past 7 years I have been on 10 mg of lipitor a day & the past 3 years 10 mg of zetia. When I started lipitor I was watching my diet, but after a few years I started to eat more red meat & was not strictly reading labels. THIS WILL NEED TO CHANGE! I had fun the first 57 years, but the next 57 years need to be as cholesterol free as possible!

This is one to check out & ask questions:


Sometimes a low-fat diet and exercise alone are not enough. For people who have high cholesterol, their doctors may prescribe NIASPAN®. Along with diet, NIASPAN is FDA-approved to:

  • Slow the buildup or even help clear away some plaque that builds on artery walls – when used in combination with diet and a bile acid binding resin (another cholesterol medication) in patients who have a history of coronary artery disease and high cholesterol
  • Reduce the chance of having another heart attack in patients with a prior history of heart attack and high cholesterol
  • Help raise HDL (good) cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood
The website is NIASPAN.

Today is traditionally Thanksgiving Diner for the Albright side of the family - another turkey & more family fun. This is also the day we usually celebrate my sister's birthday & even though my heart is weak, I plan to annoy her anyway! My special gift for her today is an awesome Sponge Bob Birthday cake! Happy Birthday Ginny!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thankgiving!

Well, a Thanksgiving to remember! It is truly a time to be Thankful!

My list:
Family - a great family to be together and share the day!
Friends - as an educator & coach our family has hundreds of friends
Faith - an awesome church & people who are keeping our family in prayer

Today, I'm forgetting the "Heart Stuff" & focusing on Thanksgiving!
A Thanksgiving Poem!

All in a Word

By Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells ~~~THANKS---for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Little Bypass Surgery History

OK, how about some bypass history.


The first coronary artery bypass surgery was performed on May 2, 1960, at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Bronx Municipal Hospital Center by a team led by Dr. Robert Goetz and the thoracic surgeon, Dr. Michael Rohman with the assistance of Dr. Jordan Haller and Dr. Ronald Dee.

So, 5o years later it is my turn!


Terminology - There are many variations on terminology, in which one or more of "artery", "bypass" or "graft" is left out. The most frequently used acronym for this type of surgery is CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) (pronounced 'cabbage'), pluralized as CABGs (pronounced 'cabbages').

OK, I'm having a cabbage!


Number of bypasses

The terms single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass, quadruple bypass and quintuple bypass refer to the number of coronary arteries bypassed in the procedure. In other words, a double bypass means two coronary arteries are bypassed (e.g. the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and right coronary artery (RCA)); a triple bypass means three vessels are bypassed (e.g. LAD, RCA, left circumflex artery (LCX)); a quadruple bypass means four vessels are bypassed (e.g. LAD, RCA, LCX, first diagonal artery of the LAD) while quintuple means five. Bypass of more than four coronary arteries is uncommon.

So far, I could be having a TRIPLE - I'd rather be playing baseball!

So, here I am 50 years later, a CABG, that could be a TRIPLE. One week till my consult with the surgeons.

Thanksgiving Eve 2010

This Thanksgiving will definitely be different! Food, football & Heart Surgery! Will enjoy time with family, enjoy the turkey, and plenty of great football games!

Family First:

Jared, our oldest son will be home this year. For the past 8 years, he has been in Iraq 4 times! So every other year he is home for the holidays! Josh, who is still in Lancaster, will also be able to enjoy the family fun! The big difference this year for the boys is they both have awesome girl friends to share time with the family(although Jared's is in Australia & that is an entire story in itself!) That will be great! Thursday will will be with Sue's family at her sister Nancy's house & Friday at our house with my sister's family.

For me it will be no catching football & watching what I eat!!!

As far as football games, here are the games to watch!

12:30 New England at Detroit - more indigestion for Lions fans - Patriots by two touchdowns!
4:15 New Orleans at Dallas - the Cowboys come back to earth - Saints by 4 points

8:00 Texas A&M at Texas - LONG day for the Longhorns A&M by 10

12:00 West Virginia at Pittsburgh - Panthers claw the Mountaineers by 6 points
2:30 Auburn at Alabama - The Crimson Tide upsets the Tigers from Auburn 24-17
7:00 Arizona at Oregon - The Ducks show off another ugly uniform & beat Arizona 30-14
10:15 Boise State at Nevada - Nevada scares the Broncos 34-27

Great Football - Great Food - Great Family Time!

Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers from all! We are a lucky family to have
the 3 F's at this time in our lives! FAITH-FAMILY & FRIENDS!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23, 2010 - Visit to Family Doctor

Today had an appointment with our family doctor. We discussed the following:

* Checked incision were "Heart Cath" entered into the leg
* Talked about the choice of Heart Surgeons & the politics of our two hospitals
Lancaster General vs. Lancaster Regional
* My choice for Heart Surgeons is Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Lancaster - Dr. Burlingame
* Discussed paperwork for medical leave from work - will try to get Surgeons to complete
* Discussed Meds & what I should be taking
* Discussed new ideas for a Cardiologist - the one I had was attached to Lancaster Regional

Still waiting to see if I can get in earlier than December 2. Called the heart surgeons office and no openings due to someone canceling. I will need to behave for 9 more days.

Called the athletic department at school & told the athletic director I will not be coaching winter track & score keeping for the girls basketball team. Still have plans for Spring Track!

Also, called a set up a tee time for my comeback for Easter Monday, April 25th @ Fairview. They thought I was crazy!

Surgery still set for sometime the first week in December.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Last Friday I had my first "Heart Cath" test! Had to be there at 5:30 AM! Go into the hospital half asleep - this is good - save on anesthesia! Did the paper work, put on one of those lovely hospital gowns & away we go! Nurses were great, doctor did a great job, and here are the results:

Right Coronary Artery - 99% blocked!
Circumflex Artery - 70% blocked
Left Anterior (descending) 50-60% blocked

Heart "Cath" was not bad & did not take long - seemed like about 20 minutes. Of course, got a little light headed when they removed the device used to fish through my leg artery! They needed to put pressure on it for 15 minutes & with every thing else my head started spinning! Nurses reacted well, and brough me back from La-La Land!

Recovery - 4 hours resting on back & two hours on chair & home to rest for next exciting chapter!

Found thus great site explaining "Heart Cath" At the Cleveland Clinic.

Why This Heart Blog!

It's everywhere!

Musician's sing about it - Billy Ray Cyrus "Achy Breaky Heart"

Coaches say it - "You gotta have heart!"

Boss's stress it - "Let's get to the heart of the matter"

And your can't live without! Well, I'm there! After denying it for about three weeks, I finally went to the doctor! (Typical male!) I thought I could fix it myself! Little rest, eat right for a week, (some duct tape) and a lot of prayers, I could heal myself!

Nope! Ain't gonna happen! So this week from family doctor, to cardiologist, to the hospital for a heart catheterization and guess what? Three blockages! Now it's on to a surgeon & what the plan will be to fix it! Stay tune - more to come!

My Heart Under Repair

Well, here we go! Something I can do will sitting at home and waiting for my next doctors visit! This blog is to inform, share, question, and stop me from GOING CRAZY AT HOME!

Hope this will share my experience and help others that are going through heart issues of their own!